"One more ball!" Oikawa threw the volleyball again and jumped the serve again.

Still the same power, the target is still Tsukishima.

bang!This time, Tsukishima was prepared, but he was still unable to pick up Oikawa's strong jump serve, which was a bit too powerful for Tsukishima.

18 to 22!As soon as he played, he even chased two points, and the situation on the court seemed to be reversed in an instant.

"Damn!" Tsukishima lost two points in a row, showing a very unwilling expression.

"This guy Yuedao may have more blood in his heart than anyone else!" The golden light flashed in Ye Changfeng's eyes, and he began to move back silently.

Chapter 023, Cover the sky and cover the sun

  Just when Ye Changfeng wanted to step back to help Tsukishima catch Kawatoru's vigorous jumping serve, the captain of Karasano High School Sawamura spoke up. 々 Miscellaneous

"Everyone backs up a little, Changfeng, you and Hyuga are in the front, Tsukishima is on the sideline!" Commander Sawamura changed the defensive formation of Karasuma High School.

"Yes, Captain!" Everyone in Wuye High School quickly re-positioned.

"Okay...Come on!" Sawamura stepped away, staring at Toru Oikawa, he wanted to turn the situation around with his stable return and serve ability.

"It turns out that the captain who is good at catching the ball expands the defensive range, and the first-year rookies in the team who are not good at catching the ball try to narrow the defensive range as much as possible, so that the success rate of defense can be improved!" Toru Oikawa, who has a high IQ, can see Sawamura at a glance. idea.

bass!However, Toru Oikawa still threw the volleyball confidently, without any hesitation as before.

"But ah...you can't defend the whole court with just one person!" Toru Oikawa stepped forward with two steps, followed by a smooth takeoff, and finally served with a graceful and vigorous jump.

The target is still directed at Tsukishima, who has retreated to the sideline and has no way to retreat.

Under Oikawa's excellent ball-handling ability, his serve still avoided Sawamura, who was defending with a large area in the center, and came to the front of Tsukishima almost instantly.

"It's obvious that you have intentions!" Sawamura gritted his teeth and turned around abruptly.

"It's so accurate in such a corner!" Takeda's consultant outside the field was shocked.

"Yes, but the power is smaller than before, there is a chance!" Sugawara's eyes were also burning.

"Moon!" Yamaguchi Tadashi yelled.

Bang!Tsukishima clenched his arms subconsciously, and unconsciously picked up the rapidly falling volleyball head-on.

Tsukishima had tried his best to catch Oikawa's jump serve, but he couldn't control the direction at all. After the volleyball bounced, it quickly crossed the net and flew to the half court of Qingcheng High School.

"Pick up! Good job, Tsukishima!" Sugawara cheered for Tsukishima loudly.

"Very good!" At this moment, Ye Changfeng's eyes were locked on the ball that flew high in the sky, his knees were slightly bent, and his entire attention was highly concentrated.

"Oh, it's amazing to get it! But...this is our ball of chance! A delicious ball of chance!" Oikawa's eyes flashed, and he easily passed the volleyball to the net.

"Jin Tianyi!" Qingcheng High School's setter quickly lifted the volleyball, Qingcheng High School's fast break.

Facing the unguarded net, Jin Tian, ​​the tallest man in the team, moved quickly and jumped, and then his body unfolded instantly.

"Okay! No one blocked the net at all! I won this point!" Jin Tianyi swung his right hand vigorously and slashed directly with a slash.

"You don't really think there is no defense, do you?" At this moment, the single iron wall of Karasuma High School suddenly lay in front of Kanedaichi.

"What!" Jin Tianyi's pupils shrank suddenly.

Ye Changfeng jumped so high that it was almost covering the sky.

bang!Pressing down with both hands, Jin Tianyi's spike was directly stopped by Ye Changfeng's single iron wall, and it exploded heavily at Toru Oikawa's feet.

2318!Oikawa Toru didn't respond, and he was also frightened by the height of Ye Changfeng's block. Anyone who saw this height of the block for the first time would be frightened.

Ye Changfeng's hand could almost reach out to touch Jin Tianyi's back, blocking the net very exaggeratedly.

"This kid!" Oi Chuan Che stared at Ye Changfeng stubbornly.

"As you said, this ball is really delicious!" Ye Changfeng looked at Toru Oikawa, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

The entire third gymnasium of Qingcheng High School was instantly quiet.

Ye Changfeng didn't try his best to block the net before, because it was really useless.

However, after Oikawa Toru came on the court, Ye Changfeng was a little unhappy, so he used a little strength and immediately shocked the audience.

"Beep—" The referee had to react for a long time before awarding the point to Wuye High School.

"Good job! Changfeng!"

"It's great!" Sawamura and Hinata both gave Ye Changfeng a high five in excitement.

"Uh...very good..." Even the arrogant Kageyama and Yuedao had to admire Ye Changfeng's ball.

Without Ye Changfeng's single-player iron wall, it would be difficult for Jin Tianyi to smash in that position.

"Even the blocking ability is so good! Even Shiratorizawa's Ushima does not have such a strong blocking ability!" Last year's fiasco to Shiratorizawa, coach Irbata was so impressed by Ushima.

Niu Dao is known as one of the top three high school students in the country, and his offensive ability is very strong, but Niu Dao will not easily participate in the defense, because he is the main attacker, he will focus his energy on the offensive end, and will not waste his physical strength to block the net.

Because spiking is a very physically consuming technical action, in the previous game, Ye Changfeng has smashed the ball many times in a row, but so far, Coach Irbata has not seen Ye Changfeng's sweat too much, but the bigger the better. Vibrant.

"And this kid's physical strength is definitely far superior to that of ordinary high school students. Damn, why would such a genius go to Karasuma High School!" Coach Irabata frowned.

If Ye Changfeng was in Shiratori Ze, Coach Irbata would not be so surprised. That school was known for producing monsters, emphasizing personal ability and physical fitness.

And Ye Changfeng, a guy whose basic skills look rough and is still in the entry stage, has no stage fright on the court at all, and has a leadership temperament, which makes Coach Ibata puzzled.

The half-court tee of Karasuma High School.

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