The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 332 of the Chapter 332 of the Prince of Tennis

After Dukufu, it was completely like a person, the whole person's movements were full of strength!

Tennis is also promoted in the air level, and the sound explosion is coming. The power of this ball is comparable to the Yuanzu wave of the night!

boom! Tennis fried on the silver racket in the night lengthy wind, and the string is slightly pulled with tennis, and the rumor is ringing, Mars Splash!

If the ordinary racket is taken early, it is almost impossible to break through the night, the heavy gold special rack is almost impossible.

"It's good!" The night grew smiled, the whole arm rose three times directly, and the ball fluctuated!

Strong rotated tennis almost a moment of night cost, to endless sky.

~ ▉

"It's this ball!" The ghost ten ghosts on the side are also sigh. "If there is no black hole, it is difficult to take this goal!"

~ ▉ ~ ▉ 100 flames burned the hot flame while firing, as the meteor is going down!

The whole stadium is burned red!

Dukufu side face, the amount of sweat in the forehead could not live!

!!!! The explosion sounds into a piece, and the smoke is filled with the entire course.

No one has to see what happened in the field!

The smoke is hard to gradually be exhausted, and the half of the Duchu is large and small, and the figure of tennis is already no traceful!

Look at the Dukufu, standing outside the court, and a shocked look at the destructive power of the night, and he is in the body, and the body is rolled out outside the border, escaped!

The night is winning, the second disk is 1-0!

Shot pointed at the Dukuyan side, night long-term wind: "Hey! Why do you want to escape? Is it afraid?"

"Haha, will nO.3 of the army will be afraid of a country?" Zhongzhong people laughed.

The face of Dukufu rose red, but it is unable to refute. At that moment he is really scared by measo fluctuations, the body subconsciously tells yourself that this goal can't catch it!

Competition continues!

It has to be admitted that the Dukufu edge after the armor has a large extent to which five-dimensional data such as strength, speed, and spirit is greatly improved, and the combat power is also rising.

Already able to pick up a ball of the night, the soul of the soul, and the two people hit tennis!

!! The sound of the racket and tennis impact huge honest all the stadium!

"Haha, good! I finally got a bit!" The night is high and high, and I am in the air, "Unfortunately I don't want to play with you!"

In the end, I. - Millennium Kill!

boom! Silver is glorious, tennis with strong rotation, up and down, swinging!

Dukufu is a cold light, "" finally waited for this opportunity! The moment of the other party relaxed is my chance to kill! "

The Duku is a moment, and the tennis is in front of him.

Right raised the right arm of the bears, and the Dukurdu pace the left hand and the hitting posture of the baseball hand, and the body has completed halfway!

With the inertia of the whole body, the Dukurdu pair will fight the tennis!

The Duke is playing! This is the ultimate killing of Duku side ...

The Phoenix Face of the Equal Hospital changed, and he almost was given this trick!

boom! The bears burned with the flame of tennis, straight to the chest of the night, and set it to solve the night's wind.

call! Night wind spit out a turbidity, "I have been waiting for a long time!"

The night length is in the air, the waist is quite, the half-air is still in the same time!

On the right foot, everyone feels that it seems to be shaken, and the back of the right arm is more than four times, and the silk is oozing. It looks very awkward!

"Come, yesterday, the ball!" Decheng and the golden light on the side!

Bai Bi Yuan Zu wave!

The tennis continues to accelerate, and the sound explosion sounds into a piece, and the waves will overturn the front audience!

boom! A huge sound!

"Ah!" The Duku is only a bad scream, and he has been wandered with a stadium, flew to the standstill of the army, and received a Phoenix by the Equal Hospital!

On the court, a deep pit of two meters appeared!

Everyone is stunned, and the bottom is also a fear at the same time. "What will this play?"

"Will die! Long wind this enchanting!" .

Just like the Duku, the Duku, who wants to kill the night, is killed in the night!

The army of the army can't play, winning the second army night! The referee announced the way.

"Wow!" The high school students outside the field were stunned, and they actually kill the U17 team No.2. "The country is too unhappy."

The night long-lasting wind squats, the big shot into the seating area of ​​the army, take the badge on the Duchu area, cold, look at the Equal Phoenix!

Then I crushed the badge!

"It's too weak!" Night long-lasting scene, the phoenix provokes, "I warmly just finished it!"

Chapter 275, Combination of Accidental Collection

Equal, Phoenix did not speak, just coldly looked at night, and the angry flames in the eyes were also concealed.

Everyone is very surprised. If you are other people who dare to provoke such a Phoenix, it is estimated that I can't see the sun in tomorrow.

In the face of the provocation of the night long wind, the Phoenix of the Equal Hospital actually responded because he felt a dangerous feeling that never had.

It is also horrible to feel more than the ghosts in the ghosts in the ghosts in three years.

"Hey, your kid gives you a stupid!" The trace is can't help.

"Haha!" The night is smirking around the track, "this U17 representative is so excused!"


"So the third game, let's go!" Jun island's thawled migraine looked at the far-infinite, "I have been waiting, Yuan Yun!"

Yuan Ye, as a belly, but there is a fear of the night, and only put the fire to the next opponent.

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