The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 383 of the Chapter 383 of the Prince of Tennis

Honestly, the night grows feel that these non-professional youth masters have some water, and their master's strength is similar to the flow of Phoenix.

Let the night growers are somewhat disappointment, compared to the Yue Dragon, these opponents are too weak!

I don't know if these guys depends on what the world can dominate the world so many years. The night grows only because of the large number of bases.

There are many people who have more than ten million in more than 10,000 people, and the fresh blood is endless. The advantage is constantly accumulated, and it has caused the so-called world pattern.

Next day.

This day, the Chinese team did not have games, and the night-hearted wind led everyone to see the neon U17 team.

The neon U17 team sent a combination of Dichuan and also, into the river, and the ghost ten launches, and the other is the white stone.

Easy freehand three-specific zero crushed the Serbian team.

Night winds obviously feel that these people's strength is enhanced, and it seems that there is nothing to make progress!

Li Xing collected the neon U17 data and the Chinese team everyone discussed, everyone consistently put the neon U17 team as the biggest competitor of this competition.

As for poor maximum winning popular Spain, everyone will surprise everyone after a day ...

317 chapter, fighting in the United States

They were swept out by the 'fishing' Chinese team in the brick home, and farewell to the World Tennis Youth Championships in advance.

The Spanish team called U17 World First Pereo is even more crushed with two six six to zero, shocked the world.

Night wind can be said to be a battle!

All the bricks in the official website were swatched by night long wind and the Chinese team, gambling bought Spain's fans and walked towards the rooftop.

Spanish fans only have tears in this night, and competitive sports are sometimes so cruel, become a defeated, black and white.

The Chinese body is ignited, and the headlines of major newspapers are published in this news, especially the sports weekly, and the pen uses a few layouts in detail to each of the China U17 delegates. people.

With the forest, the night-catching wind is also fired overnight. It has been a good appearance, plus the blood of the blood and the powerful strength, is simply a perfect sports idol.

All the praises between the time came from the China U17 team, of course, the night did not dare to be interested in this, and the face of the guys.

Night wind is currently paying attention to the opponent's American team.

Has a Dragon Horse and the Greater American U17 team.

Melbourne Park Center Stadium.

Compared with the first game and the Czech a few audiences, this centers are almost full, especially many Chinese Chinese fans have also watched the battle.

There are also some night-long winds that have received the news when they have received the news in the last and the US West Coast team.

The entire central stadium is full of Dangdang, the people of the mountains, more or the US team's fans.

They shouted for the US team, and they were shouted. They didn't get rid of the night, "so soon, let you shut your mouth!"

Although the Chinese team and the US team are all two-war win, it is already from hand, and the results of this game have no impact on the outline.

But everyone is looking forward to the result of this game, which team can compete for death.

The neon U17 team that ended his team also appeared also appeared on the stage to pay attention to this game.

At the same time, there are hundreds of journalists in the field, long Qiang short gun put various camera frames in the scene.

The Chinese team's players have seen this kind of scenery, Alder, the legs of the second are shaking, and the face is also white.

The tangered forehead with the raw nature, and the sweat appeared. It is a bit nervous, and Lin Yi is still a sign of smile, and I don't smile the expression.

The eyes of night long winds are the teenagers who have gathered in a new tennis cap in the US seating area, and it is Yue Donkey.

On the table.

"I really didn't expect Longma actually joined the US team!" Chrysanthemum turntable.

"Yeah, the more you have disappeared!" Taicheng attached.

Dry Heritzer pushed the glasses on the rhinus.

"Right, the more you go, don't say goodbye when you say goodbye!" The tail suddenly remembered this.

"Yes! But it should be unlikely ... The long wind is really too strong!" Shenglang Road.

The neon U17 people have some points, and the strength of the night's strength has exceeded everyone's imagination.

"Changfeng now, but a ball has not yet lost!" Don't smile, "Can you defeat him?"

Yes, after the night's world is coming to the world of tennis, there are so many games, which can be said to be defeated, except for the two orders of the two and the handcuffs!

Every time the night is almost almost the growth of the jump, everyone is surprised, especially when the dry dialogites and the night growers are collected, but there is no way to analyze the growth of the night long wind.

It can only be attributed to the talent of the night.

"Hey! Sinking! I will take my hand to crush him!" Equal Phoenix black face, the anger in his heart burned on the bears.

"I didn't expect this kid to be invincible on the stage of the world!" Ghost Ten Town Lang said.

"Yeah, we are only lost to the world's strongest!" I smiled and laughed, recalling the battle with nightly wind, almost 100% to determine that night long wind did not make it full.


Both players admitted to the market, China U17 team battle the United States U17 team, five winners!

······ Flowers ······

Both players are standing in their own half!

"I didn't expect you to be the captain of the Chinese team!" Yue Dragon, Ya, smiled.

"I didn't expect you to be the captain of the US team. When did you become American?" Night endurance.

"Oh, today your opponent is not me!" Yue, the closing the dragon, the closet, "" This guy will defeat you! "

"Yes?" Night, the mouth of the mouth, "despite it!"

The referee is in some formal, and the competition rules are also read before the game. After all, so many people look at it, and the synchronous broadcast of cable TV, these faces cannot be done.


Finally, when the night's wind is fast, the game has finally begun.

The first game started.

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