In the halftime of Karasuma High School, two people's eyes were shining.

One is Nishigu, the patron saint of Wuye, and the other is Ye Changfeng.

boom!He stretched out his body with all his strength in the air, and Toru Oikawa swung his right hand vigorously, hitting the volleyball heavily.

Whoops!In an instant, the volleyball flew towards Kurano's half court with a violent spin and wind. Compared with the practice match, Toru Oikawa's serve was more powerful, and it was obviously a full-strength serve.

And the volleyball that swiped through the net at a high speed was aimed at Nishigu in the backcourt!

If you want to hit, hit the opponent's strongest receiver, and Toru Oikawa is very confident in his serve.

Chapter 053, The Battle of the Setters

Swish!Accompanied by the whistling wind, the high-speed spinning volleyball suddenly fell sharply after passing through the net, and it suddenly changed direction and turned. ∽ Miscellaneous ﹥ Zhi ﹥ insects ∽

In the Japanese high school volleyball world, there are absolutely no more than five people who can deliver this kind of serve, and Toru Oikawa is one of them.

"Nishitani!" Sugawara stood up in shock.

The patron saint of Kuro did not disappoint Sugawara. He locked the volleyball's flight path with his eyes in a flash of lightning, and then squatted down at a very high speed. He took Oikawa's super-spin serve steadily before he even finished the arm-clamping action with both hands. .

"Hehe..." A smile appeared at the corner of Xigu's mouth.

The stadium stand was full of exclamations, especially the support team in Aoba City West, they couldn't believe their eyes, they didn't believe that someone could pick up the serve with such a powerful force of Kawatoru so steadily.

"He... actually received Oikawa's serve!!"

"The free man of Wuye is really amazing!"

"Can not believe it!"

Inside the field, the volleyball picked up by Nishiya slowly flew towards the top of Kageyama.

"Good job, senior!" Yingshan looked up at the volleyball in the air, and then suddenly swept his eyes to the right.

Kanedaichi, who was facing the net, was immediately attracted to Kageyama and turned his head to the right subconsciously.

"Pay attention to Ye Changfeng!" Toru Oikawa shouted, reminding the front row to block a few people.

At this time, Ye Changfeng had already jumped up from the back row and flew high in the air. The two tall men in the west of Qingye City moved to the right with extreme speed, preparing to block the net.

bass!However, Kageyama, who jumped up lightly in the air, looked at Ye Changfeng in the sky on the right, and with a finger on his wrist, he actually passed the volleyball to the left side in front of the net.

"What!" Jin Tianyi and the others were stunned.

Don't watch people pass the ball!This is an advanced point guard technique commonly used in basketball, but it was cleverly applied to volleyball by Kageyama.

"This ball is mine!" The hot-blooded man Tanaka jumped high and made a violent smash.

Bang clang!With no blocking player in front of him, Tanaka easily slams the ball behind his opponent!

twenty three!Tanaka's spiking is always so imposing, like a lion like a tiger.

"Okay! Did you see it, the boys of Qingcheng, this is the power of this uncle's spiking! Don't just stare at that boy Changfeng!" After Tanaka landed, he pointed at Jintian who was unhappy and said with a big smile.

"This guy Yingshan..." Ye Changfeng glanced at Yingshan at this time. Ye Changfeng was also tricked by Yingshan for the ball just now, so he used all his strength to take off.

Regardless of people passing the ball, Ying Shan's skills made Ye Changfeng admire his super talent.

At the same time, Ye Changfeng felt more and more the importance of the position of setter in volleyball.

The setter is the engine of a team. No matter how many points Ye Changfeng, the ace ace of the ACE, can score, he cannot control all the running and offense of the entire team like Yingshan.

However, no matter how strong the setter is, it is useless without teammates, just like Kageyama who was dubbed the king during the middle school period.

Volleyball is a sport that emphasizes teamwork and cooperation. There are six players on the court, none of which is indispensable!

"Hehe, Toshio, that kind of trick-style tossing the ball is really a foul!" The opposing net and Kawatoru's eyes were full of burning fighting spirit.

This game is the most important battle for Oikawa to prove that he is the first setter in the prefecture.

On the field, Ye Changfeng carried the volleyball to the teeing area.

"That guy is about to serve!" The people in Qingye Chengxi were nervous for a while, and their attention was all on Ye Changfeng. After seeing Ye Changfeng's serve power, they naturally knew that Ye Changfeng's vigorous jumping serve was very difficult to catch.

Compared to Kageyama's speed, Oikawa Toru's high-speed rotation and tricky landing, Ye Changfeng's vigorous jumping serve, the biggest feature is that it is powerful, and it is not much different from spiking, it is simply heavy artillery.

Bang!Ye Changfeng shot an arrow with a neat bow, and vigorously sent the volleyball over the net.

The game has just started, Ye Changfeng is not in a hurry to serve with all his strength, because the error rate is too high.

However, even if Ye Changfeng only used [-]% of his bounce and strength, his jump serve was still powerful, swept through the net like a whirlwind, and then fell at an extreme speed.

"I'll pick it up!" The free man in the west of Qingye City shouted. He was not as dazzling as Xiguxi, but his basic skills were stable and solid. He stepped forward and squatted down. Jump serve to catch up.

"Good catch!" Everyone in Qingye Chengxi was overjoyed, and Ye Changfeng's serve didn't seem so inexplicable anymore.

"Kindaichi, dance well!" Toru Oikawa told Jintianichi what he was going to do with one look.

With a height of 189 cm, Kanedaichi jumped high beside Toru Oikawa without hesitation, attacking quickly.

Oikawa Toru quickly entrusted the volleyball to Kanedaichi in the air, and at this time, it was Hyuga Shoyo who blocked the net across from Kaneda.

Hyuga's bouncing and reflexes were amazing, and even though he was short of height, he even sealed Jin Tianyi's face.

However, Toru Oikawa's tossed the ball more perfect. He held the ball to the perfect height, just the height at which Kanedaichi could avoid Hyuga's block.

There was a loud bang, and Jin Tianichi didn't think much about it. He didn't even look at the defense on the opposite side. He just believed in Oikawa, and smashed directly in a straight line.

42!Aoba City West regained the initiative.

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