He is preparing to attack Ye Changfeng!

This situation happened to be seen by Inoue Orihime. Inoue Orihime seemed to hear something beckoning him, and just desperately blocked Ye Changfeng's side.

"Let me do something for Changfeng-kun this time." Inoue Orihime put her arms around her chest and slowly died, starving her eyes.


A very harsh sound of weapons colliding came out, and Ye Changfeng also hurriedly looked to his side, and found that there was a ghost standing in front of Inoue Orihime!

But Inoue Orihime seems to be unharmed, because Inoue Orihime is erecting a very small shield in front of it, a small transparent shield of orange color!

Ye Changfeng also immediately remembered, this is the exclusive skill of Inoue Orihime, and it is also Inoue Orihime's potential power - the instant shield six flowers!

The appearance of Shundun Liuhua gave Inoue Orihime a jump, and the tear stains on her eyes just showed her determination.

The ability of Shundun Liuhua is very similar to Inoue's character, strong and brave.

The main ability of the instant shield Liuhua is a very strong defensive ability, and it is also a shield generated by high-density ability, so it is transparent.

And Ye Changfeng also knows that the ability of the instant shield Liuhua is not that simple. It has another ability that can bring back the dying people to life.

That's back in time!This is why Inoue Orihime in the world of death became the main nurse in the later period.

Ye Changfeng didn't even want to think about directly hacking the virtual in front of him, and then pulled Inoue Orihime up and said with concern: "Hey, you girl, are you not injured."

With tears in his eyes, Inoue Orihime shook his head and said, "No, no, I'm not injured, what is this?" Inoue Orihime looked at the instant shield six flowers floating in front of her.

Ye Changfeng looked at her with a smile and said, "In this way, let's solve the urgent problem first, and then I'll explain this to you in a while, okay, you have to be obedient."

Ye Changfeng has to support Inoue now, because she is no different from a burden now, even though she has an instant shield and six flowers.

Chapter 010, The Power of Beginning

After Orihime Inoue was in a safe place, Ye Changfeng started the official battle. At this time, Ye Changfeng realized that he was still ahead of Ishida Yulong. ≒ Miscellaneous﹤zhi﹤insect≒

Ye Changfeng did not go to sneer, but began to observe the state of Ishida Yulong. His state at the moment can be said to be very difficult and uncomfortable.

Because it uses a weird way to attract Xu, to put it bluntly, is to use himself to seduce Xu to attack himself, but Ishida Yulong is a long-range attack.

Long-range attack is like this. It may be fast and terrifying, but the worst thing about him is that his body is very fragile.

Ishida Yulong's state is like this, it seems that he has attracted too much emptiness, and he is a bit unable to deal with it. The phantom circle seems to have been confided by some bosom friend, and frantically attacks Ishida Yulong.

Although Ishida Yulong's body skills are excellent, they can't stand the loss of many people, and they are all imaginary without IQ, and they will not consider their own death.

It was like that crazy attacking Ishida Yulong. Although Shishida Yulong's arrows were accurate, it couldn't stand the crowd.

Gradually, the disadvantage was magnified. Ishida Yulong attracted too much emptiness, and he couldn't deal with it at all, and he still lost a little bit of injury.

Ishida Yulong and Ye Changfeng are different, because Ishida Yulong took the initiative to attract Xu, so most of the Xues are directed at Ishida Yulong, but Ye Changfeng is different.

Ye Changfeng was almost looking for Xu Shade. The two of them had different motives for the fight at the beginning. One chased and fought and the other ran, can they be the same?

Finally, Ishida Yulong couldn't resist and started to flee, but Ye Changfeng dealt with it very easily, it was like playing a game.

Originally, he used this perverted soul-cuttering knife, and the properties of the blade like fire belonged to fire, and the damage was still terrifying.

In Ye Changfeng's hand, Liu Ren Ruohuo seemed to be as powerful as a gluttonous beast. Basically, he could kill the Quartet without first understanding.

Not to mention what it would have been like if the beginning of the matter was understood, the current Ruo Ren Ruo Huo is like a kitchen knife on a cutting board, and Xu is like the vegetables on the cutting board, letting the night grow. The wind cuts.

It's also that these emptiness are too low-level, and it actually makes Ye Changfeng feel a little tired from cutting, and it is also a colleague who feels boring.

"It's really rubbish! What kind of rubbish are you summoning!" Ye Changfeng completely stopped and then started to show off his might towards Ishida Yulong.

Ishida Yulong would have spoken to Ye Changfeng originally, but his current state is completely unable to speak, because the virtual group attacked Ishida Yulong relentlessly.

The eyes above his eyes were even split open. Although Ye Changfeng was not a heartless person, he also wanted to go up to help Ishida Yulong.

But this is a man's battle, if Ye Changfeng goes to help, then Ishida Yulong is no different from losing.

Ishida Yulong's heart began to become restless, "Why is he so strong? Isn't my Tribulation Master just there to destroy the God of Death? Why am I not as powerful as him!" Ishida Yulong cried bitterly in his heart.

But he still can't show it, so it is said that he has been using his flexible walking position, and began to hold on to the slightest, and the dignity made Ishida Yulong unable to bow his head.

If it was Ye Changfeng, it would be the same. This made Ye Changfeng begin to appreciate Ishida Yulong. That's why, if you don't win, you'd rather die!

Although Ye Changfeng didn't know that the idler said this sentence, he also knew very well in his forehead that Ishida Yulong was already at the end of his shot.

Although Ye Changfeng wanted Ishida Yulong to give up, he still didn't say it, because at this time Xu who was chasing Ishida Yulong suddenly stopped.

Ishida Yulong also discovered this situation, and then frowned and helped his broken eyes and began to stare at what the virtual group was going to do.

The virtuals who were chasing Ishida Yulong just now started to eat each other, and immediately a three-meter-high virtual appeared.

The synthetic virtual looked up at the sky and made a deafening cry. The moment the sound appeared, a very exaggerated airflow was directly generated.

Ishida Yulong was very tired originally, but he was lifted up by the airflow, and then slammed into a tree, and there was a long box of stairs below, and Ishida Yulong actually rolled down again.

Ye Changfeng gestured to Inoue Orihime with one look, and Inoue Orihime also understood it, and took three steps and two steps to observe the situation of Ishida Yulong.

Ye Changfeng looked at the three-meter-high Daxu in front of him and felt a little excited, because this was something that could only be seen in comics before.

Ye Changfeng also put on his shoulders and said, "Hey, big guy, can you speak, or can you hear me when you are hungry?"

Ye Changfeng wanted to know what level this synthetic virtual was, because a high-level big virtual could have the ability to speak and think.

However, Ye Changfeng will be disappointed immediately, because this Daxu not only can't speak, but he doesn't even have intelligence. They came together because they wanted to eat humans.

Therefore, it is certain to say that there is no intelligence. Ye Changfeng put Liu Ren Ruohuo down again and muttered in a disappointed voice: "What a disappointment, I want to see Da Xu who can speak."

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