Aoba City West's Freeman Tou moved desperately to save the ball. He responded quickly, moved into place before the cannonball-like volleyball landed, and was ready to catch the ball.

bang!However, when the volleyball hit Wataru's arms, he felt how heavy the ball was.

"Damn it!" Du staggered, almost falling to the ground as if he was hit by a heavy hammer.

The deformed volleyball flew high and flew directly to the [-]-meter-high stand outside the field, and was subconsciously caught by a crowd of onlookers.

1816!This is another big point.

"Okay!" Ye Changfeng roared after the smash was successful.

"Well buckled!"

"Changfeng, beautiful!" Wuye High School became imposing.

"It was directly deducted into the stands, it was too violent!"

"This is simply a killing smash, what the hell is Wuye's No. 1!" There was another commotion in the stands, and the Aoba City West Support Team, which had just started to gain momentum, became silent again.

Off-court coach Irhata frowned, and Oikawa Toru's serve point was cracked, which is not good news.

On the other hand, Wu Yangxixin breathed a sigh of relief. It was very important to win this point. Otherwise, if Toru Oikawa continued to serve and score consecutively, it would be difficult to play the first game after 20 points.

What's even worse for Aoba Castle West is that it's time for Ye Changfeng's teeing point.

"Changfeng!" Sugawara threw the volleyball to Ye Changfeng on the teeing ground.

At this time, Ye Changfeng's eyes were as sharp as a knife, he rubbed the volleyball in his hand, the oversized palm covered the entire volleyball, and the volleyball was squeezed and deformed with a slight force.

"Defense! Defend!" Aoba Chengxi's expressions froze, they all knew that Ye Changfeng's serve was also very violent.

Although the landing point and angle may not be as good as Kagawa Toru's killing serve, but the power is greater, once the line is entered, it is not a casual talk.

bass!Suddenly, the volleyball squeezed by Ye Changfeng's left hand spun up, and Ye Changfeng took a step forward and flew straight up.

"It's so high!" The audience exclaimed.

Ye Changfeng took off with one foot and jumped up at high speed. Instead of gliding forward, he jumped vertically, so he jumped much higher than usual.

This is just Ye Changfeng's personal attempt. He wants to use his enchanting bouncing to create a new serving mode.

Hit the ball as high as possible, use the power of your whole body as much as possible, and pursue the power and speed of the serve to the limit.

With a loud bang, the volleyball swung by Ye Changfeng's right hand turned into an afterimage in an instant, blasting directly in the center of the west of Aoba City.

Everyone in the west of Qingye City didn't move, and they didn't react at all.

The speed of Ye Changfeng's speeding serve is really incredible, beyond the scope of their ability to respond.

1916!The score was once again pulled by three points.

"One point!" Ye Changfeng, who landed steadily, with cold light surging in his eyes, he has completely entered the state of self-serving, and the whole person seems to be on fire.

"It's amazing!" Sugawara and the others could feel the momentum on Ye Changfeng's body was completely different.

At this time, in Ye Changfeng's eyes, all the players in the west of Qingye City no longer exist, and the noisy spectators in the stands no longer exist. The whole world is left with him, the net, and the bounding box on the opposite side.

"How is this possible!" A few people in the west court of Qingye City were stunned and did not respond for a long time.

The off-court coach Irabata was even more shocked and speechless. He had never seen a serve with such a high serving point and such a fast speed, it was like a flash of lightning.

Chapter 060, Killing God Mode (please customize)

  "One more! One more!" A neat cheer rang out from the Wuye bench. × Miscellaneous ∮ Zhi ∮ Bug ×

Ye Changfeng took the volleyball thrown by Sawamura, without much adjustment, huh, once again, Ye Changfeng threw the volleyball high.

Unlike the last high toss, this time Ye Changfeng threw the volleyball over the court.

Bang!Immediately afterwards, Ye Changfeng took three steps forward and jumped up, this time gliding in the air.

Gliding from the tee line for more than two meters, Ye Changfeng almost flew over the front line, and the volleyball just rolled over his head at this time.

Toss, jump, spread, smash!

Ye Changfeng played the serve as a smash, and all the movements were done in one go, and he completely entered his own serve state.

Bang!The volleyball that was swung by the night long wind hit Iwaizumi's arms hard with the whistling of the wind.

The experienced Iwaizumi tried to squat to cushion the huge force on the volleyball, but he didn't succeed. He only felt like he was hit by a heavy stone in the chest, and the whole person flew backwards.

2016!Ye Changfeng serves to score consecutively!

"Damn!" Iwaizumi, who fell to the ground, felt stuffy in his chest, and this time he was beaten hard.

"Okay!" Everyone on the Wuye field shouted in excitement.

The audience in the entire stadium stand was aroused by Ye Changfeng's majestic spike, and many people stood up.

Ye Changfeng conquered the fans present with his serve combined with his changing beautiful aerial gestures and violent aesthetics.

"One more! One more!" Except for the dumbfounded Aoba City West Support Team, the fans in the entire stadium subconsciously supported Wuye.

Conquering the audience with ball skills and momentum, this is the charm of competitive sports.

"Changfeng!" On the field, Sawamura and the others wanted to give Ye Changfeng a high five.

However, Ye Changfeng didn't pay attention to Sawamura and Sugawara at all, and he had completely entered the state of himself.

"This kid..." Sawamura's eyes were full of surprise. He had never played with a professional player. He didn't know how a professional player was on the court. He only knew that the pressure Ye Changfeng gave him made him breathe a little short. .

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