"What's this feeling?" Ye Changfeng shook his head and focused his eyes on the orange gift bag in his hand.

Ye Changfeng has been immersed in practice recently, and has long forgotten about the reward for defeating Qingcheng High School, but Shimizu Yuko has not forgotten.

Open the outer packaging at will, and what comes into view is a white T-shirt.

"A T-shirt?" Ye Changfeng spread out his T-shirt with both hands.

To Ye Changfeng's surprise, four beautiful Chinese characters were printed on the back of the T-shirt - 'a ball into the soul'.

"Did she even notice this kind of detail?" Ye Changfeng was full of surprise. He remembered that he just complained about Xigu, but Shimizu Yuko actually remembered it, and he made a cultural shirt in such a short time.

And the four Chinese characters printed on it are actually what Ye Changfeng wanted, which is what surprised Ye Changfeng the most.

Beneath the icy exterior is a heart that is more delicate than anyone else, and Shimizu Yuko really moved Ye Changfeng's heart.

The next day, the second gymnasium of Karasano High School.

Early in the morning, Changfeng appeared on the court again early, but this time, Ye Changfeng had a rare pair of dark circles under his eyes, obviously he had not slept all night.

"Everyone, hard work!" After practicing for more than an hour, the door of the gymnasium was opened.

Advisor Takeda and an unfamiliar middle-aged man with yellow hair walked in and immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"Assemble!" Sawamura summoned everyone from Karasuma High School.

"Let me introduce, this is Wu Yangjun, who will be the coach from today, everyone is welcome." Takeda pointed to Wu Yangxi next to him and said.

"It's the same as before, nothing has changed." Wu Yang glanced at the gymnasium with a nostalgic expression.

"Hey! Is it really the coach?" Wu Ye was shocked.

"This gentleman is the senior of your volleyball club and the grandson of Coach Wuyang!" Advisor Takeda explained slightly proudly.

"Coach Wuyang's grandson!" Everyone was shocked again, apparently no one knew that Coach Wuyang had such a big grandson.

At this moment, Wu Yang glanced at everyone in the volleyball club, and then smiled: "Okay, there's no time, let's start! I want to see your background, so I start the game directly."

"There is a game!" Ye Changfeng's eyes lit up when he heard the game. He was not familiar with this coach, Ye Changfeng, so he had to wait to learn more about it.

"Where's your opponent?" Sawamura was shocked.

"I've already found it, it's the Wuye Town Meeting!" Wu Yang showed a confident expression, and then took out the phone.

Half an hour later, several more guys in their twenties in casual clothes walked into the volleyball hall.

"Sorry, I'm looking for you all of a sudden!" Wu Yang saw that the person who came came quickly won.

"Yo! Tie the heart!" All the people who came here were full of interest.

"Kuno Town Council, I thought it was an older member!" Tsukishima was a little surprised, all of them were young people in their [-]s or [-]s.

The so-called town meeting in Japan is equivalent to the street office in China. From Tsukishima's view, the teams with this name should be middle-aged and elderly players.

"Looks like a former member of the volleyball club of Karasuma High School!" Ye Changfeng understood when he saw their expressions.

"Okay, let's start the game!" Wu Yang let a few people in the town warm up and immediately started the team practice match.

Due to the insufficient number of people in the town council, both Nishiya and Sugawara temporarily joined the town council team.

The formation sent by Karasano High School was the same as the previous practice match. The front row of the town club team was Shimada, Ryukami, and Uchizawa, and the back row was Sugawara, Nishitani, and Mori.

Chapter 028, the town meeting (asking for self-determination)

The height of the lineup in the town club is relatively disadvantageous, only Ryugami and Mori are above 180, and Nishitani has seriously lowered the average height. ∽ Miscellaneous ﹥ Zhi ﹥ insects ∽

But in terms of experience, the town will be able to completely explode Karasano High School, which is dominated by first-year members.

In the town club team, every member has been playing all year round and has a lot of experience, and is supplemented by the stable Sugawara and Nishiya, who has a strong ability to catch the ball. Their strength should not be underestimated.

Young talent versus experience and skills, the intra-team match of Kuro High School can be said to be very interesting.

Bang!Sure enough, as soon as the game started, the Town Council launched the attack first.

Sugawara threw the ball to the 185-centimeter-tall Dragon, who easily smashed the ball to the line to score.


"Oh, not bad! Tossing is great!" Ryugami gave Sugawara a thumbs up.

"This ball-handling power is amazing, and it's just on the line!" Ye Changfeng found that the town would not be as easy to deal with as he imagined.

"Suga! Well done!" Nishitani also exclaimed loudly.

"Yeah! The members of the town club are very good, but we can't be careless, the game has just started!" Sugawara is very serious, he hasn't played a decent game on the court for a long time.

Machichi will serve, and Shimada's ordinary overhand serve is easily picked up by Tsukishima in the back row.

"Changfeng!" Immediately after, Kageyama held the volleyball above his head to his back.

Swish!At this moment, Ye Changfeng suddenly jumped up from Yingshan's back.

Its astonishing bullet speed made the opponent's block unresponsive at all. When Ye Changfeng jumped to the top at extreme speed, it was followed by a vigorous smash.

Bang!The volleyball exploded at the dragon's feet, bounced high, and quickly bounced off the border, hitting the wall of the gymnasium heavily.

Machiuchihui and the others and Coach Wuyang were stunned for a moment. The speed of Ye Changfeng's fast-break smash just now was not to mention how fast, the power was like a cannonball, and the momentum was too strong.

"Wow! What was that just now!"

"Jumping too high! He's in first grade?"

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