"Sorry, Senior Tian Zhong, I'm not interested in men." Ye Changfeng glanced at Tanaka speechlessly.

"Speaking of which, Kageyama doesn't belong to the same school as that stinky boy, why did you come to a place like Wuye? Your abilities should be scrambled by other schools, right?" Tanaka turned his head and asked Kageyama.

"Yeah, Shiratorizawa, the number one famous school in the prefecture, is a strong force all over the country. Why don't you go there?" Sugawara was also very puzzled.

Volleyball rookies like Ye Changfeng and Hinata don't know the situation in the high school volleyball world, and it's okay to come to Karasuma, but it's too strange for the top setters in the county to come to Karasuma.

"That... I didn't pass the exam." Ying Shan replied with a nonchalant expression.

"You didn't pass the exam?" Tian Zhong was shocked.

"Yeah, there is no recommendation letter, and I didn't pass the test according to the normal procedures. I don't understand the content of the test at all." Kageyama replied honestly.

"Hey, then why did you come to Wuye, do you also worship the little giant?" Hinata hurriedly asked.

"Because I heard that Coach Wuyang, who has retired, is coming back." Yingshan said solemnly.

"Coach Wuyang? Is it amazing?" Ye Changfeng also became interested when he heard that there was a coach.

"You seem to be really a newcomer to volleyball, you don't even know about Little Giant and Coach Wuyang." Tanaka put on the appearance of a senior.

"Let me tell you, Coach Wuyang is a famous coach who brought the unknown to the national competition, and he is very famous in the whole country!" Tanaka said proudly.

"We were instructed for a while last year in our 2nd and 3rd years. It was really spartan training!" Sugawara seemed to recall some painful memories.

"Sounds very interesting!" Ye Changfeng, Hin Xiang, and Kageyama all lit up.

"Uh... these first-year boys, are you so envious..." Sugawara was speechless.

"By the way, Changfeng, why did you come to Kurano?" Sugawara suddenly turned his head and asked Ye Changfeng.

Ye Changfeng shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile, "Because I heard that Wu Ye is weak, I like challenges, and it would be boring to go to a school that is too strong."

"Do you want to be so direct..." Three black lines appeared on Sugawara and Sawamura's foreheads...

PS: There are only two updates today.Writer Jun has a birthday and a Chinese New Year today, so I won't ask everyone for red envelopes. Take a rest. Both wrists have been hurting badly these days. It's miserable.

Chapter 025, Xigu Xi (please self-determination)

The next day, the second gymnasium of Karasano High School. Ψ Magazine ω Magazine ω Bug Ψ

Bang!Bang!In the gym, the sound of volleyball hitting the floor with great force was repeated.

Since the victory over Qingcheng High School in the practice game, Ye Changfeng studied the killing serve of Kawatou and Chuan all night, and then came to the gym early this morning to practice strong jump serve.

Compared with the vigorous jump serve that pursued power and speed before, Ye Changfeng has strengthened his control over his body and serving line.

After a whole day of practice, Ye Changfeng's speed and power of the vigorous jumping serve were not as good as the previous state of full force, but the success rate and the control of the volleyball route were greatly improved.

In fact, Ye Changfeng's vigorously jumping serve was very casual before. After watching Oikawa Toru's very standard jumping serve, Ye Changfeng kept fine-tuning his movements.

The reason why he can progress so fast is also because Ye Changfeng has a very strong ability to control his own body. .

Bang!The volleyball cannonballs swayed by the night wind usually exploded near the bottom line opposite the net, and a transparent plastic bottle placed on the bottom line swayed a few times, but did not fall.

"Accuracy is still not enough. It's even more difficult to control the landing of the jump serve than to shoot a three-pointer!" Ye Changfeng shook his head slightly, and picked up a volleyball from the box next to him.

Phew... He let out a long sigh, and practiced vigorous jumping serve for almost a whole day, at least hundreds of times. Even Ye Changfeng's breathing was a little chaotic.

"I must hit it this time!" The standard jump serve action was recalled in his mind, Ye Changfeng rubbed the volleyball with both hands, and then suddenly threw his left hand forward.

Swish!Immediately following, Ye Changfeng jumped forward in three big strides. He changed his jumping technique so that he could stay in the air for a longer time, so as to shorten the attacking distance as much as possible. Guaranteed success rate.

"Go!" Ye Changfeng, who was flying in the air, suddenly opened his whole body, and the red, white and green volleyball was rolling in front of him. Compared with the violent action before, Ye Changfeng's serve now has one more point. elegant.

Bang!However, the moment Ye Changfeng swung the volleyball with his right hand like a long whip, that powerful explosive force was undoubtedly revealed.

The volleyball pierced through the net in an instant, whistling towards the plastic bottles on the bottom line of the court.

"It feels good!" As soon as he shot, Ye Changfeng felt that the ball could hit a plastic bottle, just like on a basketball court, he knew if he could score as soon as he shot.

bass!However, at this moment, a short figure suddenly flashed in front of Ye Changfeng's eyes.

"Huh?" Ye Changfeng looked slightly surprised at the guy who suddenly appeared in front of him.

The most conspicuous thing about him is that there is a small yellow hair in the center of the black hair that is turned upside down. Usually, this kind of look is ugly, but it looks very suitable for this mysterious person.

boom!Under Ye Changfeng's surprised eyes, the mysterious man bent his knees, clenched his hands, and then the light flashed in his eyes, and he steadily picked up Ye Changfeng's vigorous jumping serve.

"This guy!" Ye Changfeng's expression became solemn. From the attitude of the opponent and the sound of catching the ball, Ye Changfeng could immediately feel that he was a master, and he was not an ordinary master.

Swish!The volleyball picked up by the mysterious man tumbled steadily in the air, Ye Changfeng's power and speed of serving were completely resolved by him, and the volleyball finally landed on the setter's position.

"It's a perfect return!" Ye Changfeng's eyes narrowed.

"Oh, oh, the force of this serve is almost like a smash, we have a great guy from Wuye!" The mysterious man smiled and looked at Ye Changfeng.

"One ride is a thousand?" Ye Changfeng noticed the Chinese characters printed on the mysterious man's back.

"Aiya! Xiaogu, you're back!" At this moment, Tanaka's loud voice sounded, and he ran towards the mysterious man a little excited.

"Yo! Long time no see, dragon!" The mysterious man turned to look at the three main players of Wuye High School who appeared at the door.

"It's Nishiya!" Both Sugawara and Sawamura looked at the mysterious man with excitement.

"Oh, how are you!" The mysterious man smiled and looked like a vigorous man again.

"Who is it?" Ye Changfeng also came over with some doubts.

Sawamura hurriedly introduced Ye Changfeng, "This is your senior, the second-year Xigu Xi, the free agent of our team!"

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