The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 386 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

The tennis falls from the high altitude, just falling on the net belt of the ball!

"Wow!" Everyone looked at the tennis a few seconds on the gross network, a wind, the tennis slowly rolled to the Half Dragon Half.

The first disk, the Chinese team Lin Ye won, the number of 6-4!

"Pretty, Lin Big Brother!" Zhang Lie shouted that this game made people boiling, and the two masters made him a year, "When can I reach this realm?"

The night is a little, he knows that Lin Yi is absolutely not better than the front dragon, when he is in the game, the night grows, he doesn't make full strength, as for his real strength, never .

The twists of rackets have become torque after the ball just now, and even the strings have not been known.

Lin smiled and took a new golden racket from the tennis bag, shining under the sun shining.

I have always used the night's long wind to think that Lin Yi will use the wooden racket. I didn't expect that he also had this professional tennis racket. It seems that Lin Yi is really serious.

803 It is obvious that the strength of Dragon Ya is also exceeded his imagination.

The two drink a little water, exchanged the venue after changing the racket, and stationed again to the opposite side.

All the audience at the scene could not help but mention the eyes, what would this game becoming?

Colorful rays appear again in the two people, and getting more and more rich!

Night wind knows that they have to start real dedissions, and various confrontations that have no realization of my realm.

Nothing, I have no me, the essential situation is superb!

! Yue Dulong Ya will throw the ball height in half empty, the whole person's momentum is upgraded to the limit!

No one looks at his waves. Tennis is like a spatial jump in front of Lin Yi's eyes.

And my breath is getting thinner and thin, he intenss them into the body, and the whole person jumped back, and the ball was shot!

Snapped! The colorful fluctuations are still a circle, and Lin Yitmodes resolves this ball!

The two began to fight tennis, and there were only rackets and tennis hits on the court.

The two people on the field are like disappearing, and all the audiences are stunned to look at the field, look up and see the big screen is also a blank.

These two people are too fast, and there is no way to catch up with the high-speed camera ...

320 chapter, palm Buddha country

The referee in the scene is completely stupid. The two people recently can't see the figure of the two people.

At this time, the night length of the wind is also a colorful brilliance. It is impossible to use the eyes that caught the movement of the two people, only with no breath.

Among the night growth, the figure of Dragon Ya and Lin one or two people appeared again, and the two came to fight with tennis.

I have a smile on my face, and the pursuit of night is different, and the two people on the court may not be more important.

!! The collision between tennis and rackets among the stadiums is getting bigger and bigger, and each hitting can vibrate.




The difference between the two people in the night-long's mind has been alternating, which is completely different, and it is called to grab the seven games in the second plate!

At this time, the seven color of the Dragon, the color of the dragons gradually became gold, and the whole body of the whole body became a golden cells constantly delivering energy to the entire body.

The more forehead, the Yue Longya, which is finally in front of everyone, and the golden light of the whole stadium has been dyed into a gold!

Night-hard wind knows that the longer Longya opens his ultimate skills ancient and modern!

Ancient and modern is unparalleled, vertical and invincible!

Yue Dulong Ya's every move became natural, and every hit is through ancient and modern, like the god of tennis!

At this time, Dragon Ya is the first person in the past, and the tennis talents are unstoppable, it is invincible!

1-0! 2-0! 3-0 ... have been 6-0!

Grab the seven games to open ancient and modern unparalleled Dragon and the Dragon, even the Lin Yi, which is always the emerging situation, even more.

"It's too strong! These two people are too strong!" The eyes of the tail were round.

"Yes, the brother of Longma is simply the god of tennis!" Shenglang attached.

"Is the winning and losing?" The trace is coldly looked at the scene of the elegant forest. He always feels that Lin Yichang is still hidden.

This is also thinking about the night's heart, because he first saw the smile on Lin Ye disappeared, replaced by a deputy descendant!

"End, powerful opponents! Samurai attack!"

Yue Yue Dragon and Ya Yan, which jumped in the half-air, the racket shook in a moment!

At this time, there was a neon army who holds a warrior knife after the Dragon Elephant, and he killed him with a golden light.

Tennis an instantly incorporated into two golden knife lightning shots to forest one!

Lin Yi's face is solemn, but it is also full of golden light and it is a more intense golden light. It is simply a golden recast!

Lin Yi seems to be very slow, and the super fast wave shot in his hand.

Between, when the night's live wind saw the vain after Lin Yi, it was actually an ancient Buddha!

The ancient Buddha body is unlimited, the top of the world is long, the hands are all ten, and the mouth is muttered in the reading profession.

Just in front of the two golden knives to fly in front of the night, the ancient Buddha suddenly reached out!

Palm Buddha country!

Snapped! Snapped! Two huge knives were broken by the ancient Buddha's right hand shrouded, and the golden palms of the ancient Buddha were also unlimited, and the entire stadium was shrouded.

"Let the butcher knife, stand in the Buddha!" ​​Ancient Buddha declared the slogan, the more foreigner Dragon, the ancient warrior behind him was cold, and a golden eye in his eyes, holding a long knife, got up!

"Destroy!" Ancient Buddha's palm of the palm of the palm of the sky, the ancient Samurai was pinched into a smashing Jinhui, filled with the entire course.

"Is this the power of Lin Yizi?" The night's long wind is also shocked. This ancient Buddha's momentum is not a general Buddha. How can the vain samurai after the Dragon Ya's vain? Righteous opponent!


When the golden tennis flew over the front dragon, the game was over.

It is also recovered again between the heavens and the earth!

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