"Go! Killing serve!" Hyuga yelled.

Snapped!Snapped!Kageyama came to the teeing ground and slapped a few volleyballs with his right hand.

"Even if I'm alone, I can score!" Kageyama threw the ball up, followed by starting, jumping, spreading his arms, and hitting the ball.

Jump serve vigorously!

Kageyama's movements are done in one go, and at first glance, he has experienced countless exercises, and his movements are very standard.

boom!The volleyball shot by Kageyama also flew through the net like a cannonball.

"Is there really a problem with the way I use my force?" Under Ye Changfeng's super dynamic vision, he could clearly see all the movements of Yingshan's serve.

Kageyama's jump serve was simpler and faster, and Ye Changfeng felt that he had benefited a lot. At least he had a model of the standard posture of vigorous jump serve in his mind.

"Let's score!" Kageyama was also very satisfied with his serve.

bass!However, on the opposite side of the net, Kurano High School volleyball department head Sawamura Daichi moved sideways at high speed.

Swipe fast!One of the most commonly used foot movements in volleyball.

Bang!Sawamura squatted down at a high speed and easily picked up Kageyama's proud jump serve.

"Huh?" Kageyama's eyes widened, and Sawamura's ability to return the serve surprised him.

"Yamaguchi!" Tsukishima, facing the volleyball picked up by Sawamura, directly entrusted it to Yamaguchi.

Yamaguchi took off with all his strength, and then a one-handed smash.

The speed of the ball was not fast, but the volleyball still swept down from the top of the unresponsive shadow mountain and flew towards the neutral position at high speed.

bass!At this moment, Ye Changfeng slid very fast to the neutral position.

"It's even faster than Sawamura-senpai?" Tanaka outside the field widened his eyes.

Sliding is no stranger to Ye Changfeng. There are also many sliding movements in basketball. In terms of lateral sliding speed, Ye Changfeng is definitely far ahead of Sawamura.

But all this is of no use!

With a bang, Ye Changfeng wanted to bring the volleyball to the top of Yingshan's head, but the force was too great, and it hit the weave net directly and was arrested.

42!Sawamura still maintains a two-point lead.

"Damn it!" Ye Changfeng frowned, "Sure enough, the turnover rate of spiking is still very high."

"Damn! This ball was my mistake." Kageyama gritted his teeth.

"Boys, I admit that you are all talented. But you think you can get a few points. Even if you don't have outstanding talent, I have practiced catching the ball for two years than you. Don't think you can beat me so easily!" Sawamura swept Ye Changfeng and the other three seriously with a serious look on his face.

"Really? Senior, you seem to be very confident!" The corner of Ye Changfeng's mouth raised an arc. If he was invincible from the beginning, wouldn't it be boring.

What he enjoys is the process of growing up with sweat on the volleyball court.

"Yingshan, give me the ball!" Ye Changfeng said to Yingshan.

"I know. Don't order me." Yingshan still owed him money.

On the field, Sawamura's serve!

This time Sawamura's serve was picked up by Hinata in the back row. Although the quality of the catch was not high, it was still picked up after all.

"Ball!" At this moment, Ye Changfeng started to move. He took a few steps and accelerated to the right in front of the net.

"On the right!" Tsukishima immediately followed Ye Changfeng. The opposite tactics were too obvious. Tsukishima was holding his breath, trying to intercept Ye Changfeng's spike.

"You've been fooled!" Just as Tsukishima was moving at a high speed to the right.

Ye Changfeng suddenly kicked his right foot on the ground, changed direction [-] degrees, and moved at a high speed to the left.

Such a sudden change of direction is like a routine for Ye Changfeng, very easy, and after the change of direction, the speed does not drop but increases.

"Damn!" Tsukishima seemed to want to keep up with Ye Changfeng, but his feet didn't obey him at all. In such a high-speed movement, it was not easy to stop, let alone an extreme change of direction.

"As long as I'm here, you can play the ball as you like, don't doubt yourself!" Ye Changfeng's figure flashed, in the amazed eyes of everyone in the volleyball department.

In the blink of an eye, he moved from the right side of the net to the left side and stepped up.

"Go!" The golden light flashed in Ying Shan's eyes, and in an instant, the cells in his whole body felt invigorated.

During his high school days, he was always looking for a teammate who could cooperate.

However, his level is much higher than other teammates, and he will not be flexible, so Kageyama will be isolated and finally dubbed the lonely king.

Now it was different, Yingshan saw a light, and saw a door that he had been looking for to open a new realm.

bass!The volleyball was held up by Ying Shan with all his strength. This time, the volleyball spun at a high speed and flew right in front of Ye Changfeng!

Chapter 015, Single Iron Wall (please customize)

"Amazing! In an instant, I caught up with Changfeng-kun's rhythm, reflexes, awareness, ability to control the ball, and a superb sense of the ball. Is this the true ability of the genius setter Toshio Kageyama? These are all things I don't have. Talent!" Sugawara Takayuki sighed.

As the current main setter of Karasuma High School, he felt a lot of pressure. ≧Miscellaneous≮Zhi≮Insect≧

"That kid's violent smash is here!" Sawamura Dadi bowed his knees slightly across the net, and his eyes were completely fixed on Ye Changfeng. For Ye Changfeng's violent smash, Sawamura has decided to pick up the ball with all his strength.

As long as it is picked up once, it proves that Ye Changfeng's violent smash can also be picked up, and the confidence of the team is greatly improved. This is an experienced veteran.

Whoosh!At this moment, Ye Changfeng was flying in the air, and his whole body was gliding horizontally in the air. Such body control and airborne ability were not possessed by ordinary volleyball players.

"Eat me a ball!" Ye Changfeng shouted, his right hand suddenly swung back, and the volleyball with strong backspin just stopped at this moment.

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