The moment the volleyball touched the palm of Ohira, it flew to the outer edge of the boundary, and it was about to go out of bounds.

"Damn it!" At the moment of crisis, Wu Shi took a big stride and hooked the volleyball back with his feet.

"Go over the net for the last time!" Wuse turned his head and shouted.

Bang!Kenjiro Shirabu, who was in front of the net, immediately returned the volleyball to Wuye's half with both hands.

Kurano's Chance Ball!

Kageyama didn't hesitate to point the lob that was coming towards him higher in the sky.

Fifth gear toss!

Kageyama, possibly the most talented setter in Japan, has brought his talent to the extreme.

Every toss is computer-controlled and full of variety, making it hard for opponents to figure out what he's thinking.

"Don't worry, you must block Ye Changfeng!" In front of the Shiratori Ze net, Ushimaru Ruoli commanded very rarely loudly.

In the past games, Ushima always solved Shiratorizawa's offense alone, and now that this game has played, Ushima has realized that he can't defeat Wuye High School with Ye Changfeng alone.

"One, two, three, jump!" The three people in front of Shiratori Zewang jumped in unison, erecting the strongest high wall in front of Ye Changfeng.

Swish!After Ye Changfeng took off on one foot, the whole person flew in the air and rose continuously. At the same time, he kept pulling away his body.

Bowing and archery, Ye Changfeng's aerial posture is always so stretched, and under the reflection of the orange floor on the scene, everything is so perfect and elegant.

"My night moves are picturesque!" This is the deepest impression in the hearts of Ye Changfeng fans.

However, after this picturesque action, it is a powerful force.

Hammer Smash!

The volleyball that Ye Changfeng dunked was almost a vertical ninety degree, and he jumped so high that he completely ignored the height of the opposing team's full-strength blocking.

bang!With the exclamations of the fans in the audience, Shiratorizawa's backcourt, the freelance Yamagata actually predicted the route of Ye Changfeng's smash.

"Hmm!" The moment Yamagata caught the ball, his face twisted.

Although he didn't remove the power he carried on the volleyball, he was able to smash the ball vertically at the fifth gear of Ye Changfeng.

"There's still a chance!!!" Seeing that the volleyball had already flown out of bounds, Shiyin Dahei roared and threw himself into the air, and retrieved the volleyball from the air out of bounds.

"Rescue, the ball hasn't hit the ground yet!" Fujiwara yelled.

Yamagata, who was knocked to the ground after catching the ball, climbed up desperately, and the volleyball, which was rescued by Shion Ohira, jumped back to Wuye's half.

"It's so beautiful, it's been rescued, it's amazing!" Shiratorizawa's bench was boiling.

"It's really noisy!" Ye Changfeng was already on fire, and he didn't care about any tactics at all. Facing the volleyball flying back to Wuye, he just kicked off the ground, gliding horizontally in the air, and suddenly swung arm.

Bang dong!The heavy hammer hit the floor, the volleyball landed instantly, and the next second flew directly to the stands.

It's too domineering, Ye Changfeng's handling of the ball doesn't make sense at all.

"It's Ye Changfeng again, it's the line-pressing ball!" Fujiwara stood up and was about to shout.

beep!However, the referee blew the whistle at an untimely time, indicating that Ye Changfeng had just spiked the ball out of bounds.

30 is better than 29!

A very dramatic point, the referee's controversial penalty again aroused the dissatisfaction of the students in the audience.

The boos were even louder than the one just now, almost toppling the roof of the arena upside down.

"Black whistle! Black whistle! Black whistle!"

Off the court, Wu Yangxin gave up, and roared wildly at the fourth referee off the court, spattering saliva, almost washing the referee's face.

"Out of bounds?" Ye Changfeng was too lazy to bother with the referee, so he turned back to his position, his eyes burning like an explosion.

"Changfeng is provoked!" After spending so long with Ye Changfeng, Sawamura knew how terrifying an angry Ye Changfeng would be.

On the field, Shiratorizawa once again struggled back from the boundary of hell, and their luck today is not bad.

In the teeing area, the field soldiers continued to throw the ball.

Swish!This time, the quality of the jumping ball of the field soldiers was very high. After passing the net, it almost fell against the net.

The ball in the front court was extremely tricky, and the volleyball also had an unknown spin.

It can be seen that under the advice of the old eagle craftsman, the wild soldiers also fought hard, and the error rate of this kind of serve is more than 50.

However, this is of no use.

Snapped!A lightning-like figure, one with a sinking center of gravity, holding a little with both hands, perfectly removed all the spin on the volleyball.

With a perfect pass, the volleyball was picked up firmly.

It's the night wind!

Except for Ye Changfeng, no one in the entire stadium can approach the frequency of movements at this speed, not even Niu Dao Ruoli who entered the ZONE mode.

"King Shan!" After catching the ball, Ye Changfeng didn't stop moving. He lowered his heart not only to catch the ball, but also to accumulate energy for take-off.

"Here it is!" Ying Shan understood, jumped at the same time as Ye Changfeng, raised one hand and pushed the volleyball that was rolling in the air backwards.

Fly back at speed!

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