bang!Hanamaki's smash was directly fanned back by Ye Changfeng and landed heavily at Jin Tianyi's feet.

1519!After Ye Changfeng returned to the court, the effect was immediate, especially in defense, which was completely different from the beginning of the second game.

"How is this possible!" Poor Brother Hanamaki's world view is about to collapse. He has never seen a person take a diagonal step, and he can step so far in one step, and his body was almost stationary just now.

"This guy used to practice track and field, right?" The whole gym fell silent for a moment.

"Don't worry, it's my fault, I'm too slow to throw the ball!" Toru Oikawa took the initiative to pat his chest, indicating that the ball was his fault.

Generally speaking, no matter how fast a person is, they can't be faster than passing the ball, but Ye Changfeng's physical fitness is too abnormal in the high school volleyball world. In addition, he is in good shape today, so the speed of accelerating strides in short distances is very high. exaggerate.

Ye Changfeng may be the only one in the county who dares to move the block after the recognized chief setter in the county holds the ball.

Bang!Just when the audience in the stands marveled at Ye Changfeng's speed, Toru Oikawa repaid Ye Changfeng with a very deceptive lob second attack.

2015!Aoba City West was the first to get the 20th point of the second game!


"Good job, Oikawa-senior!" Compared with the helplessness in the first round, Aoba Chengxi's performance in the second round was undoubtedly much better, at least Oikawa Toru was in a state.

"Hehe, I'm not old yet, boy!" Toru Oikawa deliberately provokes Ye Changfeng.

Ye Changfeng didn't pay attention to Kaizawa Toru at all, he was now immersed in the joy of playing volleyball.

In terms of experience, Ye Changfeng, who has only played volleyball for less than two months, is still very lacking. Every tactic Aoba Chengxi runs is an experience improvement for Ye Changfeng.

On the field, after Aoba Chengxi scored twenty points, under the command of Coach Irabata, they suddenly accelerated the rhythm of the attack.

Because of the relationship between Ye Changfeng and the back row at this time, the blocking strength of Wuye High School was greatly reduced, and Iwaizumi and Kunimi scored consecutive spikes.

2215!The score gap is still widening, and in this second game, Wu Ye looked a little helpless.

"It's seven points away, do you want to call a timeout? Coach!" The consultant Takeda turned his head anxiously and asked.

"Wait a minute!" Wu Yang Xixin held his chin. At this time, he felt a little regretful. He underestimated Qingye Chengxi, and his strategy in the second round completely failed.

The strength of Wuye in the first game made Wuyang Xixin a little bit of self-confidence. Qingye Chengxi was the top four in the county, and Chuan Toru's state was getting better and better. The situation of the game was opposite to what Wuyang Xixin expected. direction is developing.

After all, Wu Yangxin underestimated the strength of Qingye Chengxi.

Even in the first game, Ye Changfeng, who had turned on the killing god mode, was unable to fight back, but Aoba Chengxi was very disciplined, and the players never panicked, let alone a defeat.

"Damn, suppressed!" Tanaka, who made a mistake in catching the ball, waved his hand in disgust.

At this time, Ye Changfeng whispered a few words to Yingshan, Yingshan showed a constipated expression, and finally nodded.

Aoba Castle Nishi Iwaizumi's overhand serve.

Swish!Iwaizumi's serve was high and floaty, and it didn't look very powerful, but it was actually not easy to catch.

However, as the patron saint of Kuro, Nishiya had no pressure to catch this kind of floating ball, and he steadily connected the volleyball to the top of Kageyama's head.

Chapter 064, Electric Light Flint

"Watch out for the block!" Iwaizumi shouted loudly. $miscellaneous swastika$

At the same time as Kageyama took off, Tanaka, Tsukishima and Ye Changfeng were all moving at high speed. Among them, Ye Changfeng in the back row was very eye-catching and extremely fast.

The attention of everyone in the west of Qingye City was attracted by Ye Changfeng, and it must be Ye Changfeng who attacked, and everyone in Qingcheng, including Oikawa Toru, had the same idea in their minds.

At the critical moment, the team will trust the ace ace more and more, which is almost the axiom of competitive sports.

Snapped!At this moment, no one noticed that the angle of Kageyama Toshio's hands pressing down and compressing the ball was almost double that of the usual tossing ball, and the muscles of his arms also bulged in an instant.

He continued his strength, and then used his whole body to push the volleyball support, no, to the back row.

bass!The volleyball reached the top of Ye Changfeng's head in the blink of an eye, and Ye Changfeng kicked up the ground without any hesitation, nor did his body fully open, and his right arm was thrown out like a long whip.

bang!When the volleyball landed on the floor in front of Aoba Castle West Freeman, everyone in Aoba Castle West was stunned.


It was a simple, completely expected coordinated attack, Ye Changfeng's smash was not as strong as usual, and Kageyama's tossing was more like a mess.

But Kuro scored, and it was an easy score, and no one in Aoba City could react, and the volleyball fell to the ground.

Just because of one word, fast!

UI!The cooperation between Ye Changfeng and Kageyama Feixiong just now was beyond the scope of common sense, and it is no exaggeration to describe it as non-human.

"Hey... what was that just now!" The support team of Qingcheng High School in the stands was dumbfounded, and the audience was stunned.

On the volleyball court, there are various fast-break tactics, A fast-break, B-fast break, etc., but these are fast-breaks, and they are only fast-paced.

And the attack of Ye Changfeng and Kageyama Feixiong just now was really fast in absolute speed, fast in passing, fast in bounce, fast in smashing, this series of incredible fast combination is the real super speed attack.

"Eh! Was the attack just now a coincidence?"

"I don't know, he's so handsome! The opponent can't even move!" Wu Ye's bench was boiling.

Yuko Shimizu, who was sitting on the edge of the bench, couldn't hide her surprise, the pink glasses on her pretty nose slipped a little.

"Coach Wuyang, was that a fixed tactic just now? It's amazing!" Advisor Takeda clenched his fists and shouted excitedly.

"This..." Wu Yangxi was embarrassed, but he didn't know that his disciple had this skill.

"It's just an attack of lightning and flint. Only Kageyama and Changfeng can make such an attack!" Sugawara's eyes were shining.

"Lightning and flint? A good name, let's call it this! Our attack!" Ye Changfeng and Ying Shan raised their hands to high-five after landing on the field.

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