"Domineering, it's just an unreasonable score, Shiratorizawa is so strong, he still can't stop it!"

"Could it be that the fourth game of Kurano is about to end? Shiratorizawa's dominance in Miyagi Prefecture is about to be handed over." Other neutral fans discussed heatedly.

"Shatorizawa has not resolved the restrictions on the ability of Ye Changfeng players. They are in danger again in this game." Fujiwara didn't want the game to end soon.

Such a passionate and bloody game, he even hoped that it would never end.

"They can't solve it. If Ye Jun can be restrained, I believe that Coach Eagle will not do anything." Taoli's voice just fell.

beep!The referee on the field suddenly blew the whistle, and Shiratorizawa requested a timeout.

Shiratorizawa's bench.

The old man Jiujiang has a gloomy face. It's not that he can't accept failure, but this year's Shiratori Ze is the strongest one he has ever brought. His original goal was the top four in the country. If it ends here, he can't accept it. this result.

What made the old man Jiujiang even more unbearable was that the old man who had been fighting with him for more than ten years was still on vacation. If he lost, he would lose to the younger generation of the old man of Wu, which would be a shame.

"Look at your own appearance, I have already said to play every ball as the last ball! Don't be afraid of making mistakes, you have no way to retreat!" The old man Shiratori began to roar at Shiratorizawa again. , spit flying.

"Wuye is not better than us, don't you see that their feet are as slow as they are filled with lead?" Jiujiang pointed to his brain.

"Use more brains, don't be reckless, try to play as many rounds as possible, and drag the game to the tiebreaker, the victory must belong to us!"

Kuro's bench.

"Keep the momentum, don't be careless!" Coach Wuyang reminded his players loudly.

Ye Changfeng sat on the side without saying a word, just covered his head with a towel, sweat slowly dripping from his whole body.

"Yejun..." Shimizu Jiexi wanted to continue massaging Ye Changfeng, but Ye Changfeng waved his hand and refused.

At this time, Ye Changfeng's whole body was steaming with steam, and he didn't need to relax his muscles at all, he had already entered the state of the competition.

This is Ye Changfeng's first time in the world of volleyball teenagers to enter a state where his body is excellent, his whole body is hot, and his strength is constantly pouring out.

At this time, Ye Changfeng had a smile on the corner of his mouth. He liked the feeling of running and running freely on the court.

On the court, whenever Ye Changfeng completed a heavy dunk and watched the volleyball fall heavily and bounce high, he would feel the blood surging in his chest.

There were loud cheers and cheers all around the stadium, everyone looked at themselves with such a frenzy that you felt like the whole world was watching you.

This is Ye Changfeng's favorite feeling, and this is the unique charm of sports competition.

beep!The short timeout ended quickly, and the players from both teams returned to the court again.

Yamaguchi kept the serve by his own efforts, so he stayed on the court.

"Come on Yamaguchi, another goal!" There were students in the stands who cheered for Yamaguchi.

Snapped!Without any hesitation, Yamaguchi raised his hand to make a jump ball.

clatter!No one expected that Yamaguchi's serve hit the net belt while passing the net, wiping the tennis ball!

The volleyball wobbled a bit and eventually rolled over the net.

"Clean the net, the front court!" Bai Bu was taken aback.

Snapped!Fortunately, the free man Yamagata reacted fast enough to save the volleyball.

Shiratorizawa's attack, this time, Shirobu pushed the volleyball to Ushima Joli without hesitation.

Niu Dao's eyes shone with cold light, facing Ye Changfeng and Yue Dao's double blocking, he remained expressionless, but the veins on his lower arm were exposed.

Bang!Ushishima smashed the ball with all his might, and the volleyball hit Tsukishima's arm and popped out of bounds.

19 to 19!The two sides do not give each other, every ball must be fought!

"Damn!" Tsukishima clapped his hands bitterly.

On the court, the serve point was broken, and Yamaguchi was only replaced by Hinata. His functionality was still too single, and it was difficult to have any playing time in this high-quality game.

On the field, the five-color workers serve.

boom!After the five colors jumped up, it was a super-powerful jump serve, and the goal was directly at Hinata who had just played.

Hyuga was only on the court, and her body had not yet fully adapted. She was taken aback by the powerful serve from the five colors, and she blocked the volleyball with her chest in embarrassment.

Kurano's first pass was destroyed, and this time the volleyball flew directly over the back row.

"Pass the ball over, don't worry about it so much!" Ye Changfeng shouted without turning back.

"I'm coming!" Tanaka turned his back to the net in the back row and put his hands behind him, regardless of where the ball could fly.

Chapter 137, The Battle of Ace

Bang!Tanaka saved the ball, but the position of the back pass was not good. After the ball flew up at a high speed, it was very close to the net. ∠Magazine±Magazine±Insect∠

bass!However, for Ye Changfeng, who had already started, this was not a problem at all. He caught up with the volleyball like lightning and waved his long arm.

Snapped!The few people in front of Shiratori Zewang were taken aback, Niu Dao Ruoli thought that Ye Changfeng was going to dunk heavily, and immediately jumped up and blocked the net with both hands.

However, Ye Changfeng suddenly changed his hand position in the air and tapped the volleyball over the net, it was a lob.

"Oops!" The paralyzed Niu Dao watched helplessly as the volleyball spun past his hands, his expression was not calm, and he turned back suddenly.

Bang!At a critical moment, Shiratorizawa's setter Shibubu stood up. He fell to the ground and slid, leaning on his side, with his arms on the ground, and hurriedly put the ball over the net.

"Saved, but the offensive power is still on Kuro's side!" Fujiwara sat up straight, and he could feel that the game had entered the most critical points.

"Don't worry, let's attack again." Captain Sawamura stepped forward and reminded his teammates loudly as he held up the volleyball.

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