The people from Tiaoshan Temple were still immersed in the shock of Ye Changfeng's astonishing aerial movements, and they didn't react at all.


In the consciousness of Jozenji players, Terujima is a super player with the best motor response nerves in the national high school volleyball world and can make various magical moves.

And when they saw that Ye Changfeng used Skywalker's actions to rescue the volleyball that flew into the stands, their world view was refreshed by Ye Changfeng.

"This kind of ball can be saved!"

"The action is still so handsome, did Wuye No. 1 practice gymnastics before?" The entire stadium stand was agitated.

"Okay! Did you see my handsome smash?" After the successful smash, Tanaka laughed up to the sky.

"Changfeng, good rescue!" However, the poor Tanaka was ignored again, and everyone in Wuye gave Ye Changfeng a high five.

"Win the first game in one go!" Sawamura shouted from the teeing ground.

"Oh!" Everyone in Wuye shouted in unison, the score just now was a big score, which greatly improved his momentum.

After this ball, Wuye's super offensive ability began to explode. Jozenji was also a strong offensive and defensive team, but the gap between the scoring ability of the two teams and the number of people who could score was very obvious on the field.

For every point Tjozenji scored, Wuye could score at least four points.

Until Jozenji's Terujima spiking error, 25 to 7!

Krasno won the first game by a very wide margin, and Terujima exposed one of his biggest problems with the last goal.

Like Xiangyang Hyuga, he has excellent athletic talent, but his basic skills are not solid, and he is prone to mistakes at critical moments.

"It's over so soon!"

"Kuno High School is so strong this year, no wonder it was able to defeat Aoba Castle West."

"This year's finals should be great!" After this game, the audience in the stands had no hope for Tiaoshan Temple.

Blackno High School is no longer the crow that fell down and couldn't fly a year ago. Now, Blackno High School is an eagle that has spread its wings and is still rising.

In the second game, the two sides exchanged venues to fight again.

Wu Yang Xinxin replaced the two cores of Kageyama and Ye Changfeng, and replaced them with Sugawara and Yamaguchi.

"Damn! It's underestimated!" The main force of Tiaoshan Temple was a little angry, but they had to admit that they were not on the same level as Wuye's main lineup.

For Tiaoshan Temple, Wuye's main rotation may be a good opportunity.

But at the beginning of the second round, everyone in Jozenji High School realized that Wuye's substitute was not a group of lambs to be slaughtered, but a group of hungry wolves who were no longer eager to appear in the game all the time.

Chapter 085, War and Kugu South (for self-determination)

On the field, after the start of the second game, after Takayuki Sugawara appeared as a setter, he accelerated the rhythm of Karasuma's attack. "Magazine"

Compared with Kageyama, Sugawara has a deeper understanding of the habits and advantages of everyone in Karasano. He is like a lubricant, allowing Karasano's so-called second lineup to burst into a powerful offensive capability.

In terms of defense, after Ye Changfeng came off the court, Wu Ye's blocking ability was definitely reduced, but with the more and more mature Tsukishima and the backcourt's Dinghaishen Zhenze Village and Patronus Nishigu.

In the face of Jozenji's arbitrary attack, Wuye's defense cooperated very well.

1510!Even if Wuye was replaced, he has always maintained a score difference of at least five points.

At this time, Ye Changfeng could see the situation on the field more clearly from the sidelines. The players of Jozenji High School have good ball sense and spirituality, so they can play the so-called freestyle play in the previous games.

But once they encounter a real strong team, such as Qingcheng or Wuye, the weakness of Tiaoshan Temple's lack of tactical ability and attacking ability will undoubtedly be exposed.

In the same sentence, a team that relies on talent for food will not be able to make it to the end, and Jozenji is the only one who can be called a talented Yehisa.

"That guy still has a lot of room to grow!" Ye Changfeng glanced at Terujima who was serving the ball.

Bang!As soon as he finished speaking, Terujima hit a home run and served out of bounds, and it was outrageously skewed.

"Oh, it's out of bounds again, Tiaoshan Temple hasn't improved at all!"

"No. 1 of Jozenji is very powerful, but this year's Wuye is really too strong!" Many spectators in the stands were very optimistic about Wuye's county competition this year.

After Jozenji served this time, Wuye was not polite.

Tsukishima and Sugawara dominated the next game, and the two cooperated quite tacitly.

Tsukishima's height, his ball intelligence, and Sugawara's strong cooperation, the two caused Jozenji a lot of trouble on both ends of offense and defense.

Bang!Until all members of Jozenji participated in the final attack, Terujima's spike was directly blocked by the expressionless Tsukishima.

2513!Wuye quickly defeated Jozenji High School in two games and easily reached the semi-finals of the county competition.

"Okay! I won!"

"Yuedao, well done!" Everyone on the Wuye field was very excited.

The arrogant Tsukishima was still expressionless. In fact, he had been competing with himself for the past month. From the second game, it could be seen that Tsukishima's progress was very obvious.

"It's so boring, can the opponent be stronger in tomorrow's game?" Ye Changfeng was lying on the bench, looking up at the ceiling of the gymnasium, not feeling the pleasure of winning at all.

The next day, the third day of the Miyagi Prefecture Competition.

"Come on! Come on! South and Kugu! Come on! Come on! South and Kugu!"

As soon as the Karasno people entered the gym, the voices of their opponents and the support from Minami Kuguya reverberated throughout the arena, and many people came to Minami Kugu today.

Of course, Wuye also has many fans. These people are not from Wuye School, but from other schools, who are attracted by Wuye's gorgeous offense.

"Eh... there are more people than yesterday!" Sugawara said, looking around the stadium stands.

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