"It's a good one to implement it! It's your sister who executed it! How can you be such a ruthless person!" Ye Changfeng said.

Kuchiki Byakuya also laughed dryly and said beating: "Our family affairs have nothing to do with you, an outsider!"

Ye Changfeng also took out Liu Ren Ruohuo and said, "I don't care."

Ye Changfeng directly smashed the flowing blade like a fire, and then said to Kuchiki Byakuya: "The way of heaven is good for reincarnation, you should reflect on it in hell!"

Kuchiki Byakuya was also stunned, because Ye Changfeng had a flaming sword in his hand who was the commander-in-chief!

"You actually have so many soul-killing knives!" Kuchiki Byakuya said puzzled.

Ye Changfeng also directly released a big move!

"Remnant Huo Tai Dao Nan - Huo Huo Great Burial Array of Ten Trillion Deaths!" Ye Changfeng threw out this move directly!

Ye Changfeng inserted the Soul Chopping Blade on the ground, and immediately started to burn the entire land!There is movement from below the ground!

The constant gray-black dust began to float in the air, and slowly began to condense into the shape of a human being, all kinds of strange things!

After the condensate is over, the scene is very spectacular!The following Kurosaki Ichigo and Ishida Yulong were even more stunned looking at these skeleton legions and speechless!

Ye Changfeng didn't speak, and pointed directly in the direction of Byakuya Kuchiki, and then the army of skeletons rushed towards Byakuya Kuchiki as if they had heard the other half's madness.

Ye Changfeng turned around very coolly, ignoring Kuchiki Byakuya behind him, and then started walking towards the execution ground on his own!

Kurosaki Ichigo and his party also consciously walked in the direction Ye Changfeng left, and then looked a little scared at the army of skeletons that Ye Changfeng summoned.

But Orihime Inoue always followed Ye Changfeng with a relaxed expression on her face, and now Ye Changfeng seems to be an undefeated god of war, which makes Orihime Inoue not generally feel safe.

At this time, it was time for Rukia's execution. With the sound of the drums, two gods of death appeared with Rukia and threw Rukia directly above the execution platform.

Rukia had already thought about life and death at the beginning, but when it really arrived, she was really scared and speechless!

Rukia started to cry silently. On the one hand, she didn't want to give up on life, on the other hand, she sighed that her death sentence was about to begin. That kind of unwillingness was really very sad.

Rukia looked around helplessly, eager for someone to save her, anyone would do, as long as she could take herself away!

At this time, a person appeared, a big man!That is the psychic of the corpse soul world!Yamamoto Motoyanagi, the heavy country!

This time, he personally came to execute Rukia, so Rukia's current state is not a general fear!

Yamamoto Motoryu Saijokuni took a step closer, and Rukia's heart jumped fiercely.

The amiable old man from the past.

Now in Rukia's heart, he is no longer the amiable old man, and the current Yamamoto Motoyanagi Saijokuni is like a butcher, which makes Rukia afraid.

Rukia began to cry in despair while trembling, and began to quickly scan her own voice.

At this time, Yamamoto Motoyasu Shigekuni also took out the Soul Chopping Sword, which was burning with fire, and said in a hoarse voice: "Rukia, member of the sixth team in the thirteenth division, the execution is officially started!"

"Because of violating the laws of the Soul Society, the crime is extremely serious. According to the negotiation of the captain, I will be sentenced to death by Kuchiki Rukia!" Yamamoto Motoyanagi said, squinting his eyes slightly.

At this time, Rukia's heart also began to despair to the peak, because of the isolation and helplessness, coupled with his own experience, he really couldn't stand it.

Yamamoto Motoyanagi Saijokuni had already pulled out the Soul Chopping Sword and began to prepare for a slash, but Kuchiki Rukia.

Chapter 035, Captain of the Battle

"Since there is no one to refute, the execution will officially begin now!" Yamamoto Motoryu Saijokuni finished speaking, and with the sound of the drum, Yamamoto Motoryu Saijokuni slowly raised the Soul Chopping Sword in his hand. #Miscellaneous ㄨ Zhi ㄨ worm#

Just when Rukia was in despair, a turning point appeared!

A vigorous figure jumped onto the execution platform in one step and said, "I object!"

All eyes are focused on this person, this person is Ye Changfeng who slaughtered the Quartet in the Soul Soul Realm!

Everyone present at the scene, whether it was the captain or the members, surrounded Ye Changfeng, and one of the death gods shouted: "Bold intruder! You are making us easy to find! It's the old man who doesn't need to study! Everyone! Come on! Play me and take this guy!"

When Ye Changfeng was about to pull out the Soul Chopping Sword, the old voice of Yamamoto Yuanliu Zaijuguo sounded again!

"Stop it for me! You all step back for me!" Yamamoto Yuanliuzai Shigekuni waved his hand, and it turned out that no one dared to take a step forward. There were many dissatisfied eyes, but they didn't say anything.

Ye Changfeng also smiled slightly, looking at Yamamoto Moto Liusai Shigekuni, who also has a flaming blade, and said, "You really have a gentleman's demeanor, tell me, what do you want to do?"

"Hehe, young man, you are really cultivated, the old man has nothing to do, just want to learn from you, because I heard that the five captains of my Great Corpse Soul Realm, oh no, six, see you here, Deadwood Byakuya should have been defeated by you." Yamamoto Yuanyugai Shigekuni said slowly.

When they heard that Ye Changfeng had defeated the six captains in succession, they were all very afraid of Ye Changfeng, and began to talk about it. Some said that Ye Changfeng was very strong, and some said that it was The captain deliberately released water.

In a word, there are people around who are talking, and there is nothing to say about the door, which makes Yamamoto Motoryu Saijokuni annoyed.

Yamamoto Yuanyugai Shigekuni directly released the spiritual pressure, causing the people around him to cough, but in the middle, only Ye Changfeng remained unmoved.

"I'm so sorry, there's a lot of fresh blood in the soul world, and it's a bit annoying to you, but the duel between you and me still has to continue, so let's start." Yamamoto Yuan Liuzai said in a graceful manner.

Ye Changfeng also smiled and said: "Then let's start, I think it's time for us to fight, and I also want to see what the power of your Soul Chopping Blade looks like."

Yamamoto Yuanliu Saijokuni also instructed once again: "Let me disperse all the people around me, this young man is mine, and whoever of you dares to take action will be treated like the later Kuchiki Rukia."

After saying that, Yamamoto Yuanliu Zaijuguo also pulled out the Liu Ren Ruohuo that he carried behind his back, and then Ye Changfeng also pulled out his Liu Ren Ruohuo directly from his waist.

At this time, big eyes stared at small eyes. Yamamoto Yuanliu Zaijun looked at Ye Changfeng in front of him with a very shocked expression. He was shocked. No, no, no, shock was written on his old face .

And then comparing the Liu Ren Ruohuo in his hand is even more shocking, because he can feel that the Liu Ren Ruohuo in Ye Changfeng's hands is not a copycat!It's more like a real flow of fire!

And it seems to be twins with Liu Ren Ruohuo in his hand, it seems to be exactly the same, but the Liu Ren Ruohuo in Ye Changfeng's hand looks newer, and he doesn't want to be weathered by himself.

"Boy, you don't look too small, tell me, where did your Soul Chopping Saber come from?" Yamamoto Yuanliu Saijokuni asked with a very solemn expression.

Ye Changfeng just said indifferently, "No comment."

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