The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 376 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

Lin smiled, "This time we will definitely shock the world!"

Players village.

One go to the village, A big, and the second will quickly pack the luggage, then noisy, you have to make a meal.

When the night's live wind, I went to the meal, I took the guests to eat.

This person is also OK, but also in the night, the English is ok, others will say a 'Hello', 'Thankyou'.

I went into the restaurant, Alder, and I had stayed, and the menu in front of my eyes didn't know.

The two have poked a few times with hand, and a few dishes were chaotic.

Crocodile meat, mushroom dinner, Australian seafood, oysters, etc. These dishes are quickly connected by the waiter.

These ingredients themselves are no problem, and the meat, freshness is also quite good.

However, where the Chinese team eats the taste of Western people, especially the Alder, and the Auden praise, the mouth is still embarrassed, "What is foreigner eat, is it?"

Night wind is also frowning, and he does not like foreigners.

Say what to keep the original flavor, in fact, it is not a cuisine skill.

"Captain, you go to the boss, let them lend the kitchen to us to eat with a few bowls!" A big one wedd at night long wind.

Several other people also gathered their attention to the night cost.

"Where to find noodles in this place?" The night grew a white eye.

"Captain, this!" A two from the bag, there is a bottle of red glass bottles.

Look at night, laughing directly, actually is old and dried!

"My God, the world of this tennis prince actually has the magical thing of the old driver!" The night did not hurt.

"I have suited you!" The night's wind stood up and went to the front desk customer service manager.

"Sir, can I help you?" Asked the manager.

"I use your kitchen to use me!" The night is straightforward.

The man stayed, the heart is puzzled, I don't want this person to do anything in the kitchen.

"Dear guests, this is probably ..." The manager is going to refuse.

Snapped! The night length shot a Australian dollar before the table, "OK?"

"OK! OK!" Manager's eyes and then said, then did a pose.

"Cut ~ ▉ ▉ No matter where, the money is hard channel!" The night did not help but sigh.

Come to the kitchen, and the night is beginning to start cooking in a few Australian chefs.

The ingredients here are abundant, mainly seafood.

Night costumes have chosen ingredients like the dishes just the dish of Agre, Alder.

Handheld a knife up and down, the knife of the night, the carving, the carving, a few Australian chefs are stunned and amazed!

The biggest challenge is that the seasonings here are severe, and many Asian unique seasonings are not here, but the night is uniformly found a lot of alternatives.

I am so fast to do the ten seafood!

After the table, everyone unveiled one by one, and still luminous cuisine.

The light column and rich fragrance of the sky attract all foreign tourists in the restaurant.

"It's delicious! It's so delicious! Or the captain is definitely the god of the chef!" A big sideways.

Other people include Lin Yi is also a great appreciation for the food of the night!

Laughing at night, "I ate my cuisine today, this game will sell me, the champion is only our China!"

"Yes!" Everyone should be in the same way.

311 chapter, the Qing Dynasty

After the food is full, the Chinese team is going to take a break from the time difference, and the night is smirk, and there is no way to take these guys.

I have changed my body's sports, picking up my own tennis bags to the training stadium developed by the Committee.

"Haha, big stone! What happened to you, is it bad? How to be so soft!" I have n'tged into the court, and I have heard the familiar voice, I have heard the familiar voice.

The night long-faced corner, took out his own silver ball from the tennis and took away the training stadium in the neon U17 team.

"Everyone, I haven't seen you for a long time!" The night is long.

The neon U17 team turned his head and looked at the people in front of him.

"Changfeng, your boy disappears for a month, where is it?" The first reaction of the pills, directly to the night, and grabbed his neck, and lick the head of the night.

"It's very painful! Chrysanthemum pills!" Night is helpless.

"Changfeng, why don't you come with us? How do you do it! It's really, let's play next time!" Tao Cheng Road.

A few people from the Qing Dynasty were surrounded up. Tao Cheng, the river village also came to the sea and dry . They came to the neon team, and they can be a sparring.

Of course, it is a national fundament, equivalent to public funds, and take a look at neon accompanying people, -797- is the staff of the U17 training camp.

Nutritionist, trainer, team doctor all come, a large group of people.

Thinking of this night is very angry, think about the Chinese team has no fans to pay attention to it, and the accompanying personnel are even more, only the night is long and Lin Yaran brought the team, and the money guidance did not come back.

And there is something in Lin Yaran home, and you can fly over and mix the Chinese team tomorrow. That is to say this time is the role of a nanny.

The same is the national team, how is how the gap is so big?

This is just the third gear neon team, more professional Spain and the US team are not more exaggerated?

Many times, tennis gaps between countries have accumulated in these details.

Of course, these thoughts have passed in the night long-lasting mind, he can not revitalize the idea of ​​this world tennis, just in order to complete the task, but also to fight for his current teammates.

"Changfeng!" A familiar cold voice came.

When the night long wind looks up, it is a handcuffs who will never change in front of you!

"Minister!" Night long-lasting corner, "How did you come? You are not going to be a professional player, this small competition is not much meaning to you!"

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