The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Tennis Prince Super Short System Chapter 355

Looking at the blow, Dechuan and also have no expressions on his face, but his eyes are deep and the burning is more and more burn!

"Endless acknowledgment? I am completely useless now!" Dechuan screamed, the racket in his hand waved to the limit.

The cracks of the dark, have been wrapped in Dechuan and the whole person, forming a huge spherical black hole!

The hundreds of light column shot into the black hole, there was no sound, and they were swallowed directly, leaving only a good tennis stopped quietly in Dechuan and also.

"Useless, your attack!" Dechuan and the right foot of the right hand, the right hand rises back!

"This guy ... can be evil!" The Equal Phoenix flashed in the eyes of the phoenix. "It is so easy to resolve my world piracy?"

!!! ~ ▉ ▉ !

Tennis a moment of illusion into ten tennis on the bottom line of the Equal Phoenix!

Dechuan and also win, score 5-3!

The form of the field has been completely controlled by Dechuan and also controlled it. The number of second discs has also become 5-3, as long as it takes the next game, Dechuan and will win this fate to win!

At this moment of this victory, Dechuan on the field suddenly pressed his belly!

Then I madly spit a lot of blood, and the ground in front of him was reddish!

"Dechuan! Are you okay?" Everyone worried about Dechuan, who was strong, to bear the painful, and also!

"How to do it suddenly, you will vomit blood, and you will call the first aid!" The ghost ten lakes rushed to the high school students next to them, and then rushed into the field.

"Okay! I will go!"

"Dechuan, you chestnate!" Ghost Ten Town Lang Qi.

"Cough!" Dechuan and the fire in the eyes have not been extinguished, "I haven't ended yet!"

On the cough, Dechuan is still vomiting.

"What is going on here, I am not more than 30 minutes!" Ghost Ten times Lang face blame.

"Regardless of the predecessors, I was injured when I was documented yesterday!" Dechuan and also slowly.

"Hey! It turns out, I said how to feel that today's Dechuan is a bit wrong! It turned out to be hurt yesterday!" Night live wind suddenly realized, "Dechuan did not summon the vain of Ashura, it seems because of injury. ! "

"You are stupid! Why don't you discuss with me? Isn't he told you that he is very dangerous?" Ghost Ten Lang is a bit angry.

"Too impulsive, Dechuan!" Encompass the streak.

Dechuan and also put a hand, the clothes in the chest have been violated by blood, "Because I want to know where my limit is, but I didn't expect his strength to exceed us too much ..."

Dechuan and also have not finished, fell down!

"Dechuan!" Ghost Ten Lang quickly took the Dechuan, and he had always been calm.

"Hey! It will be injured by a country!" Equality Phoenix snorted, "Ghost! You are wasting time!"

"Yes?" On the table, the night's wind finally stood up, throwing jacket, and the big style behind him fluttering in the air.

"Don't install a strong look, is it good?" Looking at the Equal Phoenix in the night, "I will let you become an equal hospital roast duck!"

Shot, the night's long-awaited looked at the Equal Phoenix!

"The arrogant country, do you want to go to the door?" The Phoenix of the Equality is angered. Yesterday he has been enduring the night growing. Now the night is changing and challenged. The anger of the Phoenix of the Equal House has reached a pole.

At this time, Dechuan and the slow stood up, "Don't you intervene, night! This is the opponent I have to win!"

Dechuan and also the sound still icy but this is the strong obsession that makes the night grows.

"Please!" Since Dichuan is so low as a low-spirited request, the night grows only to sit down.

"Dechuan, isn't you ..." Ghost Ten Tie Lang and into the river are also surprised.

"Hey ~ Sichuan guy still wants to continue playing?"

"No, even stand up all!" High school students are also a champion! "

"There is another game!" Dechuan's mouth, I went back to the ball.

The game continues.

bass! Equality Phoenix anger hit a light column to swallow Dikawa in an instant!


Snapped! Tennis actually gave it back in almost unconscious cases, but there is only no power.

"Childish!" The Equal Phoenix is ​​cold and cold. "This boring game is over, I want to smash you with your future, Dechuan!"

The night is still can't stand it.

"Stop! You will be out of training camp, think about birch!" The hand of the trace pressed the shoulders of the night.

"Oh, it doesn't matter! Anyway, there is no longer than my strong opponent!" Laughing at night.

boom! boom! boom!

The silver brilliance appeared on the court, and an instant swallowed the attack of the Equal Phoenix, then wiped out the face of the phoenix of the Equal Hospital.

Or yesterday's the same position, the scars on the Equal Phoenix face seem deeper, and the blood flows.

! Huge sound is shaken!

Tennis finally blown on the cement wall behind the Equal Phoenix, and the power of the first episode of Phoenix is ​​almost twice, the whole cement wall collapsed in an instant, and the swings of the smoke were shrouded. The whole course.

"Ah!" The audience outside the officers suddenly stunned, this little ghost is really amazing, this is destroyed!

"Hey! The long wind is gone!" Chrysanthemum happily, "there is a good show!"

"Hey, the sky is fried, Laozi debut!" The night's wind is still very drawn by his own appearance.

"You see is not, ghost? This kid is stronger!" Into the river.

"Well! I have long known! His strength is far beyond your imagination, enters the river!" The ghost ten times smart.

"According to the regulations, the night long violations of the rules, please leave the training camp immediately!" The referee.

"Go to NM!" The night grew blowing against the camera, "Black, I am a long time to practice players, I don't have more interest?"

"I still have a bit of personal grievances, I have not dealt, wait, I will leave!" Night long-term winds around the audience, "Anyway, high school students are a group of weak chickens!"

"You!" The high school students are very excited, but I know that the night's strength is not too much.

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