His body jumped suddenly, and it shot at the four people like an arrow from the string!

The faint sound of air tearing suddenly sounded, the spider and the three behind him heard something, and all four of them stopped in unison to look in the direction Ye Changfeng was coming from. The next moment, Ye Changfeng's The figure appeared in front of Zhu'er, facing Wei Bi and Wu Qingying.

"I don't know what this young master means?" The tip of the long sword pointed directly at Ye Changfeng's chest. The woman's expression seemed a little bad, but she was not a reckless person. When she saw the speed of Ye Changfeng's attack At that time, she already knew that the person in front of her must not be easily provoked if it was possible, so she rationally did not act the first time, but opened her mouth to test it.

"You should ask the two people behind you. I think they should give you a good answer." With his arms around his chest, Ye Changfeng naturally saw that Wei Bi and Wu Qingying's faces flashed because of his presence. The expression on his face changed, so his heart was also relieved, and he raised his chin with a smile on his face.

The woman's face was also a little surprised when she heard this. She immediately turned her head to look at Wei Bi and Wu Qingying. The faces of the two were not very good-looking. Wu Qingying was fine, but it was a little rosy, and she could not tell whether it was blushing or angry; That Wei Bi, on the other hand, had a ferocious face, and there was a sinister light in his eyes.

"I said, did you forget the loss you suffered last time?" Wei Bi's eyes made him angry, Ye Changfeng's eyes narrowed slightly, and his tone was a little stern. If it wasn't necessary, he didn't plan to kill this guy. Weibi, but if the latter repeatedly tested his bottom line like this, Ye Changfeng wouldn't mind sending him directly to hell.

"I don't care about any festivals between your Excellency and Young Master Wei, but those matters can be postponed for discussion." The woman put away her sword, took a step forward, and gestured towards Ye Changfeng, "Little girl Ding Minjun, It is a disciple of the Emei Sect, who was ordered by the tutor to capture the person behind the young master, and I hope to see the face of my Emei Sect and the tutor, and stop meddling in this matter."

"Emei? Who is your master?"

"Respect the teacher's name is taboo to extinction." Ding Minjun raised his head, a look of arrogance flashed in his eyes.

"It turned out to be Mie Mie Shi Tai, who has long admired his name." Ye Changfeng suddenly said, "Since he is Mie Mie Shi Tai's apprentice, he should sell his face anyway."

As his words fell, Ding Minjun's eyes also revealed a hint of acquaintance, and the spider's eyes behind him gradually showed a layer of coldness.

"The little girl thanked your Excellency for your kindness today." Ding Minjun said, and wanted to step forward.

"Wait a minute." Ye Changfeng stretched out his hand to block it, and said with a smile: "Did I say I have to sell this face?"

"Your Excellency, you clearly don't intend to give me Emei a trace of affection?" Ding Minjun narrowed his eyes slightly, and his tone was not good.

"Haha, do you represent Emei, or does your master represent Emei?" Ye Changfeng shook his head disdainfully and chuckled, "Anyway, this girl is in Baoding today, you guys, hurry up!"

"Looking for death!" Hearing Ye Changfeng's scolding, Ding Minjun's eyes flashed with anger, and in the next instant, her jade feet tapped the ground, and the long sword pointed directly at Ye Changfeng's chest, and Wei Bi also One move, followed by Ding Minjun.

"The kung fu of the three-legged cat also came out to show its ugliness." Taking a casual glance, Ye Changfeng was not interested. On the contrary, he looked at Weibi behind Ding Minjun, and the killing intent in his eyes was uncontrollable. The internal force surged suddenly, and immediately stamped it on Ding Minjun's chest; after that, Ye Changfeng didn't even look at Ding Minjun, and when he jumped, he clenched his right fist and hit Weibi's body with a fist. .



