I saw that Orihime Inoue wanted something like a rattle in her head, even if she refused to go back, when she thought about it, she also thought that there was a false word in her own home, and if she fell asleep, it must be a very scary thing.

But if you don't sleep at Inoue's house, is there any other place?Do you want to live in your own home?That definitely won't work!

I'm really afraid of what's coming. When Ye Changfenggang thought of it, Inoue Orihime said, "If I go to your house, I'm afraid that Changfeng-kun is really bothering me."

Ye Changfeng didn't want to refuse when he saw the beautiful woman who looked at Qian Qian, but now he was taking the help of someone else's house and suddenly brought back a girl, which didn't seem very good.


Ye Changfeng was a little hesitant, a man and a widow were in the same room, who knows what would happen.

Seeing that Ye Changfeng didn't respond for a long time, Orihime Inoue said with a disappointed look in her eyes, "Well, if it bothers you, I'll go back."

"How come, you can stay here as long as you want." Ye Changfeng replied hurriedly.

Inoue Orihime also exhaled, and then said with a look of peace of mind: "Okay, that's good, thank you, Changfeng-kun, now I have only you to rely on."

"Well, no problem, let's go, go to my house!" Ye Changfeng promised Inoue Orihime.

Inoue Orihime couldn't resist Ye Changfeng, so he directly asked him to take him to Ye Changfeng's house. Ye Changfeng's house was very clean and tidy, Ye Changfeng said: "You stay here for a while, I Go out and buy something now."

Inoue Orihime was also very well-behaved. After agreeing to Ye Changfeng, she sat on the sofa.

Ye Changfeng also smiled at her and then went out the door. Along the way, Ye Changfeng also thought about many things, which were all too coincidental.

It's really fortunate that it was because of lack of oxygen, and then Inoue Orihime didn't see her beheading her brother, otherwise, it's really hard to explain.

If Inoue Orihime knew that she possessed the Soul Chopping Sword, it would be really difficult.

These are all thanks to Inoue Orihime for fainting!

Ye Changfeng actually felt a sigh of relief in his heart.

Soon Ye Changfeng went to the city center to buy meat, but he always felt that someone in Fujin City was following him, so Ye Changfeng also smelled danger, so he quickly stopped the crowd.

When he finally reached the open space, Ye Changfeng frowned and said, "Come out, don't hide."

Slowly came out from outside a fence, a tall man in white clothes and glasses, this is the last robbery master Ishida Yulong!

Ye Changfeng was still very strange. He thought to himself, "Huh? This kid, what am I doing with me? If he didn't follow the plot, shouldn't he be looking for Kurosaki Ichigo?"

At this time, Ishida Yulong tilted his head and said: "I saw it all, you did it, or you are the god of death, right?"

Ye Changfeng's pupils shrank sharply, and he remembered it immediately. At first, he felt that he was being watched, and it turned out to be Ishida Yulong, so it was a beautiful misunderstanding at this time!

"Ah, did you misunderstand?" Ye Changfeng was about to explain something when he was interrupted by Ishida Yulong.

Ishida Yulong put on his gloves and pushed his glasses and said, "Stop pretending, I have seen your Soul Chopping Blade, don't say anything else, I want to challenge you." Ishida Yulong said decisively.

Ye Changfeng suddenly felt a sense of insensitivity. This feeling was like wiping the butt of Kurosaki Ichigo constantly. He did everything for him!Why do you have to bear it yourself!

Chapter 008, Bronze Task

  When I heard that Ishida Yulong was going to challenge himself, Ye Changfeng was a little stunned. Shouldn't this be Kurosaki Ichigo's bridge?Why are you challenging yourself?

At this moment, Ye Changfeng's heart seems to be like thousands of Cao Nima galloping, and it can't be said to be bullying, because just like Ishida Yulong, he must be the second!

But he has to fight back, he is also a human body, if he is shot through by Ishida Yulong with an arrow, he will not be able to bear it. The fact is in front of him, Ye Changfeng is a little speechless. "Magazine ※ Magazine ※ Bug"

But at least the night show style still has to ask what Yulong Ishida means. In order not to destroy the direction of the world of death, he can only ask.

"Hey, I have no grievances with you, why do you challenge me, and even if I am a god of death, what does this have to do with you?" Ye Changfeng asked arrogantly looking at Ishida Yulong.

Ishida Yulong rolled his eyes and said, "Because you are the god of death."

Ye Changfeng also understands, because Ishida Yulong is a person who hates death very much, so it was originally a battle between Ishida Yulong and Kurosaki Ichigo.

Ye Changfeng also realized that he seemed to be involved in some bridge. At the beginning, it should have been Kurosaki Ichigo who rescued Inoue Orihime, but he was indeed rescued by himself.

Ye Changfeng also had no choice. He scratched his head irritably and said, "Well, tell me, how are you going to challenge me? Do you want that gadget of yours to deal with a man who is unarmed?"

Ishida Yulong also smiled contemptuously and then said: "Hehe, you gods of death, the Chinese people either lied or killed, I said I saw it, and I didn't want to fight with you."

Ye Changfeng breathed a sigh of relief, and then said: "If you don't fight, why are you challenging me? What's the point?" After speaking, Ye Changfeng turned his head and was about to leave.

At this time, Ishida Yulong's eyes flashed with cold light, and then he shot an arrow directly on Ye Changfeng's way to leave, and then said: "You compare today, you don't have to compare."

Ye Changfeng also spread out his hands helplessly and said, "Okay, okay, you say, what do you want to do, I will do it."

Ishida Yulong slowly put down the bow and arrow and said, "It's just above this square, and then we will compare the number of kills, and the loser will disappear in front of the other side forever."

Kao!What kind of competition is this!Ye Changfeng secretly began to complain about Ishida Yulong in his heart.

"I don't want to compare this thing with you, it's really boring, I'm going home, and I still have to do my homework." Ye Changfeng made a random excuse and walked back, also ready to run away with a bang road.

At this time, Ishida Yulong really heard laughter: "Ah, I know, you have this courage, and I think you have this courage."

Ye Changfeng also saw a lot of aggressive tactics like this, so he just waved his hand and said, "Hehe, just think about it as you like, I won't play with you anymore, I have to go home."


It was the prompt sound of the super god system, and Ye Changfeng hurriedly stopped.

Activate Guided Type Quests: Kill more Nuts than Yuryu Ishida and defeat Yuryu Ishida.

Mission level: Bronze level, low level.

Mission reward: 5000 Reiatsu points.

Mission Penalty: None.

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