With a loud bang, Ye Changfeng's left hand had a lightning-like conditioned reflex, and under Niu Dao Ruoli's unbelievable gaze, he forcefully pressed Niu Dao's spiking ball down with one palm.

bang!The sturdy hot pot, the volleyball exploded at a faster speed in the center of Shiratorizawa court, Shiratorizawa four fell to the ground to save the ball, at least half a meter away from the volleyball.

21 is better than 20!

"Well stopped!"

"So handsome!"

"This is the trump card!" Wu Ye's bench was completely boiling.

Ace vs. Ace, Ye Changfeng once again suppressed Niu Dao, and Wu Ye's momentum soared.

At this time, no matter how firm Niu Dao's mind was, his expression changed, and his entire face darkened.

"Night Changfeng!"

"Come on, show your true strength, I haven't had enough of it yet!" Ye Changfeng looked straight at Niudao Ruoli, whose eyes were full of anger.

The eyes of the two met, the sparks splashed, and anyone could see that this was just the beginning.

On the field, Tanaka's serve.

Vigorously jumping the serve, the hot-blooded man Tanaka never knew what nervousness was, and at such a critical time, he dared to serve directly and vigorously.

boom!The volleyball fell sharply after passing the net, and the quality of the ball was good.

"Good shot, Aaron!" Sawamura's voice just fell.

Bang!Shiratorizawa Yukiyama Yamagata steadily dispelled Tanaka's strong serve and lifted the volleyball.

Shiratorizawa's attack, there is no doubt that it was Ushima who launched the storm.

This time Niu Dao jumped higher than before, and the range of movements in the air was exaggerated.

At this point in the game, there is no need for any reservations at all. Shiratori Ze is now on the edge of the cliff, and there is no way out.

Another face-to-face confrontation between trump cards, Udo actually closed his eyes at this time, and suddenly waved his arms by feeling.

"This guy!" Ye Changfeng was slightly startled, the volleyball pierced through Ye Changfeng's shoulders like a whirlwind.

Bang!The volleyball fell heavily, and the people in the back row of Kuro didn't react, and they couldn't react.

21 to 21!The fourth game was already an innumerable draw.

"He made a head-on breakthrough. Ruo Li Niu Dao is worthy of being one of the three kings in the country. He actually broke through the defense of Ye Changfeng player head-on!" Fujiwara exclaimed again and again.

No wonder Fujiwara yelled, the Shiratorizawa students at the scene were already boiling, as if they had won the competition.

Ye Changfeng's single-player iron wall was too strong, and everyone in Shiratori was overwhelmed. Before the goal just now, Shiratori hadn't really broken through Ye Changfeng's defense once in the whole game.

In fact, compared to Ye Changfeng's violent offense, his defensive ability is even more inexplicable.

However, with the shot just now, Niu Dao Ruoli really broke through Ye Changfeng's iron wall.

"Well buckled!" Even Ye Changfeng couldn't help applauding his opponent.

Whether it was speed or strength, Niu Dao's smash just now was definitely the best in the country, and what was more critical was the timing and line of his smash.

In the gap between Ye Changfeng's shoulder and head, Niu Dao, with his natural sense of ball and talent, forcibly drilled a loophole that was not a loophole.

"Okay, Niu Dao, the buttons are so pretty!"

"Captain, amazing!" Everyone on the Shiratori field was roaring and venting, and even Niu Dao couldn't help but wave his arms to celebrate, Ye Changfeng had crushed them too badly.

For a while, Shiratorizawa's morale was shaken, and it was turned to Ushima Jolly's serving point.

"Damn, let them start again, Changfeng..." Sawamura shouted Ye Changfeng, wanting to discuss tactics.

However, Sawamura was stunned when he saw Ye Changfeng's expression. At this time, Ye Changfeng was laughing, and he laughed so much that Sawamura was horrified.

The whole body seemed to be burning with flames, and when he got closer, Sawamura even had the illusion that the air temperature around Ye Changfeng was rising.

Niu Dao Ruoli's murderous serve, at this time Niu Dao's expression returned to icy cold again, he was also burning all his fighting spirit, his whole body was burning like cold flames.

One red, one blue, one hot and one ice, Ye Changfeng and Niu Dao Ruoli, the two trump cards, each burned themselves, and their auras were so strong that they completely overwhelmed all the other players.

Boom!Ushima's murderous serve power seems to have improved by more than one grade, and Nishiya, the patron saint of Wuye, desperately saved the ball, and was able to hold the ball up.

"Not good!" Wuye's heart jumped, the pass was completely destroyed, and the volleyball came to the sky above the net belt almost instantly.

Bang!At this moment, the two lightning-like figures in front of Wu Ye and Shiratori Zewang sprang up at an unbelievable speed.

It's Ye Changfeng and Tiantong, two bullet-speed monsters!

puff!The two held the volleyball in the air with both hands almost simultaneously in the air.

bang!However, at the moment of contact, the outcome was immediately decided, Tiantong instantly lost his balance in the air, and the volleyball fell heavily on the floor behind him.

22 is better than 21!

In aerial confrontation, no one is Ye Changfeng's all-in-one general.

"You're still a long way off!" Ye Changfeng told Tiantong with indifferent eyes, the gap between reality.

Outside the venue, Shiratorizawa's people hugged their heads helplessly and wailed, while the students of Wuye cheered.

The duel of the trump cards, the game is here, it seems that only two trump cards are left shining on the whole stage, and the others seem to be reduced to spectators.

Chapter 139, the air is about to freeze (seeking self-determination)

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