"Bastard, you look down on me!" The ponytail man was also in a hurry, forgetting the gap between himself and Ye Changfeng, he just turned over and jumped up, raising the basketball with both hands to prepare to shoot.

"You're too short to jump!" Ye Changfeng just waited to see the ponytail man jump up before jumping up, as if he didn't take his opponent seriously.

"Damn!" Ye Changfeng jumped too high in front of the ponytail man, completely blocking all his shooting angles.

"Get down!" Ye Changfeng pressed one hand on the basketball held up by the ponytail man, and then his arm was slightly forced!

bang!The ponytail man only felt a huge force from the basketball to him, and then lost his balance in the air in an instant, and fell directly to the floor.

"Hmph! I haven't touched you yet, why did you fall!" Ye Changfeng grabbed it with one hand after landing, and looked coldly at the man in ponytail who was standing on the ground in pain.

At this time, the referee put the whistle in his mouth, but there was no way to call Ye Changfeng a foul, because Ye Changfeng's cap was too neat and tidy, without the slightest sloppiness, and even did not touch the ponytail man at all.

It's a very nice shot!

Bang!Bang!Ye Changfeng began to dribble the ball quickly. This time, Ye Changfeng did not choose to pass the ball. Instead, he held the basketball in his hands and ran wildly, faster than before!

"Haha, Fengyu High School is over! That guy Ye Changfeng is serious!" The four members of the Sakuragi Legion in the stands began to beat gongs and drums.

"It's so fast!" Taijiro Itakura, the first guard of Fengyu High School who was directly passed by Ye Changfeng with speed, didn't react at all, Ye Changfeng swept past him like a gust of lightning like a gust of wind!

Soon Ye Changfeng dribbled the ball into the three-point line in the half court of Fengyu High School.

At this time, Nan Lie, known as the ace killer, slid in front of Ye Changfeng, and he was going to use his iron elbow to give Ye Changfeng a blow in the face, and also knock Ye Changfeng off the field.

"Humph! Want to use the same move again? Do you really think I'm an idiot~ˇ?" Ye Changfeng took a step to Nan Lie, then jumped up and stretched out his body.

"It's so high!" The audience in the stands was so shocked that their eyes almost fell.

Ye Changfeng's ball was so high that Nan Lie's iron elbow could not even reach Ye Changfeng's waist, let alone hit Ye Changfeng's head.

"My God, what does Ye Changfeng want to do?" Mu Shen was taken aback for a moment.

Ye Changfeng's body continued to rise, and he didn't mean to stop and shoot.

"Don't even think about scoring a goal!" Nan Lie also jumped up, he wanted to throw Ye Changfeng directly off.

But he found that Ye Changfeng's legs had reached his shoulders.

"Go!" Ye Changfeng shouted, and his body just leaned forward.

Boom!After a dull collision, Ye Changfeng raised the basketball with his right hand and stretched it backwards, pulling it into a curved bow!

bang!In an instant, it turned into a back-bow again, smashing the basketball into the basket ruthlessly.

31 is better than 4!

Everyone at the scene was stunned, because ▉▉ Ye Changfeng was pulling the basket and riding it on Nan Lie's shoulder.

In other words, Nan Lie is suffering the humiliation of Ye Changfeng's crotch!

Snapped!Ye Changfeng pulled the basket up, ▉▉ patted the backboard before it slowly fell.

Two steps inside the free throw line were dunked by the rider, and they were still riding on the ▉▉▉. The domineering degree of this ball made the audience at the scene sluggish.

"How does it taste?" After landing, Ye Changfeng glanced coldly at Nan Lie, who was in a daze, and then turned back to defend.

"Wow! It's so handsome!" The people on the Xiangbei bench first burst into strong cheers.

The people in Xiangbei were also angry at the destruction by the gang of Fengyu High School. At this time, Ye Changfeng, the sky-shattering riding buckle, relieved his anger greatly, and everyone in Xiangbei couldn't help but applaud.

"Wow! Qikou! It's Qikou!" Many of the neutral spectators in the stands had originally become fans of Xiangbei, but now almost all of them are fans of Xiangbei.

Do not!To be precise, it is a fan of Ye Changfeng alone, because Ye Changfeng's dunk is too shocking.

The stretch of action, the combination of strength and skill, is not just as simple as pleasing to the eye, but a dunk that is almost artistic.

"Xiangbei! Xiangbei! Xiangbei!" The audience in the stands didn't know Ye Changfeng's name, so they only called Xiangbei to cheer for Ye Changfeng in unison.

"Haha... It seems that it has become the home field of Xiangbei!" A golden light flashed on the high head force glasses.

"I said Toyotama High School is over, and that's true!" Kiyoda Nobunaga put his hands behind his head, looking like he should have done so long ago.

At this time, Nobunaga Qingtian was also very surprised. Ye Changfeng's jumping power was exaggerated to such a degree. You must know that the opponent's player was also nearly [-] meters tall, and Ye Changfeng could actually ride on his shoulders.

"That ball just now, Ye Changfeng did it on purpose! I think he could even fly directly over Nan Lie's head if he wanted to!" Mu Shen said solemnly.

"This..." Everyone in the Hainan High School had personally witnessed Ye Changfeng's demonic bouncing, and now his bouncing seems to be even more demonic than before.

On the field, offense and defense transition.

Toyotama High School played a run-and-gun game, and the first ball was directly broken by Miyagi.

"Running and bombing? You want to play, running and bombing without a good point guard passing the ball!" Ye Changfeng didn't even bother to laugh at Fengyu High School's ignorance.

bass!After Miyagi intercepted the ball, he threw the basketball directly to the basket of Toyotama High School.

bang!Ye Changfeng flew in the air, grabbed the basketball with one hand, and directly slammed the basketball into the basket in front of the opponent's ponytail man and center.

The ponytail man and the center of Fengyu High School tried their best to suck up Ye Changfeng, but they lost their balance and fell a dog to eat shit.

beep!beep!Beep~▉ The sentencing whistle sounded, "The players of Fengyu High School are fouled, the two-point goal is valid, and an extra penalty is added!"

"Okay! It's two plus one!" The Xiangbei substitutes cheered. There was no suspense in the game, but it looked like a final (alright Zhao) game.

"Trash! Just you rubbish still want to hold me?" After Ye Changfeng landed, he glanced at the ponytail man who fell on the floor and the opponent's center Mitsuki Iwata, "Try to pull me again, I promise you will live forever. memorable!"

"You!" The ponytail man was sweating profusely, and a chill rose in his heart, "This man is a monster!"

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