The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 363 of the Chapter 363 of Wangzhao System of Tennis

"I don't know how to make the handcuffs? Is it going to have a professional network, and you don't know how you do it?" Usually I don't think it, I don't see it, and the night is actually missing them.

"Well! Forget it, it will go back soon!" The night long-lasting bath and slept.

Next day.

Give a few female guides for several women's guides, the night-lived winds are reported to the U17.

When I entered the door, I saw a few young people who dyed the hair like a murder like killing my hair.

"How? Do you have any comments on me?" The night is cold.

"You are the master of money?" Several dragon sets killed Matha laughed, "I laughed at the dead, I saw that you are not long, is it a primary school student?"

The cold light in the eyes is flashing, and the heart is puzzled. "How did these people mix it here? Is it a team member of the training place? Will not? This kind of grade can come in!"

Night-length wind has a serious suspicion of the U17 team, and I can't help it in my heart: "I want to lead this group of people to take the championship? Super god system you play me!"

"How? Your weaker chicken comments on me?" Night wind came out of the racket from the tennis bag, smiled couldadally, "just hot and play with you, let it go!"

"This little child!" A yellow Mao kill Ma Turk, rolled up the sleeves, want to be more windy, "too mad!"

"Well?" A Sitting Killing Matthen stood up, it looked as the boss of this group of people, "Small Branch, step!"

"Yes, the boss!" Huang Mao bonced to Retor.

"If you have the game, you must have a colorful head!" This group of murderer's boss said, "Do you dare to come?"

"You said, what color is?

Hundreds ~ ▉ is so mad? Killing Matt teenager sucks a cold air, can't help with the autonomy, I just want to say gambling money.

When the night's wind, this group is the guy of the exquisite, suddenly feels a bit boring, "I got it, you together, as long as you can play tennis after you will win!"

Snapped! Night wind blows out a thick renminbi to let in the hands, "There is a ball, you will win, these is a color head!"

"But if you lose ..."


"I will disappear in front of me!" Night and cold.

Training training course.

"Hey ~ ▉▉ , are you ready?" Killing the Matters, haha ​​laughed, more than a do person, everyone in each person holding a tennis.

"You can only take a ball, haha, you are dead!" Huang Ji said.

"Don't talk nonsense! Come on!" The night is full of feet, the whole 787 people are emitted.

"Amount ~ ▉▉ Matter teenager is lived by night Changfeng Town, some happening, the body is completely movable!

"Hey, you can't play it?" The night's wind is helpless, "" This group of blacks are too nickname, I haven't yet been good! "

"Go to death!" Killing Matt's boss screamed, directly hit tennis directly to the face of the night, other murderous Matt also hit the ball to the night.

"Too slow!" The night is not spitting, and this group of people is the level of the Ordinary Team of the Tokyo Conference.

"What!" Under this group of figures, the night is very instant, a different fly, different faders, different times, the silver race in the hands.

!!! ~ ▉

Almost a moment, more than ten murderous teenagers were overturned!

The night floating wind shakes, speechless, "Just this level, the god of tennis also does not move!"

At this time, the tips of the system actually sounded.

Ding! Congratulations to the master title to upgrade to super-level slaughter, physical recovery is 100%!

The night's wind is looking at the title of color in front of the eyes.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! ! The applause is far and near, and a picture appears in front of the night, this is?

300 chapter, are you teasing me?

A soul middle-aged man came over, and his step was a strong and beneficial.

The night is looking at this person, a white sportswear, the national character face, the whole person is full, and it is not a simple figure.

"You are?" Asked the night-long style.

"Oh, you are a night grew well! It is worthy of defeating the master of neon U17 team! Sure enough!" This middle-aged man said, the voice is loud, the words are sound! "

The night is shocked, which is far from China to know what the neon team is in China? How did he know it.

Looking at the expression of the night, the middle-aged man smiled and reached out, "I forgot my introduction, I am the total coach of China U17 team, you can call me money guide!"

"Oh?" The night's heart is sigh. "This person is the coach of the bullibi in Yang Yi! The temperament is really extraordinary, I don't know how this advice level?"

The night costs have gripped Qian Chenghai's hand, faint: "Hello, money guidance! You can call me the long wind, as a Chinese fear, can be my honor for China!"

"But ... Is China U17 team?" "

The night long-term wind is turned, and the group of murderous Matte juvenile lying on the ground is obvious.

Qian Chenghai smiled, "The long wind, let you laugh! These are temporary exercises, not a formal player."

"That ... official players? Let me have passed the tricks!" Asked the night long.

"This is ..." Qian Chenghai squatted, "you need to help you with your long!"

"What?" The night's eyes were widened, and he couldn't believe everything heard in his ear. "You said that I am a light commander now, this episode is not alone?"

"Super Short System, you are not playing me, you are surprising to kill me!" The night did not hurt.

"I hope that the long-winding you can take the least twelve people of the delegation team, I am waiting for your good news!" Qian Chenghai smiled.

"Money guidance, have you made a mistake! I am going back to China, life is not familiar, where to give more than ten people!" The night growth stall stressed, a helpless look.

Qian Chenghai smiled, took out a crumpled paper from the pocket, and the two-handed booth delivered a low voice, "your team is here! As for them, they are willing to be willing Follow you, look at your ability! "

"I ..." Night-lived wind looked at the words written on the strips, which was simply speechless.

"The word is really ugly! It's better than I wrote!" The night's wind shook his head smile, "I have been completely pit, even the players have to go to find!"

The night-long wind really wants to go to the talent market, just find a few temporary workers to make up the number. I want to think about it, there is a system's task, the punishment of failure is not low, still forget it, only honestly goes.

"I said the money guidance, are you from the people above?" Asked the night.

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