"Haha! It seems that only today came out to defend you, Xiaofeng!" Sakuragi also came back to his senses and laughed out loud...?

Rukawa Feng, who was on the side, also had a cold light in his eyes, and his face returned from surprise to that cool paralyzed face, "The one who won is me!"

On the field, the game continues!

After Ye Changfeng dunked the ball, the red team was inspired to fight, and the five players on the field were obviously more active.

At this stage of the game, everyone on the court forgot which team they belonged to.

There are no Xiangbei, Hainan, and Lingnan on the field, only the red and white battles between the red team and the white team.

At the critical moment, it was Mitsui Shou again. Mitsui Shou stood against the defense of Xiandao and Shenzong Ichiro, and forcibly hit a three-pointer under the condition of extremely deformed posture.

47 to 49!The difference between the two teams is still within three points.

"You!" Ichiro Shenzong saw the man who never gave up in the final of the national competition again in a trance.

"Boys, you are still far behind!" Mitsui Shou smiled slightly, then turned around to defend.

"Mitsui, good shot!" Mu Mu cheered on the sidelines.

"Little San, remember to pass the ball to me, you will know how to be handsome!" Sakuragi ran over and complained.

Mitsui Shou turned back and patted Sakuragi's head, "You kid, you will have a chance to play later!"

Looking back, the white team is still Ye Changfeng's ball control, and it is also Ye Changfeng's attack.

At this moment, the red team changed, and it turned into a two-three defense. It was clear that 3.8 did not want Ye Changfeng to break through easily. Shoot me off the line' look.

And Ye Changfeng is really rude. He jumps directly outside the three-point line without any reason, and lifting the basketball is a three-pointer and throws the basketball.

The action is very crisp and neat, not in the slightest.

"Changfeng's three points!" The Xiangbei substitutes outside the field couldn't help but stand up.

Swish!The basketball draws a fast and flat arc in the air, and then it hollows into the net!

From advancing to the final three-point goal, Ye Changfeng's one-stop attack took only three seconds.

52 is better than 47!

Just two and a half minutes after the start of the second quarter, the white team's total score reached [-] points, which was completely an offensive battle.

Chapter 186, Unstoppable

"Too comprehensive, Chang Feng!" Mu Mu couldn't help sighing outside the venue.

In fact, Ye Changfeng has always had a good three-point shooting rate, and most of Ye Changfeng's three-pointers are three-pointers in the offense, not open three-pointers after receiving the ball.

Ye Changfeng just doesn't want to shoot three-pointers by himself most of the time.

Because the eternal truth on the basketball court is that the closer you get to the basket, the greater the probability of scoring a goal.

When the opportunity is not particularly good or when a specific shot is needed, Ye Changfeng rarely throws three-pointers.

This is the rule that Ye Changfeng, as a top point guard, almost blends into his blood.

Of course, on the court, it will not be static. Many times, when the game rises, no one can control that much!

Even Ye Changfeng couldn't keep a calm heart forever on the field, because what jumped in his chest was a bloody heart.

On the field, the red team's counterattack.

This time, Miyagi carefully dribbled the ball after half court and handed the basketball directly to Rukawa Kaede!

At this time, it was Akira Xiandao who was defending Rukawa Kaede, and the two fateful old opponents met again.

After the experience of the national competition, Rukawa Feng is no longer the only dance-only, proud and even arrogant Rukawa Feng.

Now Rukawa Feng is more calm, more like a killer, who takes people's lives unknowingly.

Snapped!Snapped!The basketball jumped back and forth between Rukawa Feng's left and right hands, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

On the other hand, Xiandao, who was opposite him, looked at Liu Chuanfeng with a stern face, and the center of gravity of his body sank to the limit.

The two have similar physical qualities, and their abilities and talents are also comparable. In a sense, this duel is really a battle between dragons and tigers.

Snapped!At this moment, Rukawa Kaede moved, and his right hand suddenly threw a basketball forward, and then his body protruded to the left side of Xiandao to the top of the arc near the white team's free throw line.

"Don't be so easy!" Xiandao's defensive ability has always been good. He didn't lose his position. He took a small step back at an extreme speed and blocked Rukawa Feng again.

bass!At this moment, Rukawa Feng suddenly pulled the basketball back with his right hand, and the whole movement was done in one go, fast and agile.

After a turn, Rukawa Feng's body and Xiandao opened a distance!

Xiandao's eyes flickered, and his body bowed and stuck to it again.

At this moment, Rukawa Feng unexpectedly jumped directly. Without completely shaking off Xiandao Akira, Rukawa Feng jumped, and his body kept leaning back in the air.

"It's a back shot!" The Xiangbei substitutes outside the court exclaimed in unison.

Rukawa Feng's back shot is different from Ye Changfeng's extremely difficult and disappointing. Rukawa Feng's back radian is not too big, but the movement is easy and elegant, and it looks very pleasing to the eye!

bass!Rukawa Feng didn't wait for his body to take off, he threw the basketball backwards.

It was too late for Xiandao to block the block at this time, and the basketball flew out rubbing Xiandao's raised right hand.

despair!despair!The basketball finally landed on the hoop. After bouncing up, it bounced on the hoop several times in a row, and finally turned over and jumped into the net.

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