The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 388 of the Chapter 388 of the Prince of Tennis

"This Boy is very interesting!" The more the south of the south gave himself whisper.

The shot returns to the Melbourne Park Central Stadium.

I saw it opposite to the clue of the preparation exercise, and the night grew is in the wind. Now, the, the more weak, the worst, the more you are completely different!

"System, give me the data of the Long Ma!" Night long-distance.

"Okay, the owner!" The system repayment.


Name: Vietnamen Longma

Combat power: 25000000 (Saint Tennis)

Age: 13

Birthday: December 24th

Constellation: Capricorn

Height: 157cm

Blood type: O

Enciprived wrist: left hand

Skills: external rotation, single-foot small break, two-knife, basic ground, imitation, football, A, B, C, D (DRIVEA, B, C, D, Ford spheres), zero short ball, cyclone Kill, COOL snapshot, no me, the ultimate limit, the talents of the ultimate Samurai (Division)

Predictt: Chemistry, Sports, English, Mathematics

Headache subject: Mandarin

Favorite food: grilled fish, tea bowl steam, shrimp flavor (plum, kimchi taste) Fanta (Grape flavor)

Favorite color: silver

Things in the book bag: double entry, notebook, Car Rarbin photo, phone book, pencil box, GBA, hard pancake, comic book

Mang Zen: You are still far away! I have to defeat you!

Systematic evaluation: The closing the blem, the boy, never give up! Always move on the road to catch up with the Nansielang, never stop!

Night wind did not think that the more forehead, the dragon horse fighting force aggravates so fast, has reached the point of 2500W tennis, it seems that he should have a lot of stories in the United States.

The height is no longer 151, and the length is 6 cents to become 157. The skill bar is also a lot of pile. It is estimated that in addition to the night's wind is the most dragon horse.

The more you didn't talk, but the eyes were watching the night, the eyes were deeply looking for a long time.

bass! The more forehead, the dragon horse throws the ball in the air, and the right hand holds the weight!

! Tennis with a strong rotation in half air, the changing position is finally blown up at the foot of the night, bounce straight into the right face of the night long!

"It is the outside of the dragon horse!" Said the tail.

"Yeah, it is much more powerful than before, too strong!" Shenglang attached.

Night long-faced horns slightly, the whole person is like Dapeng, the body is unfolded, and the silver racket is not stopped accelerating the rotating tennis. "It has changed, but only this extent, Still too weak! "

boom! The silver is flashing in the hand, the more the front temperature is hit by the night-lived lightning, and the speed is almost twice.

~ ▉ ,

B word smashing the ball!

! Tennis scratched a semi-circular speed fall in the air, then he was boomed, and when the drops were dropped again, the night-long winding reduced the inch. After the time came to tennis, the racket was played out, lightning The bottom line after the front dragon horses flicked!

Thunder: Moving like Thunder!

The electro-optical flash of the Dragon Males is also instantly moving to the bottom line of the backfinder!

"Ah, this is not the movement of the Zhenyu Tianti Zi Lang as a Thunder?" The tail shouted, "Why Long Ma will trick !!"

"COOL boom!" Yue, the dragon horses dad, shouted in the high-speed move!

! The tennis donkey fried in the foot of the night, and then actually did not bounce but a C-shaped attached to the court!

In the eyes of the night, there is a flash, the foot is on the foot, the aperture rises, the field of wind is open!

! The tennis flying outside the field suddenly suddenly, and then flipped by the traction of the field flew back to the night length.

"The appearance is the field of wind's wind!" The tail and jumped.

At this time, the night length of the wind shines in the golden light, the tiger is slight, and the rack is gently towed down!

! Tennis will fly through the ball, and then fall in an instant, it will fall back to the ground.

In the front, the dragon horses also lit up a circle of light, and there was magical in the air between the aperture fluctuation.

! Tennis is a few seconds in the air and flying back to the front of the dragon horses!

"Ni! Do you have a field of handcuffs?" Taicheng was very surprised.

"And also crack the zero-type cutting ball with the field of hand!" Dry Heritzer pushed the glasses on the rhinosis.

"Really stronge! The more you!" Not two weeks to smile.

"The more!" Handcuffs Guoguang gathered to the Yue Donkey.

Snapped! The more the two knives flow, the right hand is changed to the left hand, and it is also slightly flexed, and a cutting ball!

It is simply a relish of the night, and the tennis will be filled directly after the ball is flying.

The night is laughing, "It is much better than before! Only this point is ..."

Calling ~ ▉ The aperture under the long-winding is expanded to the entire stadium, and the whirlpool of the wind is in the stadium, and the tennis will succeed.

Snapped! When the tennis appear again, it has been taken to the field!

OUT! Out of bounds! The referee announced the way!


"It is a fan of the wind!" Chrysanthemum highlights, "The field skills of the long wind are getting stronger, and will be converted!"

"Kid, you are still far!" The night-long windmaking pointed to the front dragon horse, learned the more foreigner.

The longer Dragon Horse didn't return, but it took a look at the night.

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