The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Tennis Prince Super Short System Chapter 402

Night wind still remembers the battle of the dusk of his and handcuffs just came to the prince of the tennis, that is 3 million!

In just a year, in the absence of super god system help, the handcuffs have referred the combat power to the same level in the same level.

Night live wind has to admit that the handcuffs in the whole feat are terrible, and there is also his amazing tennis talent, perhaps better than the front Longma and Yue Dragon!

It is almost certain that Handu Guoguang has become a professional player, it will win a big gramp, even full, gold full! Become an immortal legend!

However, before this, the hand is the first thing to beat the night!

A teenager he regarded as a future, a teenager who surprised him in countless times, sharing his shoulder responsibility, one of himself can't confirm the real strength!

But in any case, handcuffs must defeat him because he is full of neon delegates, because his name is the handcuffs!


Handu Guo Guang put tennis, and the whole person jumped with the light, and he took the body after reaching the vertices, and the arm was lightning!

Handcuffs have come up with speed!

Looking at the tennis bounced in front of you in front of him, the night long wind is contracted, actually there is no way to wavitate the rack!


"Ah! I can't let the captain don't respond. Who is this person? It's too strong!" The Chinese team looked at the hand of the country, and this kind of thing has never happened in their impression.

265km / h!

The screen was played on the screen. Guoguang has just speeded the speed of speed.

Hundreds of people on the stage suck a cold, although this speed is better than the world's record of the world, but has broken the player speed of the former world record!

The key key is that the night grows in a hurry, let the world record holder will not move!

This is the handcuffs!

332 chapter, time reverse


Handcuffs Guoguang a three-ball overspeed, 265km / h! 26 ▉KM / h! 271km / h! The speed is getting faster and faster, and the viewers on the stage are even more exclaimed.



Neon handcuffs have won, the number is 1-0!

Handcuffs Guiguang simply destroyed ACE ball won his first serve, and the night grew is still a step!

"Strong! Handcuffs!" The new three-person group was full.

"The long wind is pressed with handcuffs?" Tao Cheng has some doubts.

"The speed of the handcuffs is already the top top of the world, but I don't believe that the long wind is moving!"


"Minister, you become strong!" Night long-lasting angle slightly.

"Changfeng, remember why you play tennis?" Handcuffs suddenly asked.

"Haha, of course! I have never forgotten!" The night's wind is beginning to shine colorful brilliance, "Be the strongest" beyond tennis! "

"Five-four balls!" Night costs have issued a absolute foregad!

Handcuffs Guoguang, talented vague limit?


The two came against tennis, Mars splash, colorful tennis, constantly exploding on the ground, and the dust is almost shrouded the whole course!

"Cough!" The audience on the stage was taken, and everyone was surprised to discover, and the dry charm is actually brought a goggles and masks!

"A cherry, premature preparation!" Tao Cheng has some speechless.

"The first ball ... Second goal ..." dry rule constantly countd the number of battles.

The two people hit the ball faster and faster, and they have seen the residual shadows of tennis. Beyond the limits that the human eye can capture.

The night is high, and the color of the whole person is getting more and more prosperous, and ten figures are flashing in an instant. At the same time, in the air, the body is slightly, and the lightweight of light!

~ ▉ ~ ▉

There was a colorful tennis between the air, and it flew through the ball. Then fell, and then quickly rolled back under the net, then changed back a tennis!

It is a zero-type cutting ball!


This stunt of the night-length wind will have played the limit. Ten tennis rolled back like a colorful bright line to let everyone stay!

"Fifty-four balls!" Dry Hao Jurho, this ball is just the fifty-fourth goal!

"Ah! Is it useful to have this level, is it absolutely preview?" The river village was shocked.

Laughing at night, "This ball is 35 goals!"

"No! It is 36 goals!" The handcuffs also flourished with colorful light, and the rays seem to have overstate.

!! The two on the court have increased the ball at a time, and the fire between tennis and spheres, the fire is getting brighter, and the sound collided with each other is like Huang Zhong Da Lu, shocking people.

"Haha! I have been waiting for a long time this day!" The night is smirking, and the arm is twice as half of the air!

Thirty-fifth ball, the first hundred and eight-style fluctuations!

boom! Tennis replaced with a golden giant arrow with a rotation, and turned to the air waves in the air formed a wind roll to the handfall.

At this time, the handcuffs in the country are more prosperous, and the eyes are more golden, the purple rape in the hands has been chemically colored, and when you sway in an instant!

The golden light is overwhelmed. When everyone returns to God, tennis have jumped after the night's body.


This ball is just the thirty-sixth ball, the absolute forepapers of the night are broken, and the handcuffs Guiguang is the ultimate that the talents are very real.

If it is only to open the talents, the handcuffs may be the person closest to the god of tennis, because his talents are not the match, unless the night grows to open ancient and modern.

"The handcuffs are really do not leave anything, and the borders are dangerous!" Taicheng has a bit of gloating.

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