The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 350 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

The cooperation between the two armies on the field is getting better and better, and the game seems to re-enter a good track.

"What is it, these two people are also good?" Dagu Longlong helpless.

"But with the dragon's two knife streams, this two countries are unable to defeat!" The island repair is relatively easy.

"This is of course, no matter how many results have been tried! You are derived!" Daolong simultaneously deals with two people as if there is still much effort.

"Laugh!" The real field drunk, plus the force in his hand, and the lightning shot shot in his hand.

boom! Tennis with super strong rotation in the right side of the big song dragon!

"Is it? Youth!" Daolong moved again, tennis in front of his eyes.

"Nani!" Big Ronglong was shocked, tennis suddenly changed almost vertically in an instant to touch the racket!

Snapped! The racket in the other hand of Daulong, barely put the ball out and flew to the top of Jijijin Ren.

Ji Jujin also does not want to jump high, it is a powerful deduction!

At this time, the big song dragon is coming soon, it will not react, 15-40!

"Well? Just now, it seems to be very strange!" Dagu Dragon is in the heart.

"Ah!" The real land once again added the power of the battles!

Tennis actually turned in front of the Dagu Dragon, and it is a barely counterattack by Julu grabbing the opportunity to attack his hands, 30-40!

And just now, the ball is as withdrawn!

"Oh? Start?" Night lived on the true land, if there was no black airway.

"Do you change my large angle? Rao!" Big Ronglong lost, "But this is not what, I will give you a look, no matter whether it is the left or the right side of the right!"

······ Flowers ······

! Let Dagong Long, the Trick's return ball is actually leaping in the sky in front of him, and finally falls on the bottom line of the big song.


"Ni!" Daolong is surprised to look at the man surrounded by the eyes, "this kid ..."

Laughing at night, "It seems that the Triada will evolve his black gas. After hitting the ball, he suddenly changed the direction, and it is not a fixed direction? It is very interesting! Is this the emperor again wake up? "

On the field, the Auda's movement is getting faster and faster, and there are more and more darkness. In the constant circulation, like hell messenger!

"Look at me to get your two knives and abuse!" Triada hit tennis.

There is no unexpected in front of the big song dragon, this time is actually forward, and finally hit it in front of the net, then bounced on the ball.

The second army leads!

The two people in the Tiantian and Daolong, the return of the ball, the ball is getting faster and faster!

"It's so powerful, two people! This ball is very exciting!"

.......? ...

"This ball I received it!" I have been sitting on the floor, I suddenly stood up and suddenly stood, between the wrist shock, and once in an instant to disperse.

Finally, I fell into the air brought between the two armies!

"Ni!" The two people in Tan Jijin Jijin also shocked. How did this guy do?

The night is long, "" This is called the island to repair the second truth, saying that it is not involved, the result suddenly brought the ball. But his trick 'no' is still good! "

"'No'? What are you talking about?" Asked dry .

"This is a small island repair 2's stunt 'no', can resolve all the power of all the tricks!" The night is slow, "it is estimated that he can climb to the army No.2 position!"

"How can there be such a trick, isn't that opponent is not lost!" Ji Ju Pill said.


The real field once again made a black air, reversing the route of tennis!

Snapped! The island is two-legged, and the miraculous times will once again!

"No, any hitting the ball is useless, the teenager!" The island repair two smile.

"Collect all the rotation information of tennis through the visual moment, then through the hand of the wrist, accurately offset the opponent's rotation, magical talent!" The dry showing glasses flashed a white light, it seemed doorway.

"Yes! Theoretically, no matter what a commence, there is no to solve it!" Night wind attached to the road.

Snapped! The island repair two flexible deduction of Jijjin Ren is invisible, and the two people have come back, and tennis have emerged behind them and scroll on the bottom line.

The first disk, the army will win, score 6-0!

The army combined with a relaxed six games, soon ended the first game.

The strength of two pairs of combination does not seem to be on a grade.

"Teenagers, you can't win our!" Swimming two self-confidence.

"Page!" And the two people in Tan Jijin are panting, sweat will completely violate the two people!

"We will not lose!" The true fields and Yulian are full of war, and the fire of the bears burned in their hearts.

289 chapter, fate battle

"Hey, repair two! These two kids have seen your 'no' actually dare to challenge!" Dagu Dragon turned.

"Ah, I have served them ..." Swimming two-one face helpless expression.

The second game begins!

!! Trumpet Strings is still constantly using his black gas turning attack!

And the tree repairs two times, quietly solving his attack!

Snapped! Tennis fell in front of the network of the secondary army, Jijun jumped, and fighting for a sultry or a widow.

"Ah, unfortunately this ball, still not enough!" Taicheng sighed.

"Nonsense! It is not good to hang until he can't hurt him!" Swimming is a second.

"It's a little bit a little, Yulianjin!" Zhenfang Road.

"Shut up, true field! Next time, I must see you!" There is no frustrated expression on the junjie face.

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