And the moment Zebei Rongzhi chose to pass the ball just now, the game was over!

Because Ye Changfeng has decided to fully display his full strength within these five minutes.

"Ball!" Ye Changfeng directly reached out to Mitsui Shou for the ball.

"Stinky boy, you!" Mitsui had never seen Ye Changfeng with such an expression.

Snapped!The basketball was in Ye Changfeng's hands, and Ye Changfeng turned over and started running the ball to Shanwang Industry's half court by himself.

bass!It was Zebei Rongzhi who appeared in front of Ye Changfeng, and the next moment everyone was stunned.

Ye Changfeng didn't wait for Zebei Rongzhi's center of gravity to sink completely, and he passed Zebei Rongzhi's side almost like a flash of lightning.

"How is this possible? Just got rid of -313-?" Goro Domoto, who was outside the field, was stunned, and everyone on the field was also shocked.

Ye Changfeng, when everyone was exhausted, was able to raise the speed that was already quite abnormal to a whole new level.

"It's too fast! Lord Ye Changfeng is a gust of wind, you can never catch it!" Maeda Koji said this phrase that was hailed as a famous saying by later generations.

"What! Zebei was passed over so easily?" Everyone on the bench of Shanwang Industry was also stunned.

"Damn!" When Zebei Rongzhi turned over and returned to defense, he found that Ye Changfeng had already jumped up in the three-second zone of Shanwang Industry's inner line, and Ye Changfeng left him only a man who could never catch up. Back view.

"Shanwang and me!" Kawada Masashi jumped high. As the country's chief center, Kawada Masashi never gave up his hope of winning, not to mention that the score is only four points away. He always believes that Shanwang Industry can reverse the defending title.

bass!When Kawada Masashi thought that Ye Changfeng was going to perform a slam dunk or pull bar against him again, he was ready to commit a foul, and even was ready to drop Ye Changfeng directly.

But Ye Changfeng didn't give him any chance, he shot!

Before Ye Changfeng jumped up completely, he shot the basketball directly.

Fast and calm, Ye Changfeng's shot pierced into the heart of Shanno Industry like an icy arrow!

Swish!Two points hollow into the network!Pull-up jump shot!

94 is better than 88!

"Go in, a perfect jump shot! It took Ye Changfeng less than six seconds to go from catching the ball to attacking!" Maeda Koji kept flipping his lips.

"too/fast! too/▉tron! too/▉ood!" Maeda Koji burst into English with excitement.

"Okay!" The bench in Xiangbei was boiling, and the entire basketball hall turned into a sea of ​​red again.

And Ye Changfeng didn't do anything, just turned back to defend.

On the field, Ye Changfeng stopped defending Zebei Rongzhi as he said before. At this time, standing in front of Zebei Rongzhi was Rukawa Feng and Sakuragi!

Xiangbei took a double-team against Zebei Rongzhi, which is the tactic of Anxi coach.

It is obvious that Zebei Rongzhi's mood is fluctuating, and his dribbling is far less confident than when he was fighting against Ye Changfeng before.

Snapped!Sakuragi slapped the basketball in Zebei Rongzhi's hands.

"Ah!" Everyone in Shanwang Industry was shocked.

In an instant, a fiery red figure flew by Sakuragi's side, it was Ye Changfeng!

Ye Changfeng controlled the basketball that was shot by Sakuragi, and then directly counterattacked with the ball.

"Okay! Changfeng! Come on!" Mu Mu outside the field stood up excitedly.

"Go!" Haruko Akagi in the stands also shouted rarely.

Bang!Bang!Bang!The speed of Ye Changfeng's dribbling is completely different from before. At this time, he only has the basket in his eyes, completely ignoring the crowd (dbdb) of Shanwang Industry in front of him.

With cold light in his eyes, Ye Changfeng rushed into the inside line of Shanwang Industry like a cheetah.

At this time, Masashi Kawada, the insider of Sanno Industries, and Masahiro Nobe, who had just been replaced, jumped up to form a white wall of people.

And Ye Changfeng had already shot the basketball before the two of them jumped completely, and then made a pull-up jumper.

Swish!Still hollow into the network!

96 is better than 88!

"Wow! Entering again!"

"It's so handsome!" The fans in Xiangbei in the stands were completely boiling, Ye Changfeng was like a scoring machine, asking for anything from Shanwang Industry.

"Good boy!" Mitsui Shou ran over and gave Ye Changfeng a high five.

"Is this Ye Changfeng with full firepower?" Mu Shen in the stand looked at Ye Changfeng's figure with a burning gaze, "He has been improving all the time!"

On the field, Sanno Industry insider Masashi Kawada counterattacked. He reluctantly shot on Akagi and hit a mid-range two-pointer.

90 is better than 96!

And Ye Changfeng didn't pay any attention to what his opponent was doing, but reached out to Mitsui Shou again for the ball.

Snapped!The basketball was in Ye Changfeng's hands, and after Ye Changfeng dribbled the ball beyond the three-point line of Shanwang Industry, he completely ignored Zebei Rongzhi in front of him, suddenly jumped up and raised his hand and threw it!

Three point shot!

"It's a three-pointer, he shot too quickly, he won't make it!" When Shenjin Yicheng turned around, he was stunned.

The net rolled into a white wave, and the three-pointer hollowed into the net!

99 is better than 90!

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