Sakuragi pressed the five fingers of his right hand on the basketball that Yu Zhu raised, and was pressing down continuously.

"What!" Yu Zhu was so surprised that he was a little stunned, his strength was suppressed by Sakuragi, and he was actually pressed down by Sakuragi with one hand.

boom!After the two landed, Yu Zhu staggered and almost fell, while Sakuragi grabbed the basketball with one hand. The block that swung the opponent's center down with one hand was too domineering.

The audience was quiet for a second, and then Xiangbei's substitute outside the field shouted excitedly.

"So handsome!"

"Perfect cap!"

"Isn't this what Changfeng did?" Mu Mu pushed the eyes on the bridge of his nose, the back of Sakuragi catching the ball with one hand overlapped with Ye Changfeng's back in Mu Mu's eyes.

Snapped!Snapped!What everyone didn't expect was that Sakuragi even started to dribble the ball one-stop, and the dribbling speed of 2.2 was very fast, with a similar feeling.

For a long time, most of the people in Kanagawa Prefecture, including Shinichi Maki, Sendo, etc., have defined Sakuragi as a newcomer who can't dribble. In fact, after so many games, and practicing dribbling with tennis every day.

Sakuragi can now dribble two tennis balls at the same time without mistakes. In fact, his dribbling is already very good among middle school students.

With fast speed and no jerky dribble, Sakuragi swept the entire court like a red whirlwind.

Snapped!When Sakuragi stepped into the white team's three-point line, only Ye Changfeng was left in front of him.

"Come on! Sakuragi, let me see what you are capable of!" Ye Changfeng's eyes were bright and his heart was burning. He suddenly felt as if he had been waiting for this moment since he came to the world of slam dunk.

The moment of confrontation with Sakuragi Flower Road!

Chapter 191, the end of the half

Snapped!Sakuragi didn't speak, but took a big step forward, holding the ball with both hands at the same time, in front of Ye Changfeng, jumped directly from the free throw line with a big step.

"Hmph, do you want to get hard, Sakuragi!" Ye Changfeng also jumped straight from the spot, his body rocketing up like a rocket.

The eyes of everyone on and off the field were on the two flying in the air.

"I'm going to dunk!" Sakuragi grabbed the basketball with his right hand and stretched it backwards. At this time, Sakuragi's body was fully opened in the air. He actually wanted to face Ye Changfeng and dunk the basketball into the basket on Ye Changfeng's head. among.

"If you want to dunk on my head, you are [-] years too early! Sakuragi!" Ye Changfeng's body collided with Sakuragi in the air.

Boom!The dull sound of body collision resounded throughout the basketball hall, and everyone was stunned.

Because Sakuragi collided with Ye Changfeng in the air and didn't lose his balance, but pushed Ye Changfeng slightly apart, and their bodies flew under the basket almost at the same time.

This is the first time that everyone on the scene has seen someone in the air and Ye Changfeng directly fight against the wind without falling behind.

"Stinky boy, you're so powerful!" Ye Changfeng didn't expect that Sakuragi could radiate such exaggerated power when he was in a state of excitement.

"Go in!" Sakuragi finally picked up the basketball and smashed it into the basket. At this moment, Ye Changfeng's body was forcibly stabilized in the air, and Ye Changfeng still had a slight advantage over his ability to stay in the air.

With a loud bang, Ye Changfeng's right hand pressed against the basketball under Sakuragi's swing.

"Damn!" Sakuragi found that no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't keep pressing down.

At this moment, Sakuragi made an action that no one thought of, including Ye Changfeng, he retracted the basketball, and then avoided Ye Changfeng in the air, before landing, changing the basketball Hands to the basket.

The whole action is done in one go, it is not like a difficult action that Sakuragi can do.

"This kid can also pull the lever?" Mu Shen was stunned in place, and the people in Xiangbei outside the field also widened their eyes.

Swish!At this moment, the basketball bounced on the hoop twice, and finally fell into the hoop.

59 is better than 65!

"Go in...¨"..." The four people on the red team were also stunned. In their impressions, no one could force a goal under Ye Changfeng's hard defense.

"Good boy, this goal is beautiful!" Mitsui Shou ran to Sakuragi's side and patted Sakuragi's shoulder fiercely.

Sakuragi was unusually quiet at this time, his hands were shaking, "I scored?"

Even Sakuragi himself never thought that he could score a goal under Ye Changfeng's strict guard. This was unimaginable before. Sakuragi did what not even Rukawa Kaede could do!

"Stinky boy! Played me!" The corners of Ye Changfeng's mouth were slightly raised, and blood was surging in his chest. He hadn't felt this way for a long time.

Encountering good opponents, encountering powerful enemies, this kind of blood boiling feeling.

"Ball!" Ye Changfeng raised his head and glanced at the time on the scoreboard. There was one minute left before the end of the first half, and Ye Changfeng directly reached out to Shenzong Ichiro for the ball.

Snapped!The basketball was in Ye Changfeng's hands, and Sakuragi scored a ball that changed hands under the basket. Ye Changfeng naturally wanted to return one, and it was a courtesy!

Snapped!Snapped!Ye Changfeng quickly dribbled the ball past halftime. This time, Ye Changfeng did not pass the ball again, but chose to break through.

The figure flickered suddenly, and between the shoulders shaking, Ye Changfeng's ghostly figure had come to the left side of Miyagi, taking a big step forward, Ye Changfeng directly threw away Miyagi.

Everything seemed so relaxed, in front of Ye Changfeng, Miyagi was like a spectator, only watching himself being passed by Ye Changfeng without any way to stop him.

Snapped!The left hand continued to shoot the basketball forward, and then continued to take a big step forward. At this time, only Akagi Gangxian and Sakuragi who stepped directly in front of Ye Changfeng were left in front of Ye Changfeng.

With his right hand, he grabbed the waving basketball in his hand like lightning, and Ye Changfeng jumped directly in front of Sakuragi.

Boom!At this time, Akagi and Sakuragi in the inner line also jumped up with Ye Changfeng!

"You can't stop me!" Ye Changfeng's chest gushed out with blood, and his body lowered forward in the air and changed hands, almost exactly the same as Sakuragi's movement just now.

But the speed is faster, and the control of the body is more perfect, and the posture in the air is very good.

call!Sakuragi fluttered his right arm forward, and when he looked back, he could only see the back of Ye Changfeng's No. [-] jersey.

At this moment, the time seemed to freeze, but Ye Changfeng's body was still moving. After changing hands, Ye Changfeng instantly raised the basketball with his right hand.

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