The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 348 of the Chapter 348 of the Prince of Tennis

"Oh? This is not a space of the air window!" Swimming is a road.

"Yubijin ... You become strong!" The thousands of stone cleared on the stage laughed.

"It's good! Let them see the ball, Jijiujin Ren!" Zhenfang String turned into the cold channel.

Yubi Jin Ren once again raised a heavy gun, "Not allowed to order me! Zhenfield!"

! This time tennis are hit by a big song dragon!

! Yubi Jin Ren once appeared in front of the Internet, bounced with a singular posture, and the body was rotated back!

Then I quickly bounced a few meters away from the ground, and I was magically intercepted the short interception of the Island!

"Ah, what is the movement of the guy?" High school students have never seen someone to make such a large torsion of the body in an instant, "What is the body flexible!"


A Jiujin Ren is a man who blocked a military combination of two people in front of the Internet!

The island repair is a cold light, the whole person suddenly stops, the wrist moves slightly, the racket picks!

"It's very interesting, your action!" Swimming is laughing, and tennis fly from the top of Jijjin, the top of the second army!

Fire: invading is like fire!

Truefield explosives a -740-sound, see the lightning hit that you can't see!

boom! Tennis turns into a fire column bears burned to the big song dragon!

"It is the fire in the orthopedic volcanic forest!" exclaimed.

! The big song is constant, and a single player shoot is simple. The tennis has appeared behind the true field.

~ ▉ ▉

Thunder: Moving like Thunder!

The real field has a higher hands to shoot high, and there is a warrior to shot!

boom! The tennis instantly incorporated into a half-footed half of the unpredictable lightning shot.

! The island repair two appears behind the lightning, and the magical will take a lightning.

"The ball is unable to attack, the racket will be done!" Dashi loudly.

"Oh? Is it?" The island repaired the mouth slightly.

Dang! The racket was taken out of a few meters away, and the heavy fall.

Unfortunately, this racket is a black racket in the hands of true nano!

"Ni!" Everyone in the country was surprised to look at the island repair two. "How did he make an instant to be a Thunder?"

The army wins, the first disc is the number.

The island repair two turns smile, reached out the SHE head and did a ghost face. "There is no ball in this world!"

Nice night, I nodded, at least from this ball to see the island buckling two 's "no' and his realm, that is, he has not reached the god level, or he just hides strength.

"It turned out to make it back to the true field, and the racket is good!" The white stone Tibetan also admired.

"To know that the True of the Tiantian, the minister can only use the handcuffs to crack the trick!" Taicheng also shocked.

Rest in the dish.

Snapped! The island repair, I am inadvertently, I am not intentionally picked up the real field drink.

Truefar is furious, "The elderly drink is over there!"

"Ah! Sorry, forget it!" The island repaired two turned laughs, gave the empty water bottle to the real field.

"The deputy director of the Triada is not anxious. The guy is deliberately provoking you to get angry and then let you lose rationality!" Cut original is also very experienced in this regard.

"Well! I know!" Triada cold channel, "This kind of thing doesn't have to say this, this level of interference also affects me! I won't move!"

Snapped! Snapped! The island repair is deliberately taken with hand. Tennis is not a ball, and it has been so fast to 90 seconds of violation.

"Hey! You have to ..." When you are in a true field, you can't endure.

! Swine model two heavy guns, lightning is fried around the real field, then put the beverage bottle outside the court to fly, distorted!

"Ah, sorry! Sorry!" Sprin Island Touching the brain spoon.

The true fields of the sky, the angry bears burned, and the body is slightly slight DOU!

Night wind is just a laughter, "I still say that I can't shake it, I have been brought in the opponent, the real land!"


The island repair two firepower, all the returns and tricks in the real field become ordinary back to the ball, and once again shit once again and again hit the air boutique!



The army combined with the extension of the small island, and one breathed three small games in the first plate.

Even the long winds of the night have to recognize the difference between the Island to repair in NO.2 in U17, not only the skill of the fight against the sky, but also his own basic work is also a master in the master.

Strength, speed, spirit, technology, physical strength, these five dimensional data are weak, and integrated strength is more superman.

"Hey! Zhenfield, don't be gone by the opponent!" Yushangjin Rente can't see it.

"Laughing, Jijjin! The game will only start now!" Zhenfield coldly.

"Drink! It's so boring!" Treasure is throwing two balls, "Take it, dragons!"

The racket rolls in the air, and finally fell in the hands of the big song!

"If you are left, please!" Said that the Islands of the Island is in the same way, sitting on the ground, like an audience.

"Rao, I will repair it!" Daolong took a racket.

! Big Coloss will throw the ball, then force it!

"Can a person be taken with two rackets?" Taicheng was shocked.

"I remember that this is not regulated in this area, Lian II?" Asked Dry Herring.

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