The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Tennis Prince Super Short System Chapter 409

I haven't come to you for a long time, and there is still some missing in the night.

Tennis courts, lockers, fitness, everything is familiar and strange.

"Oh Ha! Mina Sang!" The night's smile swept away from everyone's face.

Dry , Taicheng, Hall, no two, handcuffs, river village, big stone, nap pills, and new students are coming!

"Your kid is the last appearance, the champion's shelf is not the same!" Taicheng held a neck of the night.

Chrysanthemum also ran over, kneading the hair of the night, "the boy took a long time!"

The night is helpless, "It hurts, Taicheng, Chrysanthemum"! "

"Haha!" Qingxiang smiled.

"Changfeng, how have you returned to Neon?" I asked without two.

Night wind is not easy to escape the claws of Chrysanthemum and Taicheng. "Yesterday, I would like to play more in Hawaii!"

"Hawaii? Your might is going to Hawaii is actually not called us!" Chrysanthemum pinched the face of the night.

"Cut ~ I am going to you, I still play like this?" The night is in the heart.

"Okay!" Hands came to come, "Changfeng, you call everyone today, what is there?"

"Yes! Is it going to play?" .

"Cough!" Night long wind, cough, two, "Go to Temple!"

"Nani!" The young people looked at the night's wind, "Is it possible to see the red dust?"

"Oh! Of course not!" The night grew shook his head.

"What do you do?"

"Before defeating the Nansiela!" The night is growing.

"What is the never?" Asked in the tail.

Dry has spread the notebook in his hand, "The more the south of the south, the legend of the Qing Dynasty!"

At high school, he was hailed as a talented player who was "a rare" in a hundred years, in countless pairs, all of which were easily wins at 6-10.

After graduation, I came to the United States, known as the Samurai Nanxiao, and easily defeated the world's first player, and won 37 games in the World Tennis Open. Only a non-lost record can be a world champion, in this When he retired!

"What? Why is it retired!" Asked the end.

"Because he has already defeated all the masters, no one is his opponent!" Night flood.

"I remember the Samurai Nanxiao is the father of Longma!" Not smiling.

"Ah, is it the old dad of Longma?" The new three groups were surprised.

"Changfeng ..." Handcuffs Guo Guang's eyes looked at night long wind and did not speak.

"Let's go! The car is coming!" The night is waving.

A extension of Linkened came in, and the young people looked at this luxury car, and "hitting the trend!"


Lengthen Linken.

This night's long-term wind called the tennis weekly well helping the way, and the well didn't know where to get the address of the Nanxilang.

"Changfeng, how come you disappear, now the media in the world want to interview you!" Well.

"Ok, in the well! You don't have trouble, I will not accept any interviews! Wasting time, I haven't found your accounts yet! If you are playing me, you know The consequences! "Night long wind did not have a good way.

"Yes! Yes! This time the news is absolutely accurate!" The sweat of the forehead was touched.

To know that there is no one in the current publishing industry dare to sin, the night is long, he can give the tennis weekly to the acquisition in this circle in this circle in this circle.

It is unknown in Tokyo.

"I am the well-defense of tennis weekly, I am honored, the more the sorrowful of Nanxiao!" Said in the well.

The night-long looks at the middle-aged people who have nothing to wear in a black neon and still dress. "This is the legendary tennis god, the more the south of the south, this is too bad. ! "

"Oh! I am not Nanxiao, he has gone!" The middle-aged man deliberately imitated the accent of foreign .

"No, according to my intelligence, this temple has only one person in Nanxiao!" In the well.

"Are you really a Samuraan Sword Lang?" The tail took the head.

The middle-aged person touched the brain, "It's really trouble, I am not good at it and reporter and the little ghost! You are wrong, in the well! I am not Nanxiao! What do you do?"

······ Flowers ······

"Yes, we come here today to find some important things in Nanxiao!" Said in the well.

"What?" Asked in the middle of the middle-aged people.

"Ah! He replied!" Said the tail.

Middle-aged people hurry to cover their mouths, "Little ghost, you have heard it!"

"I am a bell!" The middle-aged people stood up, knocking on the ancient bell with a wooden stick, and the sound of the sound was passed.

"Dad, you don't install it!" Yue, Long Ma sudden appeared in front of everyone, behind him, Yue Dragon!

"Cut ~ How come two small breaks?" Middle-aged people boost helpless.


"Ah! Dark Dad of Longma! You are the Samurai Nanxiao!" The tail pointed out the middle-aged people.

"Little ghost, do you use this loud?" The closing of the south is also a big voice of the tail.

Laughing at night, I came out from the people, I took out my silver racket from the tennis bag, and the shot pole and poked the front of the south!

The wind blowing the shot and shot the hair of Nanxiro!

"Samurai Nanxiao, come with me!" Night windy horns.

"Oh? The young people are very powerful!" The closing the Nang Xilang looked at the teenagers in front of the eyes, and the figure that I saw on TV was completely overlapping together for a few weeks ago.

Isn't it the little child? The more the south of the south, the shot, and suddenly turned.

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