"I'm going... what's so surprising!" Ye Changfeng shook his head, "It's good to give you two free throws and two free throws for a deliberate foul. If you want me to say that you'll be sentenced to a physical foul, you will be sent off immediately. No problem!"

"Okay! Here comes our chance!" The desire to win ignited in the eyes of the Xiangbei High School bench.

"Wow! Xiangbei High School got a chance of two free throws and one throw! They are only two points ahead of Shanno Industry, this is a good opportunity to open the score!" Maeda Koji explained, "The free throw is the ace Ye Changfeng of Xiangbei , let's take a look at his free throw percentage this summer league..."

Maeda Koji motioned for the director to type a chart of Ye Changfeng's free-throw percentages from the previous game on the screen in front of him.

"Nani!" Maeda Koji was startled, "Ye Changfeng's free throw rate is actually 100%, and the number of free throws has exceeded [-]. The previous [-] free throws were all made!"

"All hits?" Everyone at the scene was stunned when they heard the news through the radio, "What are you kidding, how could someone be so accurate?"

"Daomoto... If you still can't think of a solution, the game will be over!" The tall head in the stands pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and his eyes drifted to Goro Domoto outside the field.

Swish!Swish!Ye Changfeng's two free throws were fast and steady, without any problems, they were all hollow!

So far, Ye Changfeng has made all [-] free throws in the summer league, ranking first in the shooting percentage, even surpassing the so-called god pitchers of all teams!

76 to 72!Xiangbei's lead was extended to four points while still holding the ball.

"This free throw is too accurate. At such a critical moment, it is not soft at all!" Some spectators in the stands were amazed.

What they saw was that Ye Changfeng was on the court, making free throws with ease, but they couldn't see the sweat of Ye Changfeng training off the court.

Ye Changfeng practiced not only three-pointers, but also free throws every day. He pursued perfection and did not allow himself to miss a good game because of free throws.

And this kind of tragedy that ruined a good game because of free throws, or even handed over the championship, Ye Changfeng has seen too many times.

On the field, Goro Domoto didn't call a timeout or give any instructions for Xiangbei's possession of the ball.

In fact, Ye Changfeng felt that at this time, a timeout should be called to arrange a strategy to defend Mitsui Shou, because everyone on the scene knew that Xiangbei would also let Mitsui Shou shoot three-pointers.

And Xiangbei did just that. Akagi Gangxian once again made a pick-and-roll for Mitsui Shou, Matsumoto Minoru, and Mitsui Shou slipped out of the bottom line. The previous ball was almost the same line, it was like replaying slow motion. .

Snapped!Snapped!The basketball was passed to Mitsui Shou from Ye Changfeng without hesitation!

bass!Shou Mitsui threw the ball when he took it, regardless of the defense in front of him or his position.

Swish!And the basketball went straight into the hoop like a precision-guided missile!

"Is it a three-pointer again?" Maeda Koji yelled excitedly, and then snorted, "No... The referee signaled that Mitsui Shou stepped on the line. It was a long-range two-pointer, what a pity!"

78 is better than 72!

Even so, Xiangbei extended the advantage of the score to six points!

"Wonderful! It's really wonderful!" All the audience at the scene were boiling, no matter if they were fans of Xiangbei or Shanno Industry, they all sincerely applauded Mitsui Shou's performance at this time.

Ye Changfeng didn't think that the first person to beat the fans of Shanno Industry was not himself, but the man of flames, Mitsui Shou, who never gave up.

"Okay!" Ye Changfeng and Mitsui Shou gave a high five. At this time, it became very difficult for Mitsui Shou to raise his hand, but the fire of fighting spirit burning in his eyes was getting stronger and stronger.

Ye Changfeng felt an aura from Mitsui Shou that he had never felt before, as if Mitsui Shou was boiling.

"Hmph... That's the case! Now there is only a gamble!" Goro Domoto's eyes flashed with gold, and he finally gave an instruction to his players.

"Kawada!" Goro Domoto called to Masashi Kawada.


"Keep your eyes on Sakuragi, and don't let Xiangbei grab any offensive rebounds!" Goro Domoto said solemnly, Goro Domoto's series of momentum is due to the X factor on the field of Xiangbei High School, which is Sakuragi Flower Road, and his rebounding.

As long as the rebounding is under control, Xiangbei's Mitsui Shou cannot always be so accurate!That's what Goro Domoto has in mind as a top coach.

Chapter 163, the changing situation

"Naive!" Ye Changfeng curled his lips in disdain. "Xiangbei is no longer a one-man team. Do you think it is useful to guard against one? Besides, Masashi Kawada may not be able to guard against Sakuragi!"

"Wow! He Tian is complicated to guard that red-headed boy!" The fans of Shanwang Industry in the stands were surprised.

On the other side, Mikio Kawada, who had been sitting off the court, was also replaced by Goro Domoto, who would mark Akagi!

"Can Mikio deal with the opponent's center? The opponent's center, Akagi, is also very strong!" The fans of Sanno Industries were obviously not very confident in Kawada Mikio.

"I will do my best to protect the basket!" Kawada Mikio didn't want to let down coach Domoto's trust.

"Is this going to put the last treasure on the inside line?" Ye Changfeng glanced at the changes in the Shanwang Industrial Field.

On the court, Sakuragi was so excited that he missed his defender, and Kawada Mikio turned around and shot a goal with his only move.

74 is better than 78!

"I'm going... Sakuragi, what kind of plane are you doing? You don't need to be so happy, right?" Ye Changfeng looked helpless, the only thing he couldn't predict on the field was Sakuragi.

"Hehe... Mountain King is afraid of this genius! They sent this bald orangutan who played gorillas around to stop me from rebounding and alley-oops!" Sakuragi looked smug.

"Flower Road... He's actually laughing!" Several people in the Sakuragi Legion in the stands were stunned.

"Hahaha! Come on, you bald orangutan! You can't stop my genius!" Sakuragi suddenly shouted at Masashi Kawada.

"Haha! I understand!" Kawada Masashi gave Sakuragi a smile that was uglier than crying.

Snapped!At this time, at Xiangbei High School, Ye Changfeng still passed the basketball to Mitsui Shou, who raised his hand and threw it away. This time, it was a step away from the three-point line. Mitsui Shou's physical function at this time could not be accurately judged. own location.

It's how far from the three-point line, it's all based on how he feels as a shooter.

But this time Mitsui Shou's shot unfortunately slipped out of the frame, and the basketball bounced again.

"Rebound!" Goro Domoto yelled from the sidelines.

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