"When the child is old, he has to go outside to have a look. How can there be any promise or not? You don't need to ask me about this kind of thing. You can go if you want. Besides, if I don't want to, you can still do it. Why don't you leave?" Speaking of this, although the old monk still had a smile in the corner of his eyes, Ye Changfeng still saw a little unnoticeable sadness from it.

The atmosphere seemed a little depressing for no reason.

"So, when are you going to leave?" The old monk sighed and spoke slowly.

Ye Changfeng hesitated for a moment, just about to speak.

"If you're not in a hurry... just stay for two more days." The old monk stood up and smiled at him, "I have some gifts for you for the teacher." After that, he turned and walked towards the back room. .

Looking at the hunched figure of the old monk, Ye Changfeng smiled slightly, scratched his head again, and leaned over to clean up the tableware.

Chapter 007, Looking for Zhu Wuzhuang

After three days, breakfast was over. ∏ Magazine ÷ Magazine ÷ Bug ∏

"Xiaofeng, it's been three days again, and I won't keep you anymore as a teacher. Put down the tableware and chopsticks first, and come in with me." The old monk gestured towards Ye Changfeng.

The weather is good today, and the warm sunshine is shrouded above the temple. The whole room is bright and dignified. The old monk's g-couch is also neatly arranged. There are two wooden benches in the center of the door, one of which is also holding a wooden bench. Basin of water.

"Master, what does this mean?" Ye Changfeng asked in confusion.

"Calculate the time, today is the day you return to the secular world, and it is also the day when you reach the crown." The old monk looked at Ye Changfeng, his old face was full of kind smiles, "There is nothing you can do as a teacher. It's a gift for you and a crown, but it's still okay to help you complete the gift of returning to the world and tie a crown."

"Xiaofeng, starting from today... you can go out of the mountain."


The land of the Central Plains is much larger than Ye Changfeng imagined. Although Ye Changfeng was already prepared for this, when he really spread out the sheepskin map and walked out step by step, he realized that his previous thoughts were. How naive.

But fortunately, he didn't have any urgent matters. , go and stay as you like, but it is also a little bit of the natural free and easy of the mountain forest layman.

However, he obviously does not have the mentality of a layman who is enjoying himself and sleeping in the open without frowning.Since he came down from the mountain a few days ago, Ye Changfeng has been heading south all the way. The old monk has not saved any money for him to serve as a entanglement in the past few years, so he has to wait a few days until the dry food he brought with him has been eaten. , Ye Changfeng was confused.

However, unlike most people who have a bottom line, Ye Changfeng has only been confused for less than a few hours before he has found his goal of survival. Come here, and it's better than before.

It's just that the so-called 'robbing the rich to help the poor' is just his own wishful thinking, because what he robbed along the way was really a rich man, but it was just himself, but fortunately he still had some conscience, even if It was stolen from those rich people. Every time he took away two or three taels of silver, sometimes he even wrote an IOU... According to Ye Changfeng's thoughts, the young master is just trying to rest his mind. As for the future Whether it will be repaid or not, that is another matter.


In the distance, the appearance of a city gate was reflected in Ye Changfeng's eyes. Upon seeing this, his mood instantly relaxed a lot.

After all, no matter how beautiful the landscape is, it will be boring to watch it for more than a month, and for some reason, Ye Changfeng has not seen a few people who can walk with him on the same road. How could he bear it... The most important thing is, the feeling that these ill-gotten gains have been kept in his arms and cannot be spent, is undoubtedly a huge torture to Ye Changfeng, and suddenly he saw a In the city, Ye Changfeng's performance is reasonable.

Before entering the city, there was a stall with apricot blossom wine hanging not far from the city wall. He smelled the faint aroma of the wine and took a sip. Ye Changfeng suddenly felt that he could not walk, and a sense of fatigue suddenly When it came to his heart, he closed his eyes and sniffed hard, his face filled with intoxication, it was really fucking fragrant.

He walked over to find an empty stool and sat down, gritted his teeth and shouted with all his strength, "Little Er, come and serve the wine!"

The shop assistant who was busy with business hurriedly raised his head and said "Okay". He came out to do business. That naturally exuded temperament immediately filled his face with a smile, "Here, this gentleman, what do you want, our little shop is not big, but we have everything and the taste is excellent, I guarantee you It won't hurt."

"The first time I came here, I didn't know what delicious food was in your store. In this way, warm a pot of sweet-scented osmanthus wine first, then serve some meat, and remember to add a few plates of side dishes for drinking." Ye Changfeng ordered some casually. something, he waved his hand over the time limit.

"Okay, young man, wait a moment, the dishes you ordered will arrive soon." The rag on Che's shoulders wiped the table, and carefully poured a bowl of tea, the second child immediately retired, and a few more people came next to him. The people at the table were all shouting Xiao Er, he still had something to do.

Seeing the busy figure of the shop assistant, Ye Changfeng was not in a hurry. Listening to the chatter from time to time, the irritability in his heart gradually subsided. signs of loosening.

