Zebei Rongzhi was flashed by Ye Changfeng. In fact, Ye Changfeng turned his right wrist flexibly and passed the basketball to Mitsui Shou who was beyond the three-point line.

"Damn it!" Matsumoto Minoru hurriedly chased after Mitsui Shou, but Mitsui Shou had already thrown the basketball out, a three-pointer!

Minoru Matsumoto was in no hurry to put away his body. At this point in the game, his physical strength was almost exhausted!

ah!Matsumoto Minoru and Mitsui Shou collided, directly knocking Mitsui Shou, who was already unstable, to the ground.

And the three-pointer that Mitsui Shou cast drew a perfect arc in the air and entered the net hollow!

The audience fell silent.

"Three-point goal is valid!" The referee instantly dropped the three fingers that were held high, "Shanwang Industry No. [-] player pushes a foul! One extra penalty!

"Wow! It's three plus one! It's awesome!" The audience was instantly ignited by Mitsui Shou's magical projection.

There was a look of fear in Matsumoto Minoru's eyes!

"Mitsui did a good job!" Mu Mu couldn't help shouting loudly outside the court, he knew how difficult it was for Mitsui Shou to make this shot.

"It's really great to be able to join Xiangbei, and it's really great to be able to witness this!" Emperor Jiaotian, the bench of Xiangbei, even shed tears of excitement.

"Okay!" Akagi ran over and gave a high five to Mitsui Shou!

Ye Changfeng's eyes lit up, "Maybe this is the opponent I have been looking for, and my opponent has always been by my side!"

"Xiangbei! Xiangbei! Xiangbei!" The Xiangbei support team on the stand shouted in unison, and they felt infinitely proud as a Xiangbei fan.

Who, which team can beat the undefeated Shanwang Industry to the point of no temper?

Only Xiangbei!

Swish!With Mitsui Shou's penalty hit, 114 to 94!

Xiangbei was ahead of Shanwang Industry by as much as [-]%, and there were less than fifty seconds left in the game.

The victory or defeat was already decided, but the audience at the scene was still waiting for a wonderful goal.

And the run-and-gun attack of Mercury in northern Hunan never disappoints the audience.

On the Sanno Industrial side, the basketball is still in the hands of Masashi Kawada.

In the case of Zebei Rongzhi's lack of fighting spirit, Kawada Masashi became the last hope of Sanno Industry.

Although Kawada Masashi knew that such a large score gap was already powerless.

But Masashi Kawada is still conscientious, turning around and jumping under the basket, he wants to protect the final dignity of the king.

Boom!However, Akagi, who was suppressed by Masashi Kawada for the entire game under the basket, smashed the final dignity of the king to pieces!

He slapped the basketball in the hands of Masashi Kawada with one palm!

"Good job! Akagi!" Mu Mu shouted outside the arena.

Sakuragi caught the basketball that Akagi fanned out, and at this time, Fukatsu Kazunari and Zebei Rongzhi came around, and they wanted to break the basketball in Sakuragi's hands.

"Give it to me!" Ye Changfeng suddenly flashed to Sakuragi's side!

Snapped!Sakuragi threw the basketball up, a height that no one except Ye Changfeng could pick up 213 basketballs.

"It's so high!" Exclaimed outside the court, Ye Changfeng jumped in the air and slammed the basketball down with one hand.

Fight back!Another quick counterattack from Xiangbei!

The essence of run-and-gun is the non-stop offense, right up to the last second at the end of the game.

Snapped!Snapped!Snapped!Ye Changfeng dribbled the ball before halftime and just passed the basketball forward.

A red figure jumped from the three-point line of Shanno Industry, gliding through the air, and finally caught Ye Changfeng's long pass to the basket!

It's Rukawa Maple!

Super long air connection!

scold!After Rukawa Kaede caught the ball, he stood up in the air, and his body opened completely in an instant.

Bang!Then there is a super buckle, and then it falls gently.

Rukawa Feng's dunks are always like this, elegant and unrestrained, and they look very freehand.

116 is better than 94!

The slaughter in Xiangbei has not yet ended, and the last pride [Pride] of the poor king Shanwang Industry has also been crushed and crushed.

No one will be the champion forever, no one will be undefeated forever!

"It's aerial relay again, is this the true strength of Xiangbei High School? It's too strong! I've never seen such a strong team!" Maeda Koji roared, he almost forgot that he was a commentator, he couldn't wait He also became a member of Xiangbei High School.

Experience this great team for yourself!

Chapter 176, Champion Xiangbei!

For the next twenty seconds, Shanno Industry had already given up the game.

The entire audience stood up and began to applaud, the applause resounded throughout the basketball hall.

Although Shanwang Industry was powerless, this final was undoubtedly a great game. The players of both teams tried their best, and the game was once very stalemate.

The sudden outbreak of Ye Changfeng brought the game to an early end, which made this epic final less exciting and more legendary.

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