Two voices came out, and the figures of Ding Minjun and Weibi flew upside down. The former was fine, Ye Changfengnian did not attack Lianxiang Xiyu ruthlessly; on the other hand, Weibi was punched by Ye Changfeng. Fei, flying upside down for a distance of several meters, just now he slammed into the tree fiercely, a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth, and the whole person was wilted.

"Since you've tried to go against me several times, I'm sorry." Pulling out the long sword stuck on the ground, he danced casually, and raised a bright smile at Weibi lying not far away. Ye Changfeng held a long sword in his hand and walked slowly towards him like a god of death.

"Son, wait a minute! Keep people under the sword!"

When Ye Changfeng's long sword was slowly raised, a jiao shout came from not far away.

"This kind of rotten routine can also be encountered by the young master, really..." Ye Changfeng scolded, and immediately looked at the place where the voice came from, his eyes suddenly became dull.

Chapter 023, there is a female Zhiruo

"Leave someone under the sword!" A jiao drink interrupted Ye Changfeng's sword that was about to slash at Weibi's head. #Miscellaneous ㄨ Zhi ㄨ worm#

"Strange, why did Xiaoye stop? This kind of rotten plot that only appears in TV series can also appear in Xiaoye?" I thought about this question subconsciously in my mind, and a few black lines suddenly dropped on Ye Changfeng's face. , "Is it the end of the day? I want to see who...people..."

Seeing the girl floating in his direction, Ye Changfeng felt his brain freeze for a few seconds before subconsciously calling out a name, "Zhou Zhiruo!"

But Ye Changfeng didn't realize that when he just subconsciously called out the name of the person in front of him, Ding Minjun, who had been injured by his palm and was leaning on the tree to adjust his breath, frowned, and his eyes were full of disgust. He stared at the girl who fluttered from the sky on the forest leaves.

Blue silk microplates, jade flour cheeks, apricot eyes, apricot nose, and cherry mouth. Although she is dressed in plain clothes, her brilliance is looming. Although she walks like a weak willow, her eyes are full of beauty, and she is a beautiful girl. .

"Hmph, shameless." Seeing Ye Changfeng's lost soul, Zhu'er's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, and a soft drink with a slight smell of vinegar and anger was also spit out from his pink lips, as if The sound of thunder sounded in Ye Changfeng's ears. When he thought that there was a girl next to him who was not inferior to Zhou Zhiruo after his recovery, Ye Changfeng coughed lightly and returned to his previous appearance of a decent and upright gentleman.

But how can Zhu'er be such a foolish girl? Because of her practice of thousands of spiders and ten thousand poisonous hands, she has absorbed toxins into her body and condensed all the toxins on her face, resulting in the face of the angel on the left and the devil on the right. Because of this face Because of the destruction, she has suffered from many people's eyes over the years, from sadness to disappointment to numbness. For those men, she thought she had already seen it through.

It's just that today, a night wind suddenly appeared. For the first time, Zhu'er realized that she couldn't see through a man, because in his eyes, there was no evil desire, no joy or sorrow, and he couldn't even see fluctuations. A man is curious, but although she thinks so in her heart, she doesn't show the slightest bit on her face. Over the years, she has learned not to expose any emotions on her face, just like wearing a mask with a numb expression.

"This son, I don't know why I hurt my senior sister and her friends for no reason." Zhou Zhiruo was dressed in light work, with fluttering clothes and plain face, but she did not wear makeup, her pretty face was slightly cold, and her eyes were fixed on Ye Chang. Feng, as if to be wary of his actions.

"It turned out to be Miss Zhou Zhiruo. I've heard her name for a long time, so I'm being polite." Ye Changfeng bowed his hands slightly and smiled.

"How do you know my name?" Zhou Zhiruo frowned slightly, puzzled.

"Is it a rare thing to know the girl's name?" Ye Changfeng shrugged and didn't care. "As for the girl who asked me just now why I hurt your senior sister, I can only say that the road is unfair and I will help you with a knife."

