"Look at your cowardly appearance, it's really a shame for the lords." Ye Changfeng scorned him in his belly, but he never took his eyes away from that charming person for a moment, "Tsk tsk, As expected of the eldest lady, she is really the eldest lady!" Deliberately lengthening the length of a certain word, and then seeing the look of the pig on his face, a man understands that Ye Changfeng will think about it again at this time. What, although the child is not big, but if it is placed in an ordinary family, it is also the age of falling in love, how can I not know what Ye Changfeng is thinking at this time, and immediately panicked and hurriedly said.

"Hey, what are you thinking about now, why don't you run for your life!"

"Escape? Me?" Seeing the pretty girl approaching, Ye Changfeng suddenly put away the pig-like appearance, and replaced it with the appearance of a decent gentleman. He subconsciously wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth. , turned his head to look at the little boy, and said doubtfully, "Didn't I just look at your young lady a few times? Is it worth escaping for such a trivial matter?"

"What time is it now, who still cares about you." Xiao Jiading waved his hand violently towards Ye Changfeng, "I think you have some skill. Before the young lady realizes that there is still a chance to escape quickly, you still have a chance to survive." You killed the generals that the young lady raised and roasted them, how could the young lady spare your life!"

"Oh, you are referring to this matter, I thought it was a big deal." Ye Changfeng waved his hand impatiently, took out a dog's leg that had fallen from the fire earlier, and brushed it off. The fallen leaves above did not dislike it either, and under Xiao Jiading's terrified eyes, he took a bite.

"Well, fragrant, it tastes really good."

Handing the roasted and bitten dog leg to Xiao Jia Ding, Ye Changfeng immediately signaled, "Boy, do you want to try it, the taste is really good, my craftsmanship really has nothing to say."

"Ah! Are you crazy!" Xiao Jiading wailed when he saw this, only to feel a cool air coming from the sky to the soles of his feet, and his whole body was full of coolness, and he didn't care about Ye Changfeng, a lunatic, and turned around. Just run away, faster than ever before.

"I haven't seen the world before." With a disdainful pouting, Ye Changfeng turned to look at the horses in front of him, biting the dog's legs with relish.

"Shut up!"

The pretty person snorted, and the horses stagnated at a distance of two steps from Ye Changfeng. The horses hooves stepped up to the sky, mixed with the rushing air waves, which attacked Ye Changfeng overwhelmingly.

The sleeve robe slammed violently, and the energy spurted out from the sleeve, resisting the stormy weather, Ye Changfeng's left hand was behind his back, clutching the dog's leg that had gnawed a few bites.

The person on the horse also flashed a glimmer of admiration in his eyes when he saw Ye Changfeng's undisturbed appearance, but when he saw the situation around him clearly, Jing Ruoxingchen's eyes suddenly narrowed into an extremely dangerous arc.

"Have you killed all my hounds here?"

The charming and charming person spoke slowly, and the voice was clear and crisp, like the first cry of a chick, and it made the bones crumble just by hearing it.

Ye Changfeng was no exception. He shuddered all over, and immediately said with a smile: "I just passed by this place before, and I saw Ding Xiaotong, a family in the girl's house, being chased and killed by these hounds, and I felt sympathy, so I only came up with this strategy. I hope the girl is not surprised, um... Otherwise, this is an apology for the girl, okay?"

"You bastard!" With a livid face, Ye Changfeng handed over a dog's leg that took a few bites as if offering a treasure, and then looked at the dog hair on the ground beside him, how could the pretty girl not know what happened What's the matter? Jade teeth bit her red lips lightly, and the whip that was driving the horse in her hand slammed violently, with a cracking sound that pierced the air, and slammed away at Ye Changfeng's head!

In addition to being furious, Jiaoqiaoren didn't intend to hold back her hands at all this time.

If this draw is drawn, ordinary people are likely to end up with a broken skin.

However, Ye Changfeng is not an ordinary person after all. With the Dragon and Elephant Prajna Sutra in his body, his body is much stronger than that of ordinary people. Seeing the whip slashed towards the face from a vicious angle, the internal force poured into the palm of his hand. As soon as he probed, he firmly grasped the whip.

"I don't know what the girl means?" Ye Changfeng teased.

"What do you mean? You killed more than a dozen hounds that my girl kept, and I want you to pay for your life now!" Jiao Qiaoren shouted, no longer the whip, and turned over from the horse's back with her toes. Next, Yushou took out a long sword from the saddle and stabbed Ye Changfeng in the chest angrily!

"The girl's family, it's not honest at home, learn from the husband and teach the children to make handicrafts, how to learn these things." With such a teasing, Ye Changfeng's figure did not retreat but advanced, and his figure suddenly turned to the side. He opened, and the thorn flashed past the thorn in a dangerous and dangerous way, and with a flick of the finger, it accurately flicked on the delicate wrist, and even stroked it from the top of his jade hand.

The pain from her wrist caused Jiaoqiaoren to instinctively let go of her jade hand, the long sword fell down, and she felt a large rough hand pass over the back of her hand, her cheeks flushed with anger.

