The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 314 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"Hey ~ ▉ Two countries are not their opponents, at least you will use tones!" Have high school students said.

"Tremella? That is, we are good at!" The two of the big stone and benevolent king also took out the golden light, and then intertwined together, "Yes, English!"

Renwang Yacheng changed to Chrysanthemum II!

"Of course, we are the gold combination of youth!" Ren Wang Ji Ji learned a lot of vivid only as the Chrysanthemum.


"Oh, the two countries will also be toned to play with you!" Luo Brothers gave.


King King's fiction, the toner of the big stone, the same tone, actually used the fire, and the two quickly won the first game!

"We look wrong, these two countries actually take a place from the army brothers of the army?" Have a high school student exclaimed.

"Do you have two countries in two countries, I am not saying? The two parties are tonis, and the strength can be victorious!" Lu Aiwei horses coldly.

"Yes?" Ren Wang smiled, "The big stone, it is true!"


!! The situation on the field is changing.

"There are two countries in the two countries, they are really bold!" Luo Brothers gradually pressed the combination of Dashiren King.

"Sure enough, is it harmonious or enemies?" Dashi is cold sweating on the big stone.

"This is the same as the other party, and the other is a twin, so the situation is very disadvantageous to us!" Ren Wang Yaji is also a gasping.

! Lu Ai Legou is a gathering of the ball, hitting in the middle of the two!

Bibli 4-1! Luo Brothers even under the four games, the competition is getting more and more unfavorable to Dashiren King!

"The twins have a heart inductiveness between the ideas and movements between each other, and their tonar is too high!" Ren Wang is some discouraged.

"Ren Wang, come over!" Dashi recruited, and said some 613 to the ear of benevolence.

I heard the expression of admire on the face of the righteousness, "I really have you, big stone! This method seems to try!"

"Renwang, we must not lose here, we are crawling out from hell!" Dashi Zheng heavy.

bass! The big stone is on the front step, the golden light is shot!

Dashi field!

"Ren Wang!"


"Nani, what happened? Actually toned to us?" Luo brothers were shocked. The original Renwang collected data, turned into Lu Ai Horse, three people simultaneously toned!

"Oh, the third twin brothers in the middle are undoubtedly exposed your thinking and action!" Dashi faint.

In the field of the big stone, add the data passed by the King, and the big stone saw the flaw of the Luo Brothers.

~ ▉ Stone dragging the racket on the ground, finally playing!

Boom ~ ▉ Walk around the defensive defense of the Luo, from their heads, the bottom line is in the middle!

It is Dashi Xiu Yiiro's good play - Climbing moon interception!

The situation on the field is turning into a situation. It actually turned over, the king and the big stone combination directly pressed the Luo Brothers.

Regardless of where their tennis is hit, the benevolent king can pass the data to the big stone in an instant, and then the big stone is the thunder!



... 6-4!

The combination of Dashi Xiulan and Renwang Yazhi finally looked at the five games, defeating the continental brothers in the world, and took the badges in the way!

Snapped! The hands of Renwang and Dashi are tightly held together, "successful!"

Tournament, the same time is being staged at the same time!

"Are you really a four-day Temple graduated? Not too strong!" Help and rush to the field.

"Hey! I am coming!" A figure crossed it, it is ...

PS: It is too busy, I apologize to you. I rarely read the book review area and group exchange, there is no way. I have to continue writing, I have no time to write tomorrow.

261 chapter, data tennis's nasal ancestors

Male - Tao Chengwu!

"It turned out to be modest, I can't remember us?" The head wearing a green armored man turned over, "I want to change the diaper for you."

"As for this guy ..." With a green army hat is good, he pointed at Taicheng Road: "Who is it?"

"Hey? Will you know these two guys?" Taicheng asked.

"Oh, these two, I remembered, the minister of the Temple in the past four days!" Help it is helpless.

"Don't talk nonsense, modest! Let us see if you grow up, come!" The original section of the side also said.

"it is good!"

Taicheng and tolerance combination for the ministers of the Temple Temple in the Temple of Wars.

! At the beginning of the game, Taicheng was suppressed, it is worthy of the former minister of the four Temple, the strength of the goodness is very strong.

"Don't be preemptive by the ministers, Taocheng!" Help the defeat.

"Of course! Ah ~ ▉ ▉ ,,,, "

! The light column of tennis has wear the chush string of Taocheng in a moment!

"There is me!" After the Qi Qian also in Taicheng, sway the tennis that wanted to pass through the Taoji!

~ ▉ Instant, the chush of the endless racket is also hit by a hole.

Taicheng took the two people looked at each other's racket, shocked, "No? Really, fake!"

"Is it unusual bowl skill?"

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