"Hu Che! What kind of injustice do you see!" Ding Minjun, who was regulating his breath, jumped with anger, and when he saw that the long sword in his hand had fallen into Ye Changfeng's hands, his face became even paler." Junior sister Hugh wants to listen to his nonsense, and I have clearly disclosed the name of my master, but this fellow is still unrelenting, insisting on protecting the demon girl, I can't be angry with him but was hurt by him..."

"Who do you say is a demon girl? If you dare to talk nonsense again, this girl will tear your mouth!" Spider-er heard that someone called her a demon girl, subconsciously glanced at Ye Changfeng, and saw that his expression had not changed. He breathed a sigh of relief for no reason at the bottom of his heart, and immediately choked at Ding Minjun unceremoniously.

"Qing Ying, is that so?" Seeing that her senior sister and the woman were arguing, Zhou Zhiruo felt helpless. She had a quiet temperament and never liked to argue with others, and that Wei Bi was in the mix. She didn't know whether she was alive or dead, and she couldn't fully believe Ye Changfeng's words, so she could only turn her head and ask Wu Qingying softly.

"I...I...I don't know, we were chasing the woman before, and then the thief...no no, he suddenly appeared and wanted to stop us. Senior Sister Ding and my senior brother immediately fought with him. And then, it was like this." Wu Qingying didn't dare to look at Ye Changfeng's face, but felt that as soon as he saw that person, a sense of panic would overflow from the bottom of his heart, so at this time she undoubtedly seemed like a Just like a frightened rabbit, Ye Changfeng's mouth twitched slightly.

"No, I didn't do anything last time, I just touched some places that shouldn't be touched..." I thought about it in my heart, but after thinking about it, Ye Changfeng couldn't think of it himself. Going down, the face that has always been invulnerable also felt a little hot.

"Slutty thief..." Zhou Zhiruo keenly captured the key point of Wu Qingying's words, and then looking at Wu Qingying's delicate appearance, she was even more convinced of her conjecture in her heart, and the expression on Ye Changfeng's expression became more and more unpleasant. up.

"Young Master." Although she had all kinds of opinions about him, Zhou Zhiruo's skills on the surface were still impeccable. Facing Ye Changfeng Yingying saluting, she immediately opened her mouth and said, "I don't know why the son decided to intervene. This matter, but the person behind you used tricks to first hurt many of my sisters and sisters in Emei. It is a fact. Today, no matter what, Zhiruo knows that his skill is not as good as the son, but I hope the son can look at my master's face. Hand it over, otherwise, even if Zhiruo's skill is low, you can't let the young master lead people away!" In the last sentence, Zhou Zhiruo said it very firmly, even though she knew in her heart that she might not be able to defeat Ye Changfeng, but now she It represents the dignity of the Emei faction and the dignity of her master, and she must not bow down to others easily.

"The eyes are not bad." He glanced at Zhou Zhiruo playfully, Ye Changfeng raised his brows with a wicked smile on his face: "But sometimes this kind of seeming strength is meaningless. The girl leaves, if Miss Zhou wants to stop her, she can come and try it."


As soon as Ye Changfeng finished speaking, Zhou Zhiruo drew his sword and stepped up, and a crisp sword sound rang out. In the next instant, his body was less than ten feet away from Ye Changfeng, and the tip of his sword was even closer to Ye Changfeng. Changfeng's throat.

"Be careful!" Seeing that the long sword was approaching, Zhu'er also shouted loudly.

Ye Changfeng naturally wouldn't underestimate the enemy, even if he knew that Zhou Zhiruo's skill was far lower than him, he would not underestimate the enemy, but he felt a little pity for the stubborn girl in front of him, so he was just thinking about today How to solve this.

"Forget it, I'll give you a good fortune." He murmured in a low voice, feeling the stinging pain of Hanmang's body, Ye Changfeng slowly reached out his hand, but he was going to grab the sword tip.

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