Ye Changfeng casually glanced at the distribution of the other four on the field.

Fuji Zhen was behind him, Mu Shenyi had already entered the red team's three-point line, and Xiandao Zhang opened the red team's defense line to the left.

The fish was too big to turn around because of his size, and he was held at the end.

At this time, the easiest player to score among the five players on the field is undoubtedly Mu Shenyi.

Ye Changfeng changed the basketball from one crotch to his left hand, and then his left hand moved the basketball forward very covertly.

Swish!The basketball passed through the gap between Rukawa Kaede and Mitsui Shou, and flew directly in front of Mu Shenyi.

"Good boy!" Mu Shenyi finally felt the charm of Ye Changfeng's passing.

This pass was like leading Mu Shen to jump to the basket. After catching the basketball, he immediately got up and shot the basket.

From passing to scoring, everything is so smooth!

4-2!The White Team completed this lightning-fast counterattack in under four seconds.

"This guy!" Mu Shen turned and glanced at Ye Changfeng's back, who had turned around. Ye Changfeng's pass just now had backspin as always, which made Mu Shen very comfortable after catching the ball, and he almost didn't need to do it. With any adjustment, picking up a basketball is shooting it.

As a result, Sakuragi on the inside didn't react at all, Ye Changfeng's pass was too penetrating.

"As expected of Changfeng!" Mu Mu nodded off the field.

Whether it's Mu Shenyi and Ye Changfeng, or Fuji Zhen and Ye Changfeng, the cooperation is well-established, and it doesn't look like a temporary team at all.

"How? Without me, you can't do it?" Ye Changfeng glanced at everyone in Xiangbei, and then said deliberately.

"What! Brat!" Mitsui Shou was instantly provoked by Ye Changfeng to fight.

"I won't lose to you today!" Sakuragi was very excited.

Akagi didn't say anything, just ran to the front court with a black face. Obviously, as the captain of Xiangbei, he didn't want to be beaten by such a temporary team.

In the end, it was Rukawa Feng, with a cold light in his eyes.

In the previous final with Shan Wang, Ye Changfeng made Rukawa Feng a cannon-type attacker who could catch the ball, and Ye Changfeng knew that Rukawa Feng had potential.

In Ye Changfeng's view, the potential of Rukawa Feng may be even greater than that of Zebei Rongzhi. He just needs an opportunity to explode completely.

This game may be the biggest chance.

For everyone in Xiangbei, this is an opportunity, a chance to get rid of Ye Changfeng and let their strength change qualitatively.

Obviously, it can be seen from the expressions of the five people on the red team that they are serious.

"Ah! The situation is not good for Akagi, Senior Mitsui and the others!" Someone from Xiangbei's substitute said.

"Don't worry, the game has just started! The exciting things are still to come!" Mu Mu pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and he began to look forward to this game...【

No one can imagine what will happen to the all-star Kanagawa lineup in the face of the all-star Kanagawa lineup without Ye Changfeng.

On the field, Miyagi still organized the attack.

"Come on, Ryoda! Give me the basketball and let me solve this middle-aged man!" Sakuragi kept waving towards Miyagi on the inside for the ball.

"Damn red-haired boy!" As soon as Mu Shen was called a middle-aged man by Sakuragi, he was very angry.

"What are you talking about! I'll take the ball!" Rukawa Feng said coldly.

"What?" The two enemies quarreled again.

"What are you doing! These two!" Mu Mu covered his head, not knowing what to say for a while.

Miyagi carefully guarded the basketball and did not choose to pass the basketball to Rukawa Kaede or Sakuragi.

Instead, he passed the basketball to Mitsui Shou who was beyond the three-point line!

At this time, defending Mitsui Shou is immortal!

"It's such a guy!" After Mitsui received the ball, he clearly felt the pressure brought by the defense of Xiandao.

You must know that it is only for talent, and Xiandao is not inferior to Rukawa Feng and Zebei Rongzhi.

"What's the matter, Mitsui! After winning the championship, are you ready to retire?" Xiandao Zhang's center of gravity sank slightly.

"Damn! How dare you underestimate me!" Mitsui made a fake move in front of Xiandao and stepped inside the three-point line, then retracted his right foot, and returned to take off outside the three-point line again.

A series of movements are very smooth and fast, obviously it has been practiced for 1.0 for a long time.

This step back and jump shot is a new move that Mitsui has recently practiced, and this is the first time he has used it on the court.

"Oh?" Xiandao didn't expect Mitsui Shou to use this move, he was slightly taken aback, and let Mitsui Shou throw the basketball.

Another iconic three-pointer.

bass!The arc of the basketball is very high and the direction is very positive.

But as soon as he shot, Mitsui Shou felt that something was wrong, so he shouted at Sakuragi on the inside, "Sakuragi, rebound!"

"No problem! Leave it to this genius!" Sakuragi pushed aside Mu Shenyi under the basket.

Compared with strength, the current Sakuragi is not afraid of anyone except Ye Changfeng, and after so many games at this time, Sakuragi's awareness and basic skills of rebounding are already quite good.

Snapped!The basketball really came out of the frame and bounced into the sky.

Bang!Sakuragi also jumped high at this time, and grabbed the basketball with his right hand like lightning!

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