The so-called Seven Wounds Fist must first hurt oneself and then hurt others. Although it seems to be overbearing, for Ye Changfeng, who has mastered the Great Shift of Heaven and Earth, it is really a simple thing to break this boxing technique.

Four old figures appeared instantly, and the next breath, the four fists also blasted at several key acupuncture points on Ye Changfeng's body with a torrent of internal energy.

When Ye Changfeng saw this, he didn't dodge or evade, and even his eyes were slowly closed, quite a posture that allowed the four to attack.

"What a stupid boy!"

"In the end, it's still too naive. Did he think that he could underestimate the heroes of the world by killing Tang Wenliang by luck?"

"That's right, the seven wounded fist of the Kongtong faction, but even the Shaolin Abbot Mie Shitai has to be very careful to face it. He is a boy under the age of ten, how can he dare to be so arrogant."


Seeing Ye Changfeng's movements in the crowd, everyone felt a little ridiculous, and whispering voices were constantly heard in the crowd. The target pointed directly at the young figure standing quietly in the field. Everyone thought Ye Changfeng He was crazy, and everyone was not optimistic about him, except for Zhou Zhiruo, Zhu'er, Xiao Zhao, and Wei Yixiao, everyone had the same idea.

Kongtong sect's 'Seven Injury Fist' has always been known as domineering in the martial arts world, not to mention that it was displayed by these old men of Kongtong sect, and it was possible to take over this kind of boxing on this thousand-foot-long field. There are only a handful of people who can make one move, not to mention the daring to ignore it like Ye Changfeng!


The same voice rang out, and all four fists slammed into Ye Changfeng's body.

The expressions of the four elders of Kongtong were filled with joy at the same time, and they all seemed to see Ye Changfeng's next end.

However, the expressions on their faces instantly froze in the next moment.

Because they had already noticed that the seven wounded fists that the four of them slammed into Ye Changfeng's body should have been rampaging in his body like a wild horse, but the energy of the four of them was as if the ice and snow melted completely. His body dissipated cleanly, without the slightest movement.

"This, how is this possible!" The old man in white was about to retreat, but he was horrified to find that his fist was firmly fixed on Ye Changfeng's body as if it had been attracted by a magnet. Move half a point.

"You should be Zong Weixia of the Kongtong faction." The indifferent voice came out, and Ye Changfeng's white palm slowly stretched out, and a slightly cool palm was printed on his chest. The next moment, the violent seven The stinging fist energy rushed out along the palm of his hand, and bombarded the chest of the old man in white!


An untimely voice sounded, the old man in white, Zong Weixia, one of the several elders of the Kongtong faction, was in the trembling eyes, and there were thousands of bloodstains on the body, and the bloodstains slowly flowed down the body. , and then his body collapsed to the ground, no longer alive.

The white clothes were stained with blood, and it was silent.

With a smile on the corner of his mouth, he looked at the other three people who were full of horror in front of him, and Ye Changfeng's words came out, as if a ghost was desperate.

"Let me see who will be next."

Chapter 050, The Four Skills

The entire platform, which is large enough to accommodate thousands of people, was strangely silent at this time. Everyone looked at the young figure in the center with trembling eyes, and everyone was turbulent. ⊙ Magazine @ Zhi @ worm ⊙

"No, no, no... don't kill me, don't kill me!"

Hearing Ye Changfeng's voice as if the king of hell was demanding his life, the rest of the three Kongtong elders were undoubtedly shaking unnaturally, and the two of them were barely able to support their bodies.

The other one, the whole person knelt down at Ye Changfeng's feet, but his fist was still firmly sucked near the latter's armpit. Although this scene looked funny, no one laughed, not even at all. People dare to speak loudly, because everyone has seen that the last person who spoke like that is now lying on the side with blood all over his body, and his flesh and blood are blurred.

"What is the origin of that kid, Bat King, do you recognize him, who is he? He is so strong at such a young age, and his master will definitely not be an unknown person!"

The seven people who were sitting cross-legged at the side were all slowly getting up at this time. At this time, most of the phantom yin fingers in their bodies had been removed, and they had barely recovered their mobility. With a lot of courage, the cloth bag monk turned his head to look at Wei Yi and asked with a smile.