"Well, the fragrance is very charming. The smell on the girl is a thousand times better than that of the barbecued meat." He whistled lightly, Ye Changfeng sniffed the palm of his hand with intoxication, and looked at the person intoxicated. joked.

"You, you son of a bitch, this girl wants you to look good!" Seeing Ye Changfeng's teasing, the pretty face was a little purple, and he didn't care about anything else immediately. Printed on Ye Changfeng's chest.

"Then it's as good as the girl's mind." Feeling the almost negligible strength on the jade palm, Ye Changfeng raised his eyebrows and stepped out abruptly. The pretty girl gave her a hug.

"You, you bastard, let go of this girl!" Feeling that she was in an unfamiliar embrace, the pretty face was flushed red, even to the bottom of her ears, she was instantly cute.

"Miss Eldest Miss" in the distance, a loud shout suddenly sounded.

"You, please let me go!"

Feeling the struggle of the person in his arms, Ye Changfeng smiled slightly, rubbed his hands on his waist, and immediately retreated.

In the distance, a team of people dressed in family clothes has turned the corner.

Chapter 011, Zhu family daughter

"Looking at the clothes of the people behind this girl, it should be the Zhu family of the 'Zhuwu Lianhuan Village'. ℡ Magazine v Zhi v insects℡" Ye Changfeng reached out and stroked his nose, thinking silently in his heart, since In this case, according to the setting of Yi Tian Tu Long Ji, this girl should definitely be Zhu Jiuzhen, the eldest daughter of the Zhu family.

Sure enough, the group of people in front stood in front of the two of them. The person at the head must have been over half a hundred years old. The old man was dressed in black clothes, with hot gold gilt embroidered on the cuffs, and a clear "Zhu". The word is printed on the left chest, and the temples are white but the face is red.

"Miss, I don't know who this young master is?" The old man bowed to Zhu Jiuzhen, and immediately gestured towards Ye Changfeng with some doubts, with a light smile on his face.

"Old man, the boy is polite." Ye Changfeng smiled slightly and bowed to the old man in a salute, but he didn't recognize him at all, and even when he started talking to him, "The boy doesn't dare to call himself a son, he's just a wild man. Just rude."

He glanced at the corpses of the hounds on the ground without a trace, and saw the fist marks that were several inches deep on the corpse's head, and the old man's pupils shrank suddenly.

He is the chief steward of the entire Zhu Mansion, and he is responsible for all the trivial matters up and down the main mansion.

But because he knew it, he was a little shocked.

Because apart from the eldest young lady, there must be no one in the entire Zhu Mansion who knows the fighting power of these hounds better than him.

The usual nursing homes in Zhu's Mansion, if they fight one against one, may not be able to do anything to the hound. On the contrary, if it takes a long time, they may even be injured.But right now, this unknown young man who had never met before actually slaughtered more than ten hounds at this time, and looking at this posture, it was clearly an extremely clean one-shot kill!

This alone makes the old man extremely vigilant.

"Heroes have been young since ancient times!" The old man sighed slightly, and said, "Once these hounds raised by the eldest lady are aggressive, even the old man can't guarantee that they will be suppressed, but I didn't expect the young master to be so Martial arts really makes this old man feel ashamed... The little old man is arrogant, and he is a person in the world, but he doesn't know the name of the son, it's a pity, I wonder if the son can tell me?"

"Thanks for the compliment from the old gentleman." Ye Changfeng naturally knew that the old man in front of him was telling him what he was saying at this time. After all, he was not a youngster who set foot in the rivers and lakes for the first time. Suddenly, he had an idea. "The boy is really just a rough man in the mountains. He has been living in seclusion with his parents in the mountains and forests for all these years. It was only a few days ago that he really stepped into the rivers and lakes. How could he get such praise from the old gentleman." He waved his hands again and again with a sincere expression on his face.

"Oh?" The light flashed in his eyes, and then went out, the old man asked again, "It's a pity that a young talent like the son has really set foot in the rivers and lakes a few days ago, but the little old man wants to come, relying on the son's martial arts. , I must be able to make a name in the rivers and lakes in the future, so I don't know if the honorable name is taboo?"

"Uh, my father said that if one day in the future, if he sets foot in the rivers and lakes, he must never mention his name, so thanks to the love of the old man, the boy can only apologize for this, and I hope the old man will not blame him."

"Young Master is serious, and it must be extraordinary to be able to teach such a talented man as Master. As the saying goes, there is no such thing as a tiger's father and no dog's son. Ling Zun's privacy can still be understood by the little old man."

"Qi Bo, why are you still chatting with him?" The old man and the young man whom the pretty girl saw ignored her and chatted enthusiastically, and immediately stomped her little feet in a sullen voice.

"Oh, miss, I'm sorry, old man, I'm old, I want to talk a little more when I see young people. I think this young man has a good conversation and a personable demeanor. I think the young lady can get along well with him."

"He, he is an uncompromising apprentice, a big hooligan, and he pretends to be extraordinary in conversation and demeanor!" The pretty girl gave Ye Changfeng a fierce look.

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