At this time, it was Ruchuan Feng who was defending Ye Changfeng. Ruchuan Feng had always regarded Ye Changfeng as the target of his pursuit, and now is the time for him to prove himself.

Snapped!Snapped!Ye Changfeng dribbled the ball under his crotch continuously in front of Rukawa Feng, and his movements were as fast as convulsions.

However, Rukawa Feng was unmoved and played such a good basketball with Ye Changfeng. It can be said that Ruchuan Feng's attack pattern against Ye Changfeng is very familiar. Even many times, Rukawa Feng is imitating Ye Changfeng inadvertently. Actions.

"The defense is good!" Ye Changfeng tried to deceive Rukawa Feng with fake moves, but Rukawa Feng kept a good defensive distance and was not confused by Ye Changfeng's actions.

And just when Rukawa Feng thought that Ye Changfeng was going to force a breakthrough, the basketball in Ye Changfeng's hands disappeared!

"Where's the ball?" Rukawa Feng was shocked, and when he looked back, the basketball had already reached the fish in the basket.

Ye Changfeng cleverly took advantage of the line of sight, and hit the basketball through the entire defense line of the red team at once.

"Good pass!" Yu lived at the basket and shouted. He finally knew why Akagi could attack every time he received the ball, because Ye Changfeng's pass was really in place. ˉ≮Alternative: ^≯「

After catching the ball, Yu Zhu didn't even have to think about it, there was no one in front of him, he just got up and smashed the basketball into the hoop.

This method is quite suitable for Yu Zhuchun who is not high in ball quotient!

Boom!The fish lives under the basket and jumps directly, raising the basketball with both hands and smashing it into the basket!

At this time, Chimu was not in a hurry to stop him, because he was blocked by Ye Changfeng, and Ye Changfeng gave Yu Zhuo a cover.

Just when Ye Changfeng thought there was nothing wrong with the ball, a fiery red figure sprang up.

It's Sakuragi Flower Road!

Sakuragi forced his way through Ye Changfeng and Akagi, and jumped instantly.

He jumped after the fish, but Sakuragi's bullet speed was much faster than the fish.

With a bang, Sakuragi's right palm fell from the sky and slapped directly on the basketball that Yu Zhu held tightly in both hands.

The two of them were shouting in the air, competing for strength, and in the end, the two were evenly matched!

Sakuragi used one hand to hold the fish's hands and the momentum of the weight, and the basketball was squeezed into the sky from the hands of the two.

"Damn!" Yu Zhu's face flushed instantly, Ye Changfeng created such an opportunity for him, if he still can't pour it in, it's really unreasonable.

▉ ask for flowers

Snapped!Because of the location of the fish, he took off the basketball again in the air before everyone in the basket.

"Give me in!" Yu Zhu had blue veins on his forehead, and he took the basketball and slammed into the hoop!

"Boss Monkey, come down!" Sakuragi's eyes flashed with golden light, and this time he jumped higher than everyone else!

His hands were placed on the basketball that Yu Zhu raised, and Yu Zhu's strength was instantly suppressed by Sakuragi. He lost his balance in the air and stumbled to the ground and almost fell.

And Sakuragi grabbed the basketball abruptly in Yu Zhu's hands with both hands.

"Continuously blocking center striker Yuzhu?" Mu Mu was stunned, "It's amazing! Is this Sakuragi's current strength?"

"Ah!" Sakuragi screamed in the sky after landing, venting the pride in his heart.


"How is it, Xiaofeng? My cover is not bad!" Sakuragi challenged Ye Changfeng with a basketball.

"Hmph! Sakuragi, this stinky boy!" Ye Changfeng has never been provoked like this before, and speaking of arrogance, Sakuragi is not much worse than Ye Changfeng.

It's just that Sakuragi used to be regarded as a joke by everyone. Many times, it can be handsome but it becomes funny.

And the current Sakuragi is indeed much stronger than in the past. Many times, when a player accumulates to a certain level, he will undergo a qualitative change and his entire strength will rise to a higher level.

And the current Sakuragi is undoubtedly a leap, and the X-factor Sakuragi flower road on the field is a big explosion at the beginning!

"Good job!" The Xiangbei substitutes outside the field couldn't help applauding Sakuragi.

"Sakuragi's side!" Miyagi ran to Sakuragi specifically to prevent him from passing the ball too much.

Bang!Bang!Taking the pass from Sakuragi, the red team started to counterattack quickly.

Sakuragi, Rukawa Kaede and Mitsui Shou's three quick forward moves, Miyagi behind, the red team used the three-line fast break that Xiangbei used to!

This style of play is familiar to everyone in Xiangbei from the main force to the bench. It was a style of play that Ye Changfeng forced to practice every day.

This style of play has high requirements on the movement of the players and the speed of the organizer.

The members of the red team are obviously very familiar, and the current Miyagi is not much worse than Ye Changfeng in terms of speed!

PS: There is only one more slam dunk today, and I don’t feel like anyone is watching. I’m a little tired after this month, so I’ll write it slowly.

Chapter 183, the three-point rain

bass!The basketball was thrown directly by Miyagi over the basket in the White team's half court.

bang!Sakuragi rushed to the front, jumped high in the air and slammed the basketball directly into the basket.

It's air relay!And it's quite a domineering air pick!Sakuragi Flower Road's continuous score!

11 is better than 8!

"Well poured, Sakuragi!" Mu Mu outside the field couldn't help applauding.

"Wow, haha, seeing this genius's performance, I really am the ace super genius!" Sakuragi laughed proudly.

"Stinky boy!" Mu Shenyi and Yu Zhu were both very angry.

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