The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 340 of the Chapter 340 of the Prince of Tennis

The lens turned back, and the training camp is the city.

The fifteen balls out of the air exploded make everyone a surprise!

"The predecessors, actually improved the five balls!" Tao Cheng shouted.

!!! ~ ▉1

The colorful ray of the Youth Mountain Golden Taro, the whole person is moving at the moment!

Almost twelve twelve tennis, but it is already the limit!

The last three balls shouted through the line of fire in Yuanshan Golden Taro, and the heavy hit was on the bottom line behind him.

The situation on the court is unpredictable. In front of the ghost ten times, there is no way to open the Yuanshan Jin Taro that does not have my realm.

No matter what he jumped, flip, you can only play twelve tennis, this is already his limit!

!! Ghost Ten Town Lang does not pay attention to the score, a little bit of a breath does not give Yuanshan, and I won the five games in a breath!

First disk, ghost ten times have been five to zero leading Yuanshan Jin Taro!

"Peping ~ ▉ ▉

"Is the fire of the soul also burned it?" The ghost ten times Lang coldly.

"Haha, too interesting, and ghost uncle play tennis!" Tennis is really happy! "Yuanshan Jin Taihong actually stood up, the whole person broke out a strong colorful light!

Almost illuminate the entire course!

"This little child!" The ghost ten times Lang brow wrinkled.

"This is a seamless limit!" A thousand miles old.

Yuanshan Golden Taro's whole person is set up, the colorful light is turning!

!! ~ ▉ ▉ seamless state of Yuanshan Jin Taro full of blood resurrection, and once a moment of breakthrough the limit of fifteen balls of the ghost ten times!

boom! After the bombing ~ After the sound of the sound, ten tennis with a waves were hit on the bottom line of the ghost ten gods. It is actually a pressure troll!

"Wow! Strong!" High school students were amazed for this ball. "There is no way to respond to the ghosts!"


"Great, far away!" Ghost Ten Tie Lang began to burn the hot black flame, "but in hell, you are still not enough!"


The ghost ten times, the Gao Gao jumped, handshed, all the racket burned!

spirits! Ghost Ten Lang played the highest level of Jackknife!

Boom ~ ▉ ~ ▉ ~ ▉ ▉ ▉ instantly incorporated into a black light column, lightning is exploded in it, breaking through the air layer hinders continuously!

Ah, ah! Yuanshan Jin Taro is automatically flipped, vigilant! The racket ghosts were broken into two pieces in an instant, and they were hit to go out of more than ten meters and flew to the stand outside the court.

Yuanshan Jin Taihong is also overwhelmed by the air waves brought by the ball!

The whole course was shrouded by the smoke, and everyone appeared in a feeling of vibrating the earth.

"what is that?"

"I saw the same thing as ghosts!"

That's right! Ghost Ten Town Lang opened the ghosts in the moment, and the spray after the whole person gradually dissipated in the smoke.

The smoke is exhausted, and the far mountain is taken to the scene. It is actually dizzy, and the cement wall after the bottom line of him is even more hit by the ghost ten times, and it is done, showing one person. High hole!

Yuanshan Jinteng's Tianda State is a slag in front of the ghosts of the ghosts!

I was killed in a moment!

Because the second army Yuanshan Jin Taihong can't play, the army is ghost ten launches! The referee announced the way.

"This kid is not bad, but the little boy is too far more than the boy!" The ghost ten times took the racket to leave, turned to see a seating area in the country.

The night is actually not there, the ghosts are in the heart: "Where is the kid going?"

"Small gold! Are you okay?" The four Temple people went up.

At this time, Yuanshan Jin Taihong, who fell on the ground, was confused, and his face was confused: "The ghost is uncle? The game is over?"

Snapped! The white stone Tibet took a look at the head of Yuanshan Jin Taro, "I have already been more than 90 seconds, you are judged!"

"Ah! It's hard to play with ghosts!" Yuanshan Jin Taro disappointed.

Maple leaves fell, and the training site was trained.

Yubijin finally followed the true nano, and the night grew and the front Dragon Jah was the practice farm to the training camp, and stationed on the two 727 sides of the net.

"Little ghost, you just used to resolve my light ball, according to I know is a small island repair two stunt 'no'!" Yue Qian Dragon, Yalai looked at night long, "How do you learn this? "

"I haven't need to do it!" The night's long-standing tennis hats were lost. "But if you win me, tell you too!"

"Very good? How to play?" Yue Queong Ya was hanging on the night.

"A plate of winning! How?" Night long style,

"Good!" Yue Queong Ya Ya, "You are still young or you serve!"

"Oh!" Night winds lost the ball back to Yue Dragon, "You serve! If I serve, it is estimated that you have no chance to win!"

"This little child ... is really like the legendary arrogance!" Yue Queong Ya glassed the racket in his hand, "But you can kill Duku Serbs, this little ghost is already top, can't be big!"

bass! Yue Dulong Ya is very handsome, throws tennis in his hand. The body will shoot it in an instant, and the whole person starts into a bow, and then speeds up a reflex!

The racket is even better!

"The little ghost, the ball is coming!" Yue front dragons smile ...

PS: Next sect, it is a war, I have to give birth to it, and strive to write a wonderful point.

281 chapter, tennis god candidates

Night wind is also a look, just that he has already called over the superhen system, and the probes have explored the Yue Dragon, and the result is great shocked.

Name: Yue Dragon Ya

Combat power: 25000000 (Saint Tennis)

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