"So fast! As expected of the ace of Xiangbei!" Many spectators in the stands also came to Ye Changfeng.

The super performance of Ye Changfeng in the national competition has attracted many fans to become its die-hard fans, and many people are intoxicated by Ye Changfeng's dunk.

"Come on, Ye Changfeng's performance!" All the audience who know Ye Changfeng's ball style know that once Ye Changfeng mentions high speed, the result is likely to be a dunk.

bass!Ye Changfeng passed by several players of Shanwang Industry in an instant!

Boom!Ye Changfeng stepped heavily on the free throw line, and then jumped straight up.

Compared with the previous Sakuragi, Ye Changfeng jumped higher, and the attitude of flying in the air was much better than Sakuragi.

Everyone at the scene held their breath and cast their eyes on Ye Changfeng.

bang!Ye Changfeng didn't stay in the air too much. After gliding in front of the basket, he took advantage of the situation and slammed the basketball into the basket of Shanwang Industry's half court.

"My God... What did I see?" Maeda Koji was also watching Ye Changfeng's ball live for the first time. Originally, he was only a little interested in Shanno Industry, but now he was shocked by Ye Changfeng's dunk. .

"Director, replay in slow motion!" Maeda Koji roared into the microphone, "It's amazing, audience friends, let's watch it again!"

The audience at the scene all looked up at the big screen on the ceiling of the basketball hall. The big screen was on all sides, so fans in all four directions could see it.

Chapter 128, he can magic

The big screen at the scene began to repeatedly play Ye Changfeng's dunk action before the game.

"It's really a dunk from the free throw line, and the action is very beautiful. Mr. Sugiyama, do you know who I think of when I see his action?" Maeda Koji has begun to growl.


"It's Dr. J Owen, this kind of dunk that glides like a big bird is exactly the same!" Maeda Koji was a little excited, as if he had discovered a new continent.

"Sugiyama-kun, what do you think, you don't seem to be very surprised!"

"Cough! Cough!" Sugiyama coughed twice, "It's really powerful. As far as I know, there are no players in the Japanese national team who can jump and dunk from the free throw line, even if they step on the line!"

In fact, Sugiyama has watched Ye Changfeng's slam dunk countless times. After Ye Changfeng refused to join Fukasawa Sports University, Sugiyama has repeatedly watched Ye Changfeng's game video that he could get.

In those games, Ye Changfeng had more dunks than the free throw line, so Sugiyama wasn't very surprised.

The audience at the scene was different. Many audience members came for Ye Changfeng. Of course, they knew that Ye Changfeng's dunks were against the sky, but more audiences came for Shanwang Industry.

They never even watched the Xiangbei game, just watched the bouncing of Ye Changfeng in basketball magazines, and they thought -100- was hype.

And Ye Changfeng's warm-up button before the game made these guys completely shut up.

At least no one called Ye Changfeng to Sakuragi before, because they felt that it was best not to provoke this enchanting guy.

"Sure enough, it's the same as what you saw on the video, it's hard to deal with!" Goro Domoto, the coach of Sanno Industry outside the field, looked at Ye Changfeng's figure with a burning gaze.

Everyone in the Shanwang Industrial Field was just dumbfounded. Watching Ye Changfeng's dunk at the scene was different from watching it on the video, and the impact was quite large.

beep!Just then, the referee blew the whistle.

Since it was broadcast live by major TV stations across the country, the original appearance ceremony for this final was also canceled in order to save time.

Ye Changfeng was also satisfied with this, that kind of boring appearance ceremony had no meaning other than making the audience roar twice.

It is more fulfilling to conquer the audience with ball skills on the court.

"The match between Akita Prefecture Sanno Industries and Kanagawa Prefecture Shohoku High School is about to start. The red side is Shohoku High School, and the white side is Sanno Industries! Now salute!" the referee announced.

"Please give me more advice!" The players of the two teams saluted each other, and the battle was about to break out.

"Ahhh! Come on, Xiangbei! Xiangbei!"

"The King is Invincible! The Mountain King is Invincible!" The support teams of the two teams in the stands also began to confront each other.

"The game starts!" The referee picked up the basketball and walked to the center line. The centers of the two teams also stood on the side to prepare for the ball.

The lineup played on the Xiangbei side remains the same as the previous main force. Shanwang Industry also pays enough attention to Xiangbei, and does not dare to be careless, and the main force is on the stage.

"Okay, the game is finally about to start!" Maeda Hiroshi in the commentary room spoke very quickly, "The jumpers are the centers of the two teams, Masashi Kawada and Takeshi Akagi. According to statistics, the two centers have previously played in the national competition. The jump ball, without a miss. Who will win this time?"

As soon as Maeda Koji finished speaking, the referee threw the basketball high in the air.

"Ah!" Kawada Masashi and Akagi Goken both shouted, jumped up at the same time, and stretched out their right hand to play the basketball in the air.

Boom!The two met the basketball almost at the same time, and the moment the basketball changed its trajectory, Ye Changfeng started.

"Wow! Both of the two centers have touched the basketball, and the basketball is flying even higher!" Maeda Koji explained in real time, "Who will the ball be in the hands of?"

Snapped!Suddenly, a red figure jumped up and grabbed the basketball in the sky, and then landed firmly on the ground.

"It's the No. [-] Ye Changfeng from Xiangbei!" Maeda Koji has already started to growl, "He jumps too high, even higher than the touch heights of the two teams!"

Bang!Bang!After landing, Ye Changfeng (dbdj) did not pause, and directly started to attack Shanwang Industry with the ball. The opening game was very important, and Ye Changfeng did not care at all. The teams that arrive are not at the same level at all.

bass!The first person to appear in front of Ye Changfeng is the captain of Sanno Industry, who is also known as the first point guard of the Japanese high school league - Fukatsu Kazushi.

His height is [-] meters, which is considered tall among point guards, but Ye Changfeng is six centimeters taller than him.

"Defense! Defend! Defend!" The support team of Shanwang Industry in the stands has already started to support in an orderly manner.

bass!Shenjin Yicheng directly stepped forward and kept close to Ye Changfeng, which was his own performance for his own defense.

Shenjin Yicheng made a lot of small moves, constantly putting pressure on Ye Changfeng, and the intensity of defense was very high, which was completely different from the previous team.

"Haha... Nice defense! But are you sure you want to be so close to me?" Ye Changfeng's center of gravity sank for a moment.

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