The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Tennis Prince Supernitamine Chapter 302

"Haha!" Chrysanthemum directly grabbed the big stone, "You finally come back! I am too happy!"


After that, all the players of all the training camps were in a hurry, standing in the main course.

The training coach group stood in front of everyone.

"Listening, going to South Korea, etc., there are also European countries, the overseas group players in Europe will return after ten days, so we will choose 20 to challenge them from now on this array!" Qi Toy sputum.

"So the next ten days will conduct one person in a five-day qualifying qualifying to determine the final candidate!"

"Take the goal forward, everyone!" Qi Teng loudly.

"Yes!" The crowd had a lot of people, and the members of the loser were even more mock.

In the restaurant.

"Wow, the winner group eats such a good thing every day!" Yuanshan Golden Taro looked at the steak in front of him, the mouth is DC.

The loser group stayed on the cliff too long, and every day, it was a wild vegetable, and the mouth BA came out of the birds.

"Wow! This is delicious, and the school leader, you also eat!" Taicheng is also a big drink, a happy face.

In the bedroom, the time has reached the evening, after washing the hot water bath, the people of the loser still is still very excited.

"▉ ▉ , I am coming!" Feng Changtao took a pillow and laughed.

"Come on, Chitaro!"

"Hey, you lose your pillow, it seems to be very fun!" Chrysanthemum is also excited.

"Hey, English! You will don't have to follow, you will get ash everywhere!" Dashi emergency.

Snapped! ▉ ▉ directly to the big stone directly, "Now I decide who is the real gold combination!"

"Hey ~ ▉ ▉ to support Feng Jun!" The mercy of the bedroom smiled, "throwing a pillow but my strength!"

! The gracious throws out of the door, and the face of a person!

It is a jam!

"Do you find it?" Yubijin will push a pillow! A pillow is very exaggerated to knock the prairie.

"Hey, Jujunjin you are too much!" The pillow arrived in the river village, "burning! Burning!"


The movement of the bedroom bedroom is getting bigger and bigger, and the pills and Dashi actually make tons, and the pillow is flying back and forth.

"What are you doing! Sleep too early!" The end of the sorrow walked into the bedroom of the Ice.

"It seems to be very noisy outside!" Said the white stone Tibetan, he and a bedroom in the city.

"Brother, it's too terrible, the pillow war begins!" Not two proudly came in, "Go!"

! Not two Yu Too fell on the ground, and I didn't know where the pillow was poured.

In the eyes of the second week, it flashed a cold, picking up the pillow on the bed, "I will exercise!"

"Thirteen-style wave ball!"

"Super Million Tons Fantasy Luxury Volcanic Spiritual Ball!" The four days of Temple is even more lively, and the big move is frequent. He has attracted a lot of bedroom by Yuanshan Jindaro and Stone Old Silver.

"Ni! Why do you have to live in the four rooms, grace?" The trace is dissatisfied, "Pillow Wars? Birch all pillows come over!"

"Yes!" Birch should have, and a person took more than ten pillows in the entire reserve.

"Haha, indulge in the beautiful skills of this uncle!" Holding a pillow in the trace, "your flaws are everywhere!"

! The night's long wind is thrown, the pillow is still in the face of 13 traces of 13.

Dang! The trace is directly on the ground.

"Haha, still look at me!" The night's wind began to emerge, the color of the color, the whole person lit up a circle, and then unlimited expansion, the style whirl on the ground wrapped in everyone.

~ ▉ ~ ▉▉ The pillow in the hands of the people flew to the loyal wind, gathered into a big ball!

!!! ... Night, the wind is going to start offensive!

I don't know where dozens of pillows are drowned directly.

"Ah, double boxing is difficult for dozens of hands!" The night was screaming, and he sacrificed in the pillow battle.

"You don't sleep, what to do! All people go to the corridor to sit in the morning!" The roar of the dormitory staff from the front end of the corridor!

252 chapters, tennis holy

The next day, the training camp landlord is.

The country and high school students are all in front of the announcement column, the first day of the qualifying scene came out.

Night long wind vs ghost ten times!

"Hey ~ ▉ , you come and see, you are playing with the ghosts today!" .

"Oh?" When the night is walking, goes before, and sure, his name is next to the four words!

"Very good, I finally have the opportunity to play my hands with this ghost!" The night is laughing, and I took out my silver ball from the tennis bag. I turned into the stadium.

"Come on, the ghosts!" Night long-winding silver rackets, our eyes and are being faceless.

"Kid, the door of the hell has been opened for you!" The ghost ten laded greeted, but the heart was extremely attaches importance to the opponent in front of him, and it could let the Jiangyang native of the country, no one dares to be his strength. .

"Night winds, stinky children want to play with ghosts?" I heard this news immediately came to the stadium where the night grew and ghost ten launches, the people on the scene were already around two laps.

The fengfeng documented between the super country and the hell guards is really worth looking forward to!

Monitor indoors.

"Black-550-part, this arrangement is no problem? Ghost Ten Tie Lang real identity is a military No.5!" Qi Tower asked.

"Qi Inton, this child can be lost in six more zero, can you still see? His goal is obviously a military NO.1, since he wants to challenge, I will give him a chance!" Black Department Staring at the screen in front of you slowly.


A disorder, night long hair ball, referee announced.

"System, give me a ghost ten time!" The night is very angry, and he is still more concerned about the ghost ten times. The night's favorite is the direct match of strength, so the night's night is Very expectation.

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