"I know! In short, starting from tomorrow, the practice will be stricter. First-year students must strengthen the training of catching the ball, no less than three hours a day!" Wu Yang Xixin completely entered the state of the coach.

"Yes, coach!" Everyone in Wuye High School nodded in unison, the feeling of having a coach and a stocking state was completely different.

Since then, Wu Yang Xinxin joined the volleyball club of Wuye High School, and the training of Wuye High School has also become regular.

After all, he is the grandson of Wu's pension coach, and Wu Yang's heart is familiar with all kinds of training.

Recently, he has taken special care of the freshmen of Wuye High School, and Ye Changfeng is the most taken care of.

Ye Changfeng didn't feel the huge amount of practice at all, he was used to it.

But Wu Yangxin didn't let him practice vigorously jumping the serve and jumping the ball, and only let him practice catching the ball repeatedly. This night Changfeng was a little unbearable.

The first-year students basically enjoy the same treatment, and every day is boring and miserable training.

After a few days, the energetic Hyuga was also a little sluggish, and finally made it to the Golden Week holiday, and the dormitory at Wuye High School finally arrived.

Wuye High School has a shared dormitory for study, and shared facilities for community activities. At first glance, it is relatively old and it is still a wooden house.

"Oh, oh, it seems to be very powerful!" As soon as Hinata arrived at the dormitory, he started running up and down, shouting loudly.

"Hey, I'm talking about Hyuga, can you keep your voice down?" Ye Changfeng was a little speechless.

"But! This is the first time someone has participated in a dormitory!" Hinata was still in high spirits.

"Oh!" Ye Changfeng nodded boredly, co-sleeping was already a habit for Ye Changfeng.

Compared to the Wild Country Ridge, Wuye's co-location location is quite good.

"By the way, Sugawara-senpai, will Shimizu-senpai come to share the dormitory?" Ye Changfeng turned his head and asked casually.

"Hey! What are your plans for Shimizu-senpai!"

"Yeah, stinky boy, what are you thinking!" Nishigu and Tanaka fiercely pinched Ye Changfeng from left to right.

"Hey, don't get so close!" Ye Changfeng had convinced these two guys, and his ears were so sensitive.

Sugawara smiled and said, "Shimizu's house is very close, so after the training, he will go home. It has always been like this before."

"Is that so..." Ye Changfeng curled his lips, and when he looked back, Tanaka and Nishigu had fallen to the ground, as if the online game had been disconnected.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?" Three black lines appeared on Ye Changfeng's forehead.

Chapter 032, come from afar (seeking self-determination)

The next day, the second gymnasium of Karasano High School.Swastika's Insect Swastika

After starting the shared dormitory, Ye Changfeng began to practice more recklessly.

Because the regular training time is all about catching the ball, the rest time is used by Ye Changfeng to practice strong jump serve and other volleyball volleyball skills, as well as physical fitness and strength exercises.

The human body is like this. If you cannot maintain a certain amount of practice continuously, both physical fitness and strength will continue to decline.

To maintain a high level of physical fitness is actually a very difficult thing.

Regarding Ye Changfeng's method of training his body, Wu Yangxin was speechless when he saw it, which was completely beyond the training volume of a professional athlete.

"That kid's strength and jumping are so perverted by sweat, and his body shape is getting closer and closer to a standard volleyball player, and his body fat ratio is comparable to that of a professional-level player." Wu Yang gradually discovered his ability to guide Ye Changfeng Still a little reluctant.

Because he had never met a player like Ye Changfeng, Wu Yangxin even thought that even his grandfather, the national famous coach Wu Pension, probably never encountered a player with such physical fitness as Ye Changfeng.

It is completely an Asian face, but it is the physical quality of a top European.

Just when Wuye High School and others were training in full swing, Wu Yangxi frowned on the sidelines.

"What's the matter, coach? Are you still worried about appearing in the main lineup?" Advisor Takeda asked worriedly.

"Hey... I'm very embarrassed when it comes to choosing a setter." Wu Yang sighed, "In terms of strength, there is no doubt that it is Kageyama, he is the top setter in the county in all aspects. But experience And in terms of cooperation with the rest of the team, I think Sugawara is more suitable."

"I think it is necessary to let Kageyama participate in more practice matches before the regional qualifiers start. If we cooperate more tacitly with Changfeng and Tanaka, it will be more beneficial for Karasano's future games, but Sugawara is also working hard, everyone can watch it. arrive……"

"So it turns out that Wuyang-kun is worried about Sugawara-kun being a third-year student, right? For third-year students, this year is the last farewell battle." Takeda held his chin and said slowly.

"Yeah, I was always on the bench in high school. I can understand Sugawara-kun's regret very well. Being a coach is such a difficult thing. I never thought of it before!" Wu Yang laughed at himself. laugh.

After a boring day of training, everyone from Karasano High School returned to the dormitory.

Just after taking a shower, Ye Changfeng came out of the bathroom, and the warm man Takayuki Sugawara came towards him.

"Changfeng, I finally found you." Sugawara smiled.

"What's wrong? Senior Sugawara?" Ye Changfeng looked at Sugawara with some doubts.

Sugawara quickly took out a stack of documents from his bag and handed it to Ye Changfeng, "This is for you!"



"Oh, so it is." Ye Changfeng spread out the information, and it was indeed filled with dense formations and gesture codes.

Ye Changfeng is not unfamiliar with this kind of thing, and in the doubles match of tennis, there is also such a code.

"Changfeng-kun, I'm sorry, asking you to remember this kind of thing... is it troublesome?" Sugawara felt a little embarrassed.

"No problem, senior." Ye Changfeng patted Sugawara's shoulder with a smile, "I'm very happy to see the competition in the team, it's better to put that kid Kageyama on the bench, haha!"

"Changfeng..." Sugawara slowly clenched his fists as he watched Ye Changfeng's retreating back.

Four days of boring dormitory training went by in a flash, and after four days of training together, everyone in the volleyball club of Karasano High School became more familiar and tacit with each other.

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