"The first-year rookie team is too strong, and they won the next game with only one point!" ∪ Miscellaneous Ψ Zhi Ψ insects ∪

Snapped!Snapped!At this time, Ye Changfeng was already standing on the teeing ground, and he kept hitting the volleyball with his left hand.

"It's time for Changfeng-kun's serve again. It's already at the game point, and the previous blocks were very successful. He should choose a more conservative overhand serve." Sugawara held his chin and analyzed.

"I think this stinky boy will definitely jump and serve!" Tanaka, a hot-blooded man on the side, was surprised by Ye Changfeng's physical fitness, but he would never admit defeat.

Swish!At this time, Ye Changfeng rubbed the volleyball with his left and right hands, and what he recalled in his mind was the standard action of Kageyama's vigorous jumping serve that he had been observing before.

"Try it!" Ye Changfeng suddenly froze and threw the volleyball forward with his left hand. After taking two big strides, he jumped directly into the sky above the court.

"It's a vigorous jumping serve!" Everyone's eyes were attracted by Ye Changfeng.

Compared with Ye Changfeng's freewheeling movements before, this time Ye Changfeng's movements in the air clearly showed traces of control. He no longer pursued the maximum force effect, but forcibly stopped after controlling his body to slide in the air.

There was a loud bang, and then Ye Changfeng's right hand slammed into the volleyball in the air. Even though he had already pulled back, his movements were still too fast to see clearly.

bang!Amid the exclamations of the volleyball club, the volleyball swung by the long night wind exploded like a cannonball at the foot of Yamaguchi in the opposite back row.

"Ah" Yamaguchi didn't move at all, he only felt a gust of wind flying over his face, and he couldn't even see the ball clearly.

Beep - at this moment, the referee Yuko Shimizu blew the whistle, and everyone turned to look at Yuiko Shimizu.

"In bounds!" Shimizu Yuko was expressionless, and pointed his right hand to Ye Changfeng's side, indicating that the serve was in bounds and scored directly.

2517!The Night Changfeng team won the first game very quickly.

Snapped!Ye Changfeng landed steadily, walked to the net, and took a deep look at Tsukishima and Sawamura.

"What's wrong? Yuedao, senior, are you tired? You can't keep up!" When it comes to taunting and his ability to talk, Ye Changfeng is not bad.

Trash-talking has always been an art in competitive sports, and when the time is right, trash-talking can easily influence an opponent.

"Damn..." Tsukishima, who was sweating profusely, felt that he had never been so tired before, just to keep up with Ye Changfeng's rhythm in front of the net, he couldn't do it.

"Senior Sawamura! What are you doing, how can you make that stinky boy arrogant!" The bald Tanaka was indignant off the court.

"What? Does the senior also want to challenge us?" Ye Changfeng deliberately stimulated Tanaka.

"Stinky boy, see if I won't break you!" Tanaka was furious, as if he rushed onto the court, and was finally forcibly held back by Sugawara and the others.

Rest between rounds.

"Changfeng-kun's condition is getting better and better. If it goes on like this, Sawamura and the others will not be able to stop him from scoring." Sugawara stared at the players of the two teams who were resting.

"Sawamura-senpai and his team's scoring ability is not strong, they can't break the block of the first-year team." A second-year member muttered.

"Are you kidding me, can that kind of high block be broken by humans?"

"In short, there must be a way, let's watch the second game!"

Five minutes later, the two teams switched sides for the second game.

At the beginning of the second game, Tsukishima took off his T-shirt and wore only a thin vest. Before he knew it, Tsukishima was completely serious.

Under the super black-bellied appearance, Tsukishima actually has a heart that will not admit defeat.

However, the reality is cruel. In addition to the differences in physical talent, the two teams also have differences in how they approach the game.

On the Sawamura team's side, the three of them gradually became serious, but Ye Changfeng's team, the three hot-blooded guys, once set foot on the court, they all played with all their might.

As the game progressed, Ye Changfeng, who participated in the volleyball game for the first time, became more and more adaptable.

The Sawamura team's offense is lackluster. Sawamura's advantage lies in catching the ball and stabilizing the situation. The ability to smash and block the ball can only be said to be average.

In the second game, Ye Changfeng slashed and slashed again under Kageyama's exquisite pass. The success rate of smashing was more than half, 15 smashes, 8 points, 7 points for blocking, and 4 penalty kicks. net score.

Ye Changfeng alone scored 25 of the 19 points.

Of course, although Ye Changfeng made fewer mistakes than in the first game, he still made nearly 10 mistakes in catch and serve. This error rate is very fatal in regular games.

Not too bad in a three-on-three match, though.

25 to 19!The Night Changfeng team won two games in a row and won easily.

"The game is over!" Yuko Shimizu folded her hands and spread it out slowly, blowing the whistle of the end of the game.

Huhu... After the game, Tsukishima and Yamaguchi gasped for breath, and immediately collapsed on the field, not even having the strength to speak.

"Yeah! We won!" Hyuga jumped and jumped. He didn't score much in these two rounds, but he still relied on Kageyama's exquisite passing and Ye Changfeng to attract Tsukishima's attention and scored a few points.

"Oh, this kid can laugh too!" Ye Changfeng looked at Ying Shan in surprise, Ying Shan seemed very happy.

"Do you want to dominate the whole country?" Sawamura, who lost the game, looked at Ye Changfeng and laughed, "If this guy grows up, maybe it's really possible!"

"This is the end, why only two rounds?" Ye Changfeng shrugged, feeling that the game was over just after the activity started, which was very unsatisfactory.

In Ye Changfeng's impression, the volleyball game should be best of five innings, but in Japanese high school men's volleyball, the game is best of three innings, and only the final is best of five innings.

"How do you feel? Are you unwilling to lose in a three-on-three match?" Sawamura turned to look at Tsukishima.

"Nothing, anything is fine. The other party has a well-known setter in the county, as well as that guy with super perverted physique. It's not surprising for an ordinary guy like us to lose." Tsukishima turned his head, no Let Sawamura see his eyes.

"Haha, isn't it?" Sawamura smiled, "You were serious just now!"

"Qi" Tsukishima, who had broken his mind, could not help frowning, and had nothing to say.

"Senior Sawamura!" Ye Changfeng quietly appeared behind Sawamura.

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