"Get it out, stinky boy!" Mitsui Shou hurriedly ran to Ye Changfeng's side to meet Ye Changfeng.

Ye Changfeng didn't move but just lifted the basketball with one hand and shook it over his head, preventing Zebei Rongzhi and Shenjin from reaching the basketball.

Both Shenjin Yicheng and Zebei Rongzhi are shorter than Ye Changfeng, their wingspan is not as good as Ye Changfeng, and their strength is incomparable, and they can't reach the basketball held up by Ye Changfeng at all.

Even if he jumped up and grabbed it, Ye Changfeng would dodge in an instant.

"Little San, you go to the front first!" Ye Changfeng waved at Mitsui Shou.

"Wow! Ye Changfeng from Xiangbei is signaling his teammates to come forward. He doesn't take Shanwang Industry's full-court pressing in his eyes at all!" Maeda Koji in the commentary room exclaimed.

"Too crazy, too domineering!" Many fans in the stands were dumbfounded, Ye Changfeng planned to break through the blockade by himself despite being double-teamed.

"Damn! How dare you underestimate me!" Zebei Rongzhi and Shenjin Yicheng squeezed Ye Changfeng at the same time, trying to force Ye Changfeng to make mistakes.

This kind of action is between fouls and no fouls, and the referee generally does not whistle for the smoothness of the game.

"Go away!" Ye Changfeng is all too familiar with the crowd pressing, and he has faced this situation countless times.

The first is not to panic, and the second is to have absolute strength and extraordinary dribbling skills.

Snapped!Ye Changfeng finally put down the basketball and started dribbling the ball. At this time, four seconds had passed. If Ye Changfeng did not dribble the ball past half court within eight seconds, it was an eight-second violation, so the time left for Ye Changfeng was only [-] seconds. Just four seconds left.

Snapped!Slap (get it)!Bang!Bang!Under the double team of Shenjin Yicheng and Zebei Rongzhi, Ye Changfeng was able to dribble the ball quite freely, and his speed was getting faster and faster.

"Left!" Zebei Rongzhi saw an opportunity and reached out to reach the basketball in Ye Changfeng's hands like lightning.

Snapped!At this moment, Ye Changfeng pulled the ball to let the basketball pass from his back through his crotch to the front.

And at this moment, Ye Changfeng threw the basketball with his right hand like lightning.

Snapped!The basketball passed between Fukajin Ichicheng's legs, and Ye Changfeng's body started instantly, and the ball passed.

Bang!When Ye Changfeng reunited with the ball again, what he left to Shenjin Yicheng and Zebei Rongzhi was the back of the No. [-] jersey that quickly disappeared.

Ye Changfeng's series of actions are bold, careful, and full of skills, and they have been tempered a lot!

The result was shocking!

Chapter 143, Tomahawk Slam Dunk

All the audience held their breath, and their eyes converged on one person, that is Ye Changfeng, who was rushing forward.

Sanno Industry adopted a tactic of pressing the whole court, and Fukajin Ichicheng and Zebei Rongzhi had already been passed by Ye Changfeng in an instant.

Except for Mitsui Shou in the Xiangbei half, Xiangbei High School is a four-on-three situation in the frontcourt.

Bang!Bang!Ye Changfeng's dribbling forward speed is getting faster and faster, and Sanno Industry's defense expert Ichinokura Satoshi slides to block the three-point line. He wants to block Ye Changfeng's footsteps as much as possible.

Snapped!His body instantly leaned forward to Satoshi Ichinokura's right side, and Satoshi Ichinokura's body blocked his left side like a conditioned reflex.

At this moment, Ye Changfeng sent the basketball to his crotch with his right hand. When the basketball reached Ye Changfeng's left hand, Ye Changfeng's body retracted.

"Damn!" Ichinokura Satoshi showed blue veins on his forehead, and he exerted his strength to suck the milk to make his body extremely change direction and slide in front of Ye Changfeng. At the same time, his body leaned forward against Ye Changfeng. .

"Okay! Ichinokura! Stop it!" Before the fans of Shanno Industry could cheer, Ye Changfeng pulled the basketball with his left hand and turned his body, just past the body that Satoshi Ichinokura put on.

A gust of wind flew by in front of Ichinokura Satoshi, and Ye Changfeng turned around and passed Ichinokura Satoshi clean.

"It's so beautiful! What is this -530-person? My God! I've never seen such a gorgeous and wonderful action!" Maeda Koji in the commentary room roared frantically.

Seeing this, he has forgotten that he is a commentator. What kind of commentary skills and fairness are needed. He is a fan watching the game, and he sincerely marvels at Ye Changfeng's continuous series of extraordinary actions.

bass!Sanno Industry's two major insiders, Masashi Kawada and Masahiro Nobe, stood in front of the three-second zone and raised their hands to form the last line of defense of Sanno Industry.

Now that Ye Changfeng's speed has accelerated to the limit, only the basket is left in his eyes, and he has no intention of passing the ball at all.

In fact, Rukawa Feng's position was empty. From the perspective of passing, Ye Changfeng should pass the ball.

However, Ye Changfeng's goal was the first goal of Xiangbei High School in the second half. In order to improve the team's momentum, Ye Changfeng decided to play it himself.

Boom!One step into the free throw line, Ye Changfeng's body suddenly jumped up.

"Come on! That kid is going to perform!" Mushen in the stands looked solemn. He knew that with Ye Changfeng's character, this shot was definitely not as simple as shooting.

"Don't think about the past!" Kawada Masashi roared, (dbbc) jumped high, his hands blocked in front of Ye Changfeng.

Masahiro Nobe jumped up without hesitation, and the two formed a human-shaped high wall in the air, blocking all the sight in front of Ye Changfeng.

"You guys are trying to block me, too naive!" The corners of Ye Changfeng's mouth were slightly upturned, and his body in mid-air rushed upwards at high speed.

Without any dodging, without any fancy moves, Ye Changfeng just slammed into the high wall made up of two people.

Boom!After a dull body collision, Ye Changfeng forcibly squeezed past the two centers of Shanwang Industry under the stunned gaze of tens of thousands of spectators at the scene.

bang!The huge bodies of Masashi Kawada and Masahiro Nobe were directly knocked down by Ye Changfeng and fell to both sides.

And Ye Changfeng jumped directly in front of the basket like opening a door.

At this moment, Ye Changfeng's body froze in the air, and the basketball raised in his right hand was thrown backwards.

bang!There was a painful cry from the basket, and Ye Changfeng slammed the basketball into the basket in a tomahawk style.

44 is better than 39!

"Ah!" After Ye Changfeng landed, his right hand was still swinging, and at the same time, a roar resounded throughout the basketball hall!

Immediately after looking around, Ye Changfeng raised two fingers at the stand where the fans of Shanwang Industry were, and put them in front of his mouth, which meant that you should shut up!

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