boom!At this moment, Shiratozawa Dahei Shiyin made another vigorous jump serve.

After the volleyball crossed the net, it immediately fell, and the strength and speed were quite good.

"Captain!" Ye Changfeng turned his head and glanced beside him.

Sawamura Dadi didn't have time to respond. Facing the volleyball that was running at high speed, his center of gravity quickly sank. Before his hands were close together, he caught the ball ahead of time.

Snapped!Sawamura reluctantly picked up Shion Ohira's strong jump serve.

However, a pass was not in place and the ball was caught too close to the net.

"The first pass is not in place, it's our chance!" Bai Bu didn't have time to be happy.

In front of Wuye Net, two black lightning-like figures crossed each other.

It is Kageyama and Hinata.

Kageyama quickly ran to the position of the volleyball, one jumped up and forcibly twisted his body in the air, holding the volleyball to the other side of the net in the blink of an eye.

And Hyuga, who crossed Kageyama's position, was extremely fast, and completely trusted Kageyama's tossing ball. After sprinting, he waved his right arm without even looking at the volleyball!

bang!Kageyama's tossing ball was just perfect, and the moment Hyuga smashed the ball to the ground, Shiratorizawa's blockers didn't react at all.


"What!" Bai Bu's mouth widened in surprise.

"Wow, what a fast attack speed, the cooperation of Kuro just now is really fast!" The commentator Fujiwara exclaimed loudly.

"Setter Kageyama Toshio's tossing ball is the key to the cooperation just now. It's amazing. A high school student can actually control the ball to that level." Taoli on the side also nodded.

"Quick attack from that kind of place?"

"Wow, the ball was too messy just now, but it was really easy to score." Wuye's attack caused a commotion among the fans on the scene.

Previously, Wuye's offense almost relied on Ye Changfeng's strong attack alone, and the goal just now proved that Wuye's arsenal must have more than Ye Changfeng's nuclear weapons.

"Well buckled, Hyuga!"

"Okay!" After Hyuga landed, she waved her fist excitedly.

At this level of competition, every point scored is a great encouragement to Hinata's confidence.

On the teeing area of ​​Wuye, Tanaka Ryunosuke started to serve high.

Freeman Shiratorizawa quickly received the serve, Shibuo immediately launched a fast break, and gave the ball to the five-color workers again.

As long as the five colors are not facing Ye Changfeng's block, their confidence is bursting. Without even thinking about it, it is another smash after gliding. The angle and strength of the smash are very good.

Bang!However, this time, the five-color smash didn't work, and Nishiya made a diving save to save the five-color smash.

"Beautiful pick up!" Wu Ye's bench Sugawara couldn't help standing up and applauded.

In front of the Wuye Net, Kageyama jumped up slightly and made a well-trained tossing pose.

At this time, both Sun Xiang and Ye Changfeng moved almost at the same time.

On Shiratori Ze's side, Tiantong followed Hyuga, and the other two focused on Ye Changfeng.

Snapped!Kageyama takes a high toss ball that holds the volleyball towards the right edge of the net.

There was a loud bang, and the sound of the previous spike was completely different, like a heavy hammer hitting the ground.

There is no doubt that it was the smash of Ye Changfeng's Imperial Hammer!

Kageyama made a third pass, so Shiratorizawa's block was almost useless, Ye Changfeng dunked the ball over the top of the blocking two people at a super angle over the net.

"Hmm!" Yamagata, a freelancer of Shiratorizawa, gradually got used to Ye Changfeng's heavy dunk. He predicted the move in advance, and his whole body was almost sticking to the ground to receive Ye Changfeng's serve.

But being able to predict the path of the ball and being able to pick it up are two different things. Yamagata's judgment is completely correct, but he still hasn't completely removed the huge power that volleyball carries.

With a bang, Yamagata flew the volleyball mat again and directly connected it to the stand.

twenty two!Wuye pulled back two points with a thunderous momentum.


"This is the real super attacker!"

"I definitely can't touch this kind of ball!" There were also many volleyball clubs from other schools in Miyagi Prefecture watching the game in the stands.

Many of them thought before the game that Shiratorizawa would end the game [-]-[-] within an hour, but as the game progressed.

Wuye's explosive attack made them feel more and more desperate, especially Ye Changfeng's strong attack, which seemed so easy, as if he hadn't done his best.

"Bastard!" Yamagata, who had not completed the first pass, rubbed his purple arm.

"Ye Changfeng!" The five-color worker even gritted his teeth. Even though he was a first-year student, his performance on the field was really different, making the self-proclaimed strongest new star five-color very unhappy.

Chapter 123, the king's contempt (seeking self-determination)

On the field, Tanaka Ryunosuke continued to serve. ∈ Magazine ξ Bug ∈

The players on both sides were quite nervous at this time. The third game was too crucial. The two teams were constantly speeding up at the beginning of the game!Tanaka didn't dare to be careless at this time. He didn't add too much power to the jump serve, and the volleyball was easily picked up by Shiratorizawa Jiyoke Yamagyo.

Shiratorizawa's attack, Ye Changfeng had already been rotated to the front row on the opposite side of the net at this time, and he and Tsukishima formed the strongest blocking duo in Wuye.

After the second game, Tsukishima's condition was much better than the first game. At this time, Tsukishima's attention was completely on Shirabu Kenjiro, who was about to hold the ball.

Because he was very afraid of Ye Changfeng's single-player iron wall, he planned to change his mind temporarily to Baibu in the west of Sichuan who was behind him, and changed his hand position in the air to quickly push the volleyball to another segment forward.

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