"This kind of life is good." He murmured a few words in a low voice, Ye Changfeng resting his chin in his palm, and looked around with scattered eyes. At this moment, he did not pay attention to the problem of the exercises in his body, he was just pure and simple. He is enjoying life and the tranquility of this moment. He is not suitable for a very quiet life. Instead, this kind of free time is more suitable for him to be in a daze and steal a free life.


"Young Master, your order is ready, you can eat it first, and you can just say hello to the little one if you have anything."

I don't know how long it took, the voice of the shop assistant once again recalled Ye Changfeng's mind.

"Oh, little brother stay." Ye Changfeng stretched out his hand to signal the shop's second to stop for a while, took out half a tael of silver from his arms, and put it into the shop's second hand without a trace, "I still want to ask little brother about something, I don't know if I can. No telling one or two."

His fingers rubbed the broken silver, and the shop assistant's eyes showed a bit of joy. In his line of business, he only needs to reach out and touch the money to know the money. Half a tael of silver is almost equal to his wages for several days, and he nodded immediately. He replied, "Just ask this lord if you have anything, and the little one knows everything."

"I'm ashamed to say it, I followed my teacher into the mountains to practice when I was young. When I came out of the mountain a few days ago, I realized that I didn't know what year and month it was, and what major events were happening in the rivers and lakes now. Jianghu, I wonder if I can tell you one or two." Ye Changfeng touched his nose and asked with a slightly embarrassed smile.

"Hey, what's the big deal when it comes to being a kid." The shop assistant said with a smile, "This grandfather is asking the right person. In this small business, the people who have the most contact every day are the people in the rivers and lakes..."

Chapter 008, the road encounters a vicious dog

Ye Changfeng's sentence 'little brother has been in the world all the year round' was undoubtedly accurately photographed on the shop boy's ass. Seeing that the shop was not too busy at this time and the boy was so generous, the shop boy was also interested. , he simply sat on the side and spoke to Ye Changfeng vividly, just like a storyteller. ㄨ Magazine≦ Magazine≦ Bug ㄨ

After half an hour, Ye Changfeng got enough information from the second shop assistant, and he didn't hesitate to give the latter half a tael of silver before sending him back.

"This TM really is the world of Yitian Tulong! Judging from the background of Yitian Tulong, this should be the time when Zhang Wuji has just set foot in Middle Earth and there is still no news." He took a sip of his wine, and his mind was full of thoughts.

"According to the current situation of the rivers and lakes, Wudang and Emei have already begun to move, and the Heavenly Sword and Tulongdao should also be approaching the time of the world, but I don't care much about that thing, but it is the two divine arts of nine yin and nine yang. , but I have to get it as soon as possible..." Ye Changfeng thought about it like this, and suddenly he smiled, a little wretched, "I remember that there is a beautiful and charming person in the so-called Zhuwu Lianhuan Zhuang, and it happened to be there. There is also news of Jiuyang Divine Art, hehe..."

After thinking about this, Ye Changfeng didn't stop there. He took out a few coins from his arms and threw them on the table, "Little Er, check out!"


Kunlun Mountain has appeared in the writings of many migrants since ancient times; and in the annals of history that have witnessed history, there are also many of its figures. It was recorded in the "Shan Hai Jing Hai Nei Dong Jing", saying: "Kunlun Mountain is in the West Huxi. "Western Classic of Great Desolation" also said: "South of the West Sea, on the shore of quicksand, behind Chishui and before Blackwater, there is a mountain called Kunlun Hill." In the hearts of ancient Chinese people, Kunlun Mountain was also called The status of the ancestor of Wanshan is evident from this.

In Ye Changfeng's heart, he undoubtedly yearned for such a sacred mountain.

So Ye Changfeng gritted his teeth and spent some silver taels in a small town to buy a good horse, and all the way, he walked along the markings on the map towards the Kunlun Mountains.

However, what is different from the description of Zhong Er he saw in Zhong Er is that not only the so-called peaks are more than a thousand feet high, but the so-called silver swords are piercing the sky, and they are impossible to climb. The waterfall hangs down from a distance and looks like one practice after another under the moonlight.

"Those who are irresponsible are really fooling people." He complained like this at any time, but Ye Changfeng's eyes could not see the slightest dissatisfaction, because as he moved away from the marking of the Kunlun Mountains on the map, more and more As he got closer, the magnificent and majestic mountain in the distance gradually enlarged in his pupils.

Heavy rain washes the dust off.

After a heavy rain a few days ago, the Kunlun Mountains suddenly appeared out of thin air from the clouds and mist, and the lush forests shrouded the Kunlun Mountains that spread hundreds of thousands of feet away. On the mountains, there is brilliance and vitality, like a fairyland.

"If I didn't know that this is the world of martial arts, I would really like to know if there is really a fairy cave here." Ye Changfeng rolled over and dismounted, and led the horse to walk in the mountains and forests.

Kunlun Mountain is not too far from Zhuwu Village, and now Changfeng has been driving for a few days in a hurry. At this time, not only the horses have reached their limit, but even he feels a little tired with all the skills, and then think about it. By the time the trip to Zhuwuzhuang may not be smooth sailing, Ye Changfeng decided to stop the hasty pace for the time being and recuperate for a few days before going.

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