The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 412, Chapter 412, Chapter 412 of the Prince of Tennis

The no-winding of the night is more confusing, frequently lost!

The young people looked at all, and there had never had this situation in their impression, it seems that the night's wind is actually the rhythm of the hanging, and the more, Nanxuno is still a very much.

"This is the uncomfortable Samurai in the Longsi Coach," said the golden light in the eyes of the handfall.

"Speed, strength, running ... Every data of the long wind is even weakened! What happened?" Dry Herring was also shocked.

The touch of green rays linger on the night, and the night long style feels that the power of your body is generally flowing.

The first time in the world of this tennis, the night grew is born.

! The hands of the night, the hands of the wind actually hangs above the net, falling in his own half, rolling back to the foot of the night.

1-0! Grid yourself in Nanxiro! The face on the well is restored to the spirit, "Yes, the long wind is going to be too early to confirm the southern Lang!"

Call ~ ▉ ▉ ▉

This is the first serve that he has lost his soul.

"Changfeng ... how would be like this?" The new three groups were shocked. In their eyes, the long winds should be invincible, even the top professional players are not the opponents of the night.

However, the middle-aged people who did not take the edge in front of him had a absolute upper wind when they were in the dead, which made the threy of the threes not say.

"Is there anyone in this world than the long wind?"


"Is the real God of God?" The night is suddenly laughing. "Since you want to absorb, then come!"

The blood is constantly moving in the night growth, and the blood is opened directly!

The whole person ignited the bright red flame of the bears!

The closen the south of the South Shu, the 827, I feel a powerful force in the field of my God, and I broke through the limits that I can absorb!

The green light hovering on the night-catching body is almost a moment of batting in the night, and the fire is burned, and the heavens and the earth are burned.

The momentum of the night-catching wind is still rising, and the whole body has become a fire, the body's air is burned to deform!

"Haha, the long wind should be worn!" , "Come on, long wind, kill this bad old!"

The more you laugh, then it was haha ​​laughed, "Oh? I still see people who can break through my gods so soon, you are too interesting, more interesting than Longma, Haha! "

! The more the never raised his hand, it was a servant, so as a meteor lightning was blown on the louver foot!

In the eyes of the night, the flashes were flashed, and the whole person was jumped backwards, and I was straight to the air!

The golden fireball is actually taken in the air by the magnificent moment of the night, just like the time still.

! The night is waving, and the silver ray is flashing.

, tennis have appeared in front of the front of the front of the front of Nanxiao.


"Is this zero cutting ball?" The younger people were shocked, this is the same as the ball in the finals.

Super god-level zero-cutting!

340 chapter, bid

Tennis one instant from a location to another is like crossing the worm hole from a spatial node to another spatial node.

"This is the true differential trick!" The big stone sighed.


"Oh?" The closing the south of the south, "That is very interesting, the teenager!"

! The more Nansang once sent the ball again, and the seemingly ordinary serve was so like thunder, blowing in the lounge!

The blood in the night's heart is constantly boiling, the right foot is behind, the arm starts to rise three times, it looks very embarrassment!

"Yuanzu wave!" The night grew and drinked, the right hand is a big, the tennis explodes in the racket!

Boom ~ The high golden light column is ejected from the night long wind, the tennis and the air MO rubbing, the air has a sharp grief!

The more the south of the south, the golden light is flashing, and the wooden racket is full of gold!

! Grust Nanxra actually hardly harden the Yuanzu wave, the light column was rebounded in an instant, and it became twice to shoot the night.

"Ni!" The new three people have been surprised, and the broken racket is actually a big ball that is so huge!

In fact, any racket in the master is the most powerful weapon, and the more the god of tennis is, the Nansiao, that is, the branch and small stones can faint a huge wild boar!

"Good!" Looking at the increasing light column before his eyes, the night's excitement, the whole person burned into a flame in the air, "accepted a hundred times ancestor wave!"

This time, the noble arm of the night has a lot of four times, and the blood vessels are exposed, with blood, such as the river flowing into a line.

Boom ~ ▉ ▉

In the air, the air is constantly accelerating, just a few meters away, it has accelerated a hundred times, and the entire conical air energy layer is burned red!

The more the south of the South Lang, the color of the god, and he saw the power of this ball in a moment!

"The current teenager is really violent. It actually made a big force in a retired player!" After the Nansiela ridiculous, the wooden ball shining white light flashed with the sharp sharp warrior between the world! "

Boom ~ ▉ ▉, a small mushroom cloud rises, and the waves have poured a three-person three people outside the field.

"Too fierce!" Chrysanthemum pellets blocked the enthusiastic waves of the arms.

"Well!" Taicheng nodded, night long wind, this trick, a hundred times ancestor wave, no matter how many times will make him fear.

"Nani!" Let everyone think that the tennis actually appeared in front of the night.

The god of tennis, the more the Nanxiao did not damage the power of the night, and a relaxed look.

It is necessary to know that the handcuffs are hard to move, and the elbow is almost abolished, and the closing the south is not a matter.

"Samurai Nanxiao is the same as the long style, there is a beautiful giant strength in the body!" Ji Zhen cure slowly.

Night live wind, watching tennis that constantly rotating his eyes, no one is hesitant, the body is a big one in a moment, and the muscles are like a bodybuilder.

~ ▉ The long wind arm is once again raised again. This time directly rises much more than five times, and the blue blood is more excited to flow out, it seems very exaggerated and almost as big as people's body!

With a violent momentum, the night length wind is shot, and everyone even heard the sound of muscles and air Mo!

100 times mers!

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