26 is better than 16!

"Wow! It's Sakuragi Hanado's layup, and Xiangbei scored again! [-] points! The super dark horse Xiangbei High School leads the king Shanno Industry by [-] points! It's unbelievable!" Maeda Koji in the commentary room was excited.


"Great, Sakuragi!" The bench of Xiangbei High School was boiling again.

"Sakuragi! Sakuragi! Sakuragi!" Sakuragi shouted in unison for the first time in the stands, which made Sakuragi even more excited.

"Wow ha ha ha... see it or not... this is the strength of this genius!" Sakuragi laughed.

Goro Domoto had to make adjustments on the side of Sanno Industry, replacing Mikio Kawada directly with a new power forward.

In the next nine minutes, Ye Changfeng was also replaced by coach Anxi at 5.5, and the game entered a tug-of-war.

Shanwang Industry is worthy of being the king, and it quickly adjusted. After Ye Changfeng in the north of Xiangbei came off the court, Shanwang Industry's offense became much more comfortable, and the defense was not so tight.

However, the shooting percentage of both teams is not too high, after all, it is the final, and the defensive intensity is not comparable to the previous games.

Until the referee blew the whistle for the end of the first half of the game, Xiangbei finally entered the halftime with a score of 42-36 leading Shanno Industry by six points.

After Ye Changfeng came off the court, Sakuragi was also quite active. Needless to say, rebounding, he scored several shots in a row, and he became a true core ACE player in Xiangbei.

But all of this is just the beginning of the finale. The real showdown and excitement are reserved for the second half of the match between Xiangbei High School and Shanno Industry...

Chapter 141, The Second Half Begins

"Xiangbei! Xiangbei! Xiangbei!" The support group of Xiangbei High School on the stand was so powerful that the fans were quite crazy.

"Shanwang! Mountain King! Mountain King!" Shanwang Industry's fans did not show weakness. Although Xiangbei was ahead in the first half of the game, after Ye Changfeng came off, it was actually Shanwang Industry that slightly pressed Xiangbei to play, bringing the score back a little. point.

"Wow! The first half of the exciting final is over. Let's take a look at the data of the two teams!" The computer screen in front of Koji Maeda in the commentary room displayed the stats of all the players of the two teams in the first half. data.

The data of Shanno Industry is average and there is no bright spot, while the Xiangbei High School is different. There are three data that are particularly eye-catching.

One is Mitsui Shou's score. In the first half, Mitsui Shou made six of six three-pointers and three free throws, scoring a total of [-] points, accounting for half of all the scores of Xiangbei High School.

You must know that this is the final of the summer basketball league, and the defense is very strong. Mitsui Shouneng's score of more than 31 points is twice as high as that of Kawada Masashi, who has the highest score of [-] in Sanno Industry.

The other is Sakuragi's rebounding. In fact, Sakuragi's score is also relatively bright, scoring eight points, which is regarded as the highest score in the first half of Sakuragi's basketball career.

Even more surprising is Sakuragi's rebounds, fifteen!

In other words, Sakuragi grabbed [-] rebounds in the first half alone, nearly half of which were offensive rebounds, which shows how much Sakuragi had an impact on Sanno's basket.

The last dazzling statistic is Ye Changfeng's assists. Ye Changfeng scored [-] assists in the first half, which means that at least [-] points are related to Ye Changfeng, not including Ye Changfeng's own. Score.

This is still the data that Ye Changfeng only played for eleven minutes.

"Ye Changfeng in Xiangbei is basically [-] assists in a single quarter. This should be the highest record in the finals!" Maeda Koji's eyes widened when he saw Ye Changfeng's data.

"Yes! And if Coach Xiangbei hadn't replaced Ye Changfeng, I would estimate that his assists would have reached twenty!" Sugiyama on the side had done a lot of research on Ye Changfeng.

Ye Changfeng's abilities are quite comprehensive, and the two most prominent among these abilities are dunking and passing.

Of course, these are the results of hard training based on Ye Changfeng's powerful and almost enchanting physique.

"Ah! The players from Sanno Industries have returned to the court!" Yasuda on the bench in Shohei noticed that the halftime break had not ended, and the players from Sanno Industries returned to the court.

At this time, the ace Zebei Rongzhi of Shanwang Industry also appeared again. They all looked serious, and the strength of Xiangbei High School far exceeded their expectations.

Even Goro Domoto thought that after Ye Changfeng's end, it would be a good opportunity for a massive counterattack, but Rukawa Kaede, who appeared again, showed an attack power that was no less than anyone's.

Sanno Industry only recovered four points after indiscriminate bombing, which made the players of Sanno Industry, who had never failed, nervous.

What an undefeated!

That is, no failure is allowed. Shan Wang Industry has a king and champion heart, and they are also under greater competition pressure than all teams.

"Haha... Are you finally going to get serious? Mountain King!" Ye Changfeng sat on the field for almost ten minutes, his hands were getting cold.

Ye Changfeng was actually a little disappointed in the Shanwang Industry, which was known as the undefeated king. Although Shanwang Industry was already the most powerful opponent he had ever faced, Shanwang Industry did not show the strength it should have.

In particular, Zebei Rongzhi, who is known as the ace, did not show his due strength at all, which made Ye Changfeng feel like he was alone and begging for defeat.

In the first half, Ye Changfeng hadn't made much of a move. Even with Sakuragi as the core, Shanwang Industry couldn't resist it. He dared to call himself a king. Ye Changfeng could only say that the previous team was too good. Weak or Sanno Industry deliberately hides its strength.

"I hope they just hide their strength and keep it for the second half... Don't let me be too disappointed, Shan Wang!" Ye Changfeng glanced at the Shan Wang Industry people on the field.

Snapped!Snapped!At this moment, Coach Anxi clapped his hands, "Everyone performed well in the first half, but everyone should forget about it!"

"Yes!" Everyone in Xiangbei responded in unison.

"It's only halfway through the game, we need to pull Shanwang Industry down from the throne of the king... Now is the beginning of the real challenge! In these twenty minutes..." Coach Anxi pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, A golden light flashed.

"Bring out all of your...technologies...strength, endurance and training results!" Coach Anxi said with a rare stern look.

"If that's the case, I'm afraid they won't be able to resist!" Ye Changfeng said with a slightly upturned corner of his mouth.

"This..." Everyone in Xiangbei was dumbfounded, but they were also used to Ye Changfeng's arrogance.

Ye Changfeng's arrogance is based on strength. Over the past year, everyone in the Xiangbei basketball club has been with Ye Changfeng day and night.

Including the most rebellious Rukawa Feng, no one does not admire Ye Changfeng.

I am the first to come to the basketball hall every day, and at the same time, I am the last to go every day, and I even wish I could sleep directly in the basketball hall.

Under this overloaded training intensity, Ye Changfeng turned out to be rain or shine.

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