The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 321 of Tennis Prince Chapter 321

! Equal, Phoenix only has a miles!

Golden tennis rubs his right face to fly in the night sky!

~ ▉

"It turned out to be your crow, do you still want to become a master?" The night is still unintelling, and there is a tennis in the pocket. It's better to even the tail! "

! Bang!

The night-long armrests have doubled more than twice, "you are dead!"

Yuanzu wave!

Meteor hits, lightning-like shooting to the face of Phoenix!

Equal Phoenix touched the right face, the face is sinking, then turned directly, it will not take the lightning shot of the night!

! Equal Phoenix is ​​a wearing a hat in the dark!

"Don't be so embarrassing, the game is solved!" The mysterious people actually relaxed to instantly resolve the power of the Yuanzu wave of the night.

~ ▉ a second, tennis have fly into the hands of the night grow up!

"Who are you?" Night is growing.

PS: Complete today's update is really not easy, seek to remind more votes, give yourself some motivation!

266 chapter, the system is going to upgrade

"Yue Queu Dragon!" The people put down the hat, and the long wind of the ink was floating, and there was a clear taste that could not be cleaved in the blue eyes.

"The more you ... Dragon Ja'er?" The night grew up and got up and down, the more familiar, "What is the relationship between you and Yue Donkey?"

Yue Queon smiled, throwing the oranges that I didn't know in the hand, "I heard that the first grade of the country is completely crushed with my brother?"

"Hey, this product is the brother of the front of the Longma. Is there a private child this guy?" Night live wind is a bit confused, "but I want to come to the front family tennis talent should not be bad, from picking up my own, you can see it. His strength! "

"How? Do you want to play now?" Night long-awaited eyebrows.

Snapped! Yue Dulong, the orange threw the oranges, the night grew the wind, "I have the opportunity to say it later, I see that you have just got so much movement, now there should be no physical strength!"

After that, the longevity Dragon Head left.

"Goodbye, the little ghost!" Yue Dulong Ya suddenly turned back, the eyes were the war.

Hold the silver racket in your hand, the night is looking at the back of the front dragon, "I am crushing you sooner or later, the more you are in front of you!"

Inside the dormitory.

It is late, because of the game with Dechuan and the game, no strength training is carried out. A bath in a special bathhouse in the training camp, and I will return to the dormitory.

The bedroom of the night is four rooms. It was originally his and handcuffs to live in Guoguang, but now the handcuffs go to Germany, and there is a night's stay.

Sitting on the bed, the wind is angry, and the exhalation system looks at your current attribute.

The combat power is already a tens of millions of war, and it will reach the holy point of tennis.

After watching the slum, pull down a long strip, enough to make any tennis rookie rank among the strongest columns in neon.

"Hey, still not enough!" The night is still unsatisfactory.

There is also the title of the god-level slaughter to become a pure gold, only four weeks are still bleak, it seems that the title is also upgraded!

Redemption points 110W, can be considered a great, but the night is not known, if you go to upgrade those tennis skills that are already god-level or super-level, the redemption point is an astronomical figure.

More than one hundred million is not enough, the most upgraded two or three, the redeemed point for the big return point, the long wind, I can't stand it, only put it first.

Look at the number of lottery, the night's eyes smiles.

Five times! It has also accumulated five times, this lucky draw is definitely big, the night cost is starting to rub the palm.

Finally, it is the most important person value, night long look, "cut, only 7 points!"

In fact, 7 o'clock is also good, but it is still worse than the next time the next lucky draw.

This character value is also random, every day is different, and if the night grows, I think it is too lazy to wait, I will count today.

"The seven o'clock people are not bad, it should not be too bad!" The night is in the heart.

"Super Shen system, I have to draw!" The night is in the heart.

"Okay, the owner!" The system repayment.

~ ▉ ...

The way this lucky draw system appears amazing.

When the night's live wind, it seems to come to the center of the universe, the top of the head, the foot is bound to be boundless star sea!

"I ... what is the situation, the super god system will not have something wrong?" The night is cold and sweating, "this is over!"

"System! System! What happened?" The night grew.

"The owner is not panic. At present, the power of the owner has exceeded the highest value of the trial period of superhen system. The system is upgrading!" The system's tips make the night grow up.

"Cut ~ ▉ I thought I crossed!" The night is smirking, "It turned out to be system upgraded! Norwareness change after the upgrade."

Night winds have some small expectations.

"How long does it take to upgrade?"

"No to say!" The sound of the system is cold and ice.

"Well!" The night growth stalls, some helplessly asked: "Can I still draw?" What about the big disc of the lottery? "

Boom ~ ▉ The long wind call has not fallen, and there is a huge glowing sphere in the vast starry sky, and it is automatically flying to the night long eyes.

The rays are scattered, and the night is still looking into the eyes.

The huge disc is almost obscured the starry sky over the entire night long, the longer the long eyes!

"My God, what to do so? Super god system is really, it is not a disc!" The night is weak, "but this is really a lot!"

The whole huge disc is golden, just like a huge treasure of the heaven and earth.

The night long-term wind is looking forward to sweeping a plaid on the disc.

Still a sixteen fan-shaped plaid, or a familiar taste.

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