The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Tennis Prince Chao Short System Chapter 400

"The other side, we have never met an unprecedented strong enemy!" Da Shilong.

Chrysanthemum turned, "Let everyone see the infinite potential of gold combination, big stone! This time we have to be the world!"

"Please, big stone, English two!" The handcuffs watched the back of the two people.


The fourth first pair of games are now starting, China U17 team A large and Ai two combination of war neon U17 team Dashi and Chrysanthemum combination, big stone tee! The referee finally announced the start of the game.

bass! Dashi will be talled in the air, jump, sway, hit the ball! One aesthetic!

! Tennis, such as shells, is generally blown down at the feet of A big, and the tee of the big stone has been trained in U17. It is already in the past!

However, this kind of ball speed is a plate of Aga or a small dish, and the A big waves the racket, and the tennis will hit the tennis in an instant!

The japome pill is traveled, and the body is flipped in the air, and the racket is extended from behind, and it is intercepted before the net!

It is the special skill hitting of Chrysanthemum!

Snapped! A second morning, I waited for the Internet. When I moved in the pill, he has judged the ball of Chrysanthemum!

A second, turning, turned out to copy the perfect copy of the pill!

! Tennis crosses the prime lines of gold, and then hit the bottom line behind two people.


"It's amazing! It is a unbeaten combination, you can hit the ball so simple!"

"Ah! Speed, judgment, force is absolutely topped in double!" Ji Zhen cure slowly.

!! Two pairs of combinations come back to play tennis, and the speed is getting faster and faster!

The pace of itself is faster than the single, and the two team players are still accelerating, and the audience is watching.

The two teams have from 1-1, hit 5-5 flat, or not to win!

"It's too strong, this is the true strongest double battle!" There is a spectator.

Just when the two team players were difficult to score, Alder and Audou were angry!


A Grand, Ai two eyes turned into a colorful color in an instant, and the colorful light turned in the eyes, and the body also distributed a colorful breath, and then linked together!

"Come!" Dashi looks, "English and two!"

"Oh! Daily!" Gold combination two people!

Both eyes are also a dazzling gold, white breath is connected together in the air!

The night's long eyes, "Come, real context!"

A big harmony is superimposed by the Gold Combination!

At this moment, the thinking of Alder and Ai II is integrated together, the view sharing, the strength is shared ... The power of the two people combined together, becoming twice!

Real super synchronization rate!

On the other side, the toner of Dashi and Chrysanthemum pills are actually in the face of ultra-tone.

Let the night growth are also shocked, the gold combination that can be super-controlled is not only the heart of the heart, but also bear everything together!

They have the same goal, the same dream!

Even if there is no blood relationship, it is not a twin, the heart of the heart, the heart of the big stone, has played more than twice the power!

"This is the real tonal?" Night wind surprised to look at the gold combination of younger, with the gold combination of Qingxiang's will, the power of the night, can't believe in the power!


The colorful brilliance and the white gas becomes a golden breath constantly confronted in the air, Mars is splash!

Snapped! Snapped! The sound of tennis and ball shots have been connected to the front line, like heavy rain, falling in the ground, and the sound is endless!

"It's great! Too strong! These two pairs of combinations have surpassed all the doubles, which is completely a new realm!" The new three groups have been watching.

"We are the gold combination of youth!" The big stone chrysanthemum pill.

"Take it! Dashi, Chrysanthemum make the world to see your strength!" Handcuffs light.

~ ▉ drag the racket, sway it up in an instant!

Tennis turns into a golden light in a moment!

"The appearance is the climbing month of the big stone!" Calling the tail.

! The next second tennis appeared in the bottom line of the Chinese team!

bass! A Dahe Er Er Employed from the front game arrived in the back, the two brought the whole body strength together, and strive to hit!


Tenniscity is a golden light column shot to Dashi Xiu Yiiro!

Snapped! After the pellets rushed to the big stone, hold down the shoulders of the big stone, using the whole body strength to jump up!

Then the body exaggerate downwards, the racket is full of highly inertia!

! Super gathering rocket!

Tennis hit on the border of the Chinese team in one moment, a perfect end ball!

At the end of the game, the neon U17 combination wins, the number of discs is 2-1! Local 7-6, 6-7, 7-6! The referee announced the way.

After three discs, the gold combination pulled the neon team from the cliff!

"Oh, oh!" Chrysanthemum rode on the shoulders of the big stone, cheering!

"We have succeeded," the English two! "Dashi has left excited tears!

"Ah! Successful, big stone!" Chrysanthemum also was happy! "

On the table.

"Wow! Win!" It was very excited to stop his eyes with hand.

Everyone in the Academy of Youth Academy is in this moment, and the gold combination finally proves himself on the largest world stage!

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