"Indeed, I'm also very curious about this kid. At such an age, he can reach such a level. Could it be that his master is Zhang Sanfeng from Wudang!" Zhou Dian's face also showed a dignified meaning.

After all, Zhang Sanfeng's name is synonymous with absolute invincibility in this world. Even if he can become a top player, everyone has their own arrogance, but even with their pride, they have to admit that in When they were still young and immature, Zhang Sanfeng was already invincible!

Although they are confident that they may be able to outperform Zhang Sanfeng in some aspects, but if they really meet, no one thinks that they will be Zhang Sanfeng's opponent. Confidence.

Therefore, when I first saw a young man who was as young and energetic as Zhang Sanfeng back then, but with unparalleled potential, the most instinctive thought was that Ye Changfeng was Zhang Sanfeng's disciple.

"Although I really want to say yes, but it's really not!" Wei Yixiao shook his head when he heard the words, his chin raised at the Wudang crowd, and said, "If Xiaofeng is really Zhang Sanfeng's disciple, there is no reason. Even the Seven Heroes of Wudang are not aware of his existence."

The five scattered people looked in his direction, and as expected, they saw that the seven warriors of Wudang were also whispering to each other, and their eyes were all fixed on Ye Changfeng.

"Since he is not a disciple of the Wudang faction, then everything is easy to say." Yang Xiao stared at Ye Changfeng for a long time before he spoke slowly.

"What does Yang Zuoshi mean?" Wei Yixiao and Wusanren were also confused by his sudden words.

"What he's doing now is the treasure of this sect's sect, and the world has moved." Yang Xiao spoke slowly, his indifferent voice without the slightest emotion, but it echoed among the seven people like thunder.

"Could it be that Yang Zuoen made a mistake?" Leng Qian, who never spoke from the beginning to the end, also opened his mouth to speak. He was able to force him to say a whole sentence in one breath, even with questions. The tone of his voice was enough to imagine what kind of shocking news the news of Ye Changfeng's cultivation of the universe was moving.

"Although I don't know where he cultivated from...but this kid is really a genius." Yang Xiao glanced at Ye Changfeng again, and the corner of his mouth was a little bitter, "This old man has been cultivating for so many years, but it's just okay. To the point of training to the third level, even so, it is countless faster than the [-] years mentioned in the mental method. At one time, the old man was happy for his talent.

Now it seems that this kid is not only much younger than me, but even the realm of the great shift of the universe is far above me. Over the years... the old man has really become a frog in the bottom of the well. "


Ye Changfeng in the field naturally didn't know the turbulent waves in the hearts of the people around him, and he had no interest in taking care of it. He just looked at the three desperate people in front of him. Throat.

"Since you have chosen to take action against me, you should have been prepared for the possible consequences." The indifferent voice came out slowly, the eyes suddenly froze, the inner strength in the palms were swallowed, and the two old men said a word. Before he could say anything, his throat was already crushed by his pinching.

Bang, bang!

The two bodies that had lost their vitality collapsed to the ground, and the large mouths of blood mixed with the broken throats flowed out of the two mouths, which was extremely dazzling in this scene.

"Gudu!" Seeing that the three people who had been with him for almost a year were all headed in different places, the old man who had been kneeling on the ground only felt dizzy for a while, and the constant sense of fear had completely drowned him. .

He was completely prostrate in front of Ye Changfeng, and his voice was full of fear, "Little... little brother... please let me go, I promise... I promise to take all the disciples of the Kongtong School immediately. Evacuate from Bright Summit, never again, little brother..."


He stepped down with one foot and stomped his head into the ground paved with bluestone. He stepped on the hard bluestone slab to create a hole several inches deep. After a dozen breaths, warm blood came out of the hole. Gradually pouring out, his body trembled and twitched twice, and then there was no movement at all.

"I always thought you were enough to kill a vampire bat without blinking an eye, but I didn't expect this brother you recognized halfway to be better than you in this regard."

He swallowed carefully, Zhou Dian's expression was also a little awe-inspiring. Although he was talking to Wei Yixiao, his eyes never moved an inch away from Ye Changfeng's back.

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