"Wonderful, that two-handed dunk just now! Is the king's counter-roar going to start with this ball?" Maeda Koji in the commentary room was also excited.

He didn't want this game to lose the suspense too early, only the fierceness of the needle against Maimang is the real classic.

Snapped!Snapped!Xiangbei's attack was still organized by Ye Changfeng.

Rukawa Kaede and Mitsui Shoudu consumed a lot of physical strength due to the previous pressing of the audience. Ye Changfeng did not play fast breaks anymore, but slowed down the rhythm of the game.

Players on the Xiangbei court need a short rest, and the best solution at this time is to play inside!

"Give me the ball!" Akagi kept taking a position on the inside of Sanno Industry, trying his best to keep Masashi Kawada behind him.

Snapped!Snapped!Ye Changfeng dribbled the ball under the crotch with both hands, and then ignored Kazuki Fukajin in front of him, and directly hoisted the basketball into the inside line.

Snapped!The basketball fell firmly into the hands of Akagi Takeken.

"Come on! Brother!" Akagi Haruko in the stands became nervous.

"Akagi! Please!" Akagi's friend Mu Mu outside the arena also stared at the two who were fighting.

Snapped!Akagi turned around forcibly, then put down the basketball and wanted to break through Kawada Masashi directly from the bottom line.

It's a pity that Akagi Gangxian was blocked back almost instantly. Masashi Kawada defended very well and predicted Akagi's attack in advance!

"I was... seen through?" Akagi was startled.

Chapter 149, the return of the king?

"Defense! Defend! Defend!" At this moment, the support team of Shanwang Industry in the stands shouted desperately. They could not accept that the king would fail like this.

"Akagi, you've been seen through by me!" Masashi Kawada looked at Akagi with a blank expression.

"Damn it!" Akagi passed the basketball back to Ye Changfeng, and at the same time, turned around and squeezed into the inside line.

Snapped!Ye Changfeng hit the ground and passed the basketball to Akagi's hands accurately.

"Good pass!" Akagi was overjoyed, Ye Changfeng's pass was just right, as if he was leading Akagi to attack directly.

This time, Akagi didn't hesitate. After catching Ye Changfeng's pass, he jumped up with both feet and lifted the basketball directly.

"Huh?" Kawada Masashi was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect Ye Changfeng to pass the basketball to "Zero Seven Zero" in such a narrow angle.

"I want to win!" Akagi held the basketball back with his right hand, and a small hook shot threw the basketball directly and gently.

"You are so naive! This is the gap between us!" Masashi Kawada roared, unexpectedly sending Akagi's hook shot from behind with a heavy fan.

"Nani!" Akagi was completely stunned in the air. Originally, he thought that his choice of hook and layup should be foolproof.

"Gorilla...he's blocked...he's still blocking the fly!" The other three people on the Xiangbei field were also stunned at the same time.

"This guy Chimu's movements are too simple, I taught him dream dance moves for nothing!" Ye Changfeng shouted directly at a few people on the Xiangbei court, "The ball is in their hands, what are you still doing, go back to defense! "

Snapped!Snapped!The basketball that was fanned by Masashi Kawada fell into the hands of Kazunari Fukajin, who launched a quick counterattack without even thinking about it.

"Good cap!"

"Good job, Hetian!" The fans of Shanwang Industry in the stands were boiling, and they saw the hope of a comeback.

bass!The speed of Ye Changfeng's return to defense was extremely fast, and within a few breaths, he caught up with Shenjin Yicheng, and directly blocked Shenjin Yicheng.

"Damn... His speed is too fast!" Fukajin Yicheng still has nothing to do with Ye Changfeng, "Obviously he is the most active running person on the field, but he sweats the least, so he is superman and won't get tired. ?"

"Pass it on to me!" At this time, Masashi Kawada passed by Kazunari Fukajin.

Snapped!Fukatsu Kazunari made a cross pass and passed the basketball to Masashi Kawada's hands.

Snapped!Snapped!As a center, Masashi Kawada started to dribble at a high speed.

Akagi also kept up with Kawada Masashi for the first time. Since he was easily passed by Kawada Masashi before, this time Akagi intentionally maintained a defensive distance from Kawada Masashi.

In a few steps, both of them came to the three-point line of Xiangbei High School.

Then everyone in Xiangbei, including Ye Changfeng, was a little surprised that something happened.

Kawada Masashi hugged the basketball from beyond the three-point line, and then jumped directly in front of Akagi and threw the basketball directly.

"Nani!" Akagi looked surprised and did not respond.

"It's a three-pointer!" Some spectators in the stands exclaimed.

"The center shoots a three-pointer?" Maeda Koji yelled in the commentary room, "It's unbelievable!"

唰~▉ The ball drew a flat and low arc in the air, and finally bounced on the inner edge of the basket and bounced into the basket!

It's a three-pointer from Masashi Kawada!

"I cao! Really entered!" Ye Changfeng couldn't help yelling.

44 to 55!Sanno Industry narrowed the score gap to one point!

"Go in! Go in! Go in!" Maeda Hiroshi roared repeatedly, and at the same time, the fans of Sanno Industry in the stands went completely crazy.

"Kawada! Hetian! Hetian!" For a while, the cheers of Masashi Kawada in the venue turned out to be the cheers that overwhelmed Ye Changfeng.

"It's crazy, they actually let the center shoot the basket. Is this still the Shanno Industry, which is known for its stable killing without blood?" Sugiyama, the commentator in the commentary room, was also very surprised.

"This shows that Shanwang Industry has been driven to a dead end by Xiangbei. They have decided to give up everything they have in the past and give full play to their full strength!" Maeda Koji couldn't hide the excitement in his eyes, "This is the game we want to see. what